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All that talk about vomiting...


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where I mentioned how composed my children tend to be?  Well, two of them were very casual about it last night, letting us know that they just happened to throw up... EVERYWHERE!  On beds. On floors, in multiple rooms. On walls.


I'd say this was karma for complaining about dh's drama, but he actually took care of all the clean up last night.  He was, however, dramatic about that!  :tongue_smilie:

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I am so sorry!


We had frequent bouts of vomiting from the youngest last year until we identified the culprit - food dye.  He'd very calmly tell us he needed to use the restroom and then proceed to make a technicolor rainbow wherever he was.  It got to the point where I just tossed bedding rather than try to get bright green out of it.  Again.


On another note, why is it that everything that is marketed to kids has an obscene amount of artificial dye?  Even things that shouldn't.  Ugh. 

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This is why I'm such a hard ass about the kids having their rooms neat and clean before going to bed.  Every time they complain about picking their stuff up, I ask them, "How are we going to wash the puke off this stack of Very Important Papers later?  Or these library books? Or this Lego creation? Or this pile of random bits of salvaged trash you plan to spin into gold?"


A friend of ours got food poisoning while visiting once and threw up all over the wall in one of our bathrooms.  We tried to clean it, but it took primer and two coats of paint to make it disappear.


Hope the pukers and cleaners feel better soon!

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This is why I'm such a hard ass about the kids having their rooms neat and clean before going to bed.  Every time they complain about picking their stuff up, I ask them, "How are we going to wash the puke off this stack of Very Important Papers later?  Or these library books? Or this Lego creation? Or this pile of random bits of salvaged trash you plan to spin into gold?"


A friend of ours got food poisoning while visiting once and threw up all over the wall in one of our bathrooms.  We tried to clean it, but it took primer and two coats of paint to make it disappear.


Hope the pukers and cleaners feel better soon!




I'm glad to hear it's not just my kids with their random crap/trash. 

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You guys are scarin me... is there a big stomach bug going around now?  I used to not be "scared" of it, because I never had one that wasn't over in a day or two.  So I always thought, no big deal, at least it's short.


Last year I got sick with something that lasted a week, and I ended up in the ER from dehydration.  I have never vomited/had diarrhea that long!  I never even knew it was possible!  On top of it, because I couldn't keep my Effexor down, I was having Effexor withdrawal in addition to it all!  Now I'm scared of stomach bugs....

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This is why I'm such a hard ass about the kids having their rooms neat and clean before going to bed.  Every time they complain about picking their stuff up, I ask them, "How are we going to wash the puke off this stack of Very Important Papers later?  Or these library books? Or this Lego creation? Or this pile of random bits of salvaged trash you plan to spin into gold?"



LOL!  I love the way you put that into words!  

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