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Tell me about Geocaching


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We did a little bit of geocaching, to spice up the hikes for the kids. They liked it for a bit, but it was not a major draw.

It did not get us any extra exercise, because we hiked a lot anyway, so whether there was a cache near the trail or not didn't really make any difference. But for people who don't walk much, this may be an incentive to walk more.

We have taken little rubber animals, stickers, funny erasers... it really does not matter. It should be something that does not degrade in cold/wet/hot weather, and certainly nothing edible.

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We used to geocache! For us it was the fun of searching and in the process discovering places we didn't know about before.


I agree with this. My mom really got into geocaching for several years before she passed away. I only cached with her, but It was really fun discovering all kinds of places in my city (parks, historical sites, etc.) that I hadn't known about. It was also fun when we traveled (road trips) to find a cache when we took a pit stop and to learn about historical monuments in cities we visited.


If you like it, get a paid membership because you will have access to many more caches. Also, there are lots of meet ups and events (like ice cream socials). I didn't go to any of those, but they sounded like fun and it seems attendees learn a lot about caching tips, games, etc.

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We have a geocaching app on our phone.  it points us to local caches.  Some caches are a bit off of the trail in brambles and I have to admit that I wasn't as fond of those.  Caches vary in size.  We've seen some tiny ones and much larger ones.  Obviously what will fit in one will vary due to the size.  We were often disappointed once we found a cache because someone had emptied it and had not put anything else in to replace what was taken out.  The suggestions of what to put in that other people have given are the kinds of things we took. 

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We loved geocaching from 2006 until my boys went to college.  We'd go at least once per week and it took us to a ton of interesting places.  The harder the cache was, the more we liked it.  We ended up skipping easy ones unless they gave us something as a milestone (new state or whatever).  We also loved caches that were at least a mile or two from the parking area as we could combine it with a decent hike.


After my boys left home hubby and I did some, generally on some of our Anniversary trips.  A couple trips revolved around doing a series of caches.


Gradually we gave that up.  Now we do none.  I didn't even think of looking for caches on our recent trip to Jordan.  (sigh)


"Dragons live forever, but not so little boys..." (from Puff the Magic Dragon)


Our life has changed.  For years it was a much loved blast our whole family enjoyed.  We still have a cache hidden on our farm, but I haven't checked it in a long time.  If you're thinking about doing it, go ahead and give it a try.

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