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Help with an anniversary gift idea please

Mama Geek

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Our 23rd anniversary is a a little less than a week from now.  We will likely eat dinner out and dh is talking about getting something in the range of $150 which I have been really wanting.  I really don't know what to get him.  He likes tools but has everything imaginable that we have room for, he will likely go back to veto dieting with me when we get home tomorrow from traveling so goodies are out.  What do guys really like to get for an anniversary gift?

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Will he be offended if you just flat out say you don't know what to get him, and don't want to guess on an expensive item? 


Alternately, can you go with a sentimental item and no mention of cost? A mug with your wedding photo on it if he drinks coffee. A small photo album from Walgreens or such, with some favorite pictures. That is what I would likely do. 

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Anything he's always wanted to learn? I've given my husband violin lessons (3 months rental of a violin and lessons) before, and I'm considering blacksmithing lessons (weekend's worth is about $150 here) for a present this year. I was going to do the blacksmithing for Solstice but he wanted to go to an aikido/iado seminar so that was what ended up happening. I haven't told him about the blacksmithing yet. :) Other things mine might enjoy are primitive living workshops at the local history museum or a cooking class/workshop (he's lately gotten into bread baking but also would like to learn more about various Asian cuisines, vegetarian cooking, and canning).

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