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The Week Before Christmas Teachers Lounge 12-18-2017


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It was the week before Christmas and all through the house

Every mama was stirring, as busy as a mouse

Hanging those stocking by the chimney with care

Hoping that those final school lessons might just dare

Be done in time for Christmas break

So kids could sleep in, and mama just may

be able to get those final presents wrapped

while Dad shoveled the drive,

all snug in his cap.


Well, part of that is if you live where it snows! Which I don't. At least, it doesn't usually snow here. About once every 10 years or so. We're in the "or so" part right now, so maybe it will!  :p 


What are you up to today? Here: I have a party to go to tonight, that I organized. I planned on working on the present this weekend but wound up being sick so I need to do that TODAY. Might be another light school day for the kids.


Are you on break already? If so, what fun activities are you doing? Here: not yet! Still need to get a few lessons in before we break for two weeks. DD only did half her chem final on Friday. Due to her learning challenges, I'm fine with that. But she needs to finish TODAY. She said the formatting was a little different than the normal lessons so it threw her a bit. Hopefully, now that she's aware of the difference, she can just push through today.


For those wanting an update on my mom and my travel plans: my sister talked to me on Saturday. She went out for a visit from Thursday through yesterday. She said Mom had deteriorated rapidly just in the 48 hours she's been there.  :( My decision right now is to wait to go until after Christmas. It may very well be for a funeral and I'm at peace with that. I know I'll see her again in eternity! I may also only take my son with me. I asked dd about going, giving her the choice. She really doesn't have a desire to see her Nana in this present state. (more to that story for a later time). I've been thinking that since I took dd with me when my dad died, this time I'll take my son with me. We can only do so much, you know?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I am sorry about your mom, Scrap. Blessings on whatever you plan to do, travel-wise. 


Waiting for my new-to-me fridge to arrive (see the tackle thread). Not much to do til that is complete. Then a flurry of activity: moving furniture, crate the dog, move the food, drive with the movers to friends' house to deliver my fridge to them. 


When all that is over, I will figure out dinner.



School has been done for a week b/c my kids have had the flu. Dd will take her math test tomorrow am and be completely done. Ds is better than dd. She had a bad cold, then the flu and now has a lingering cough. they are both really tired. Hopefully, they will be more themselves by Christmas!








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It's the week before Christmas,

and school here is done!

now on to the cooking, the baking, and fun.

The teen's in the kitchen,

making fudge with his dad,

the small one is near,

trying to sneak just a tad


The morning passed quickly

when I ran to the store

for small stocking toys,

toothbrushes and more


I found a GIANT bag of chocolates there

and a stuffed pony as tall as a real live bear

(didn't bring either home, but the temptation was real

if only the pocketbook matched all my heart's feel)


Tonight we play games and watch a cartoon,

After the child goes to bed, National Lampoon



Scrap, I'm sorry to hear about your mom at this time,

The holidays are tough, condolences are hard in a rhyme

I wish you peace, and a safe trip when you go,

and the knowledge that we're always here for you, so

if you need a shoulder, or just welcome ears

the Hive is available, and always right here. :grouphug:

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So sorry to hear that your mom is fading fast. Hugs and prayers for you.  :grouphug:


I live in a snowy and cold part of the world, and am trying to avoid shovelling snow at the moment. Opting to just drive over it with the van and pretend it's not there.  :laugh:  Ignoring the cold is harder. I'm just staying inside as much as I can.


I've been sick for 3 weeks, and haven't had the energy to do hardly any Christmas preparations other than concert stuff that just can't wait. Fortunately, some of the non-sick dc have been wonderful by putting up the outdoor and indoor Christmas decorations and tree. They rock! School has been mostly just music practicing (for concerts) and a little math for the last 3 weeks. 

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So sorry to hear that your mom is fading fast. Hugs and prayers for you. :grouphug:


I live in a snowy and cold part of the world, and am trying to avoid shovelling snow at the moment. Opting to just drive over it with the van and pretend it's not there. :laugh: Ignoring the cold is harder. I'm just staying inside as much as I can.


I've been sick for 3 weeks, and haven't had the energy to do hardly any Christmas preparations other than concert stuff that just can't wait. Fortunately, some of the non-sick dc have been wonderful by putting up the outdoor and indoor Christmas decorations and tree. They rock! School has been mostly just music practicing (for concerts) and a little math for the last 3 weeks.

Too bad we aren't neighbors as my oldest child loves shoveling snow...he gets annoyed when we don't have enough snow to shovel much and will often finish our house and then do the neighbor's.

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I'm sorry to hear about your mom.   :grouphug:


Today was supposed to be a totally laid-back, do nothing but relax and a very small amount of cleaning up, hanging stockings, setting up the nativity.  Instead I had to run with my oldest up to her school.  I posted months ago about how they had sent her a bunch of refunds while she was still there, we called and confirmed that they were legit (confusing because her dad paid a portion and I didn't have details of what he did), but then a year after she graduated they sent her a bill because the refunds were a mistake THEY MADE when they switched their system over.  After talking to a ton of people and being passed back and forth between student accounts, loan processing, and financial aid we got the whole thing straightened out.   Sort of.  We had to set up a payment plan for her to pay it back.   I helped her out because they kept telling her stuff that was BS and she didn't have the experience to realize.   We were told at the time that she would still be able to register for classes when she returned for grad school.  The ONLY reason we went along with the payment plan and didn't fight it further (probably wouldn't have gotten us anywhere but we would have tried) was because we knew she was going to grad school there and wanted her account clear.   


So, she goes to register and there's a hold on her account.  She calls and they tell her she can't register while on a payment plan.  :glare:  We head up there (it's only 30-45 minutes away outside of rush hour) to talk to them.  Usually they do not allow anyone to register while on a payment plan.  Because we had detailed notes on every person we spoke to, when we spoke to them, what we were told, etc. including details about their computer switch that caused the problem, and emphasized that IT WAS THEIR FAULT, she lifted the hold and dd was able to register.  She also put in a note that they have agreed to let her register while making payments so hopefully she won't have this problem in the Fall.


I think we're on break now.  I was having them watch Great Courses but I don't know if I'm even going to bother with that.  My science classes are done but I received an email about doing some freelance work for my old job.   I don't NEED to do the freelance work, but I like keeping my skills up, and it's good to have recent references and experience if I ever do need to go back to work.  Plus they pay really well for just a few hours of work that I can do from home when I have the time.

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Dorothy, sorry about all the confuddleness with your dd and her university money. I think they should just.let.it.be. since it was their fault in the first place!


Wintermom, what kind of bug did you catch that has you down for the count for 3 weeks? bronchitis?


I went to a Secret Santa gift exchange with some writer friends tonight. I was the one to organize it and we had a blast!


See you all tomorrow!

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