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The Fired by Chemistry Teachers Lounge 12-14-2017


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Good morning, almost afternoon, and welcome to the Lounge!


Today's theme stems from the fact that in history today we read about the Great London Fire of 1666

AND from my daughter passing another chemistry quiz with 100%!  :hurray:  Thus the "Fired by Chemistry" theme. Made you look!  :coolgleamA:



What are you all studying today? Here: my son's only mandatory assignments for today were to read a chapter in Stowaway and to read some Scripture. He chose Ezra 2, which he told me, laughing, "It's all names!"  :laugh: DD's only assignment was the Chemistry quiz. Tomorrow is her Chem Final and she'll be done with Chemistry!  :hurray:



Other than school, what's on the schedule today? Here: since dd's and my Girls Night Out didn't exactly work out as planned last night, we're doing a redo today. Plus I have coupons for JoAnn that are good as of today. Hoping to get a smoking deal on some Christmas decor! Specifically, some stocking holders.


If you were to get a decent but relatively cheap lunch somewhere (other than home), where would you go? Here: don't know yet. I have a bazillion coupons for Burger King but am kind of tired of that. I'd do Wendy's but that's not exactly cheap, either. Plus, when I throw in trying to avoid gluten and corn, that makes it problematic. Suggestions helpful!


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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What are you studying today? Your must do assignments sound similar to mine, we did our devotional, my big boy has an anatomy and physiology test and a history test today. The younger boy just worked on his multiplication facts with skip counting and we all listened to the last two chapters of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, I loved it and cried a bit at the end!



Other than school, what's on the schedule today? Housekeeping and Christmas play practice.


Other than home, cheap and decent lunch places? I dint know, I think Denny's

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Today my 8 year old and 4 year old are playing Monopoly. This is many lessons. Math for both. The ds4 is the banker, he is tasked with trying to figure it out and when he needs help to ask for it. Ds8 will help but he is also tasked with allowing his brother to try first and to explain the math so ds4 can learn. This was their choice! I have washed my hands of the disaster this may turn into.


Other than that no one is doing any real work. We will start that back up in January I think.


Today we are making Christmas cards and trying to entertain ourselves. We're going stir crazy since we've been in the house since Monday. But with the stomach bug we had earlier this week we don't want to spread it. We're staying in until Saturday night assuming no one else shows symptoms.

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Today was the last day of my science classes until after the New Year and the kids have a friend over, so no school today.   Right now they are playing Mario Cart.  


Nothing else on the agenda except pageant practice tonight.   Probably should have them go to TKD since I totally vegged out yesterday and forgot to bring them.    :huh:


My favorite inexpensive eat-out places are Wendy's for drive-thru and Panera for sit-down.   I'm not sure how well either would be for gluten free.  I love Panera's broccoli cheddar soup in a bread bowl.   :drool5:

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We didn't study today. :)  It's the end of our school week and the beginning of vacation here.


Instead, today was a snow day.  Ds7 and I went out and played then shoveled the drive and street.  Okay, *I* did most of the shoveling. :laugh:  He built a fort.  Dh is still broken, but getting better, so after I finished outside he had cocoa waiting for us and played a board game with ds in front of the fireplace (heat was out, but we still had warmth!). 


I finally got a hot shower after we got power back and haven't done much else today.  Here in a few I'll make dinner - beef lo mein.  We have yet to find good Chinese food here but I now have a decent sized recipe book that I've collected! 


Scrap, I would choose Qdoba.  I know it's a little late now.  But they do burrito bowls that I fill with rice, chicken, and vegetables - no corn, no gluten, though cross contamination could be a possibility.

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Ds is finishing up a few of his subjects for this semester(geography, earth science, grammar, and Spanish). He has tests tomorrow in all of them, and he'll be done until January. 


I took my best friend to lunch today. Dd got home last night, and in about an hour we are all four going out to dinner at a new restaurant and to see the new Star Wars movie. 


For me one of the best meals out that is cheap is a plate of hibachi at a Japanese fast food restaurant. I get two meals out of it easily. 


My next favorite is a bowl at Moe's. The place we are trying tonight is a local version of that. 


My nephew had to eat gluten free, and he could always eat the grilled chicken nuggets at Chick-Fil-A as well as the fries and fruit. I don't know about how much corn might be present, though. 







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Woohoo for toyr dd, Scrap!!

No school here today b/c my kids have the flu. Ds is on the mend, but dd is still very sick.


Not exactly studying, but I just finished reading The Armada by Garrett Mattingly. A great look into the details of the Spanish Armada and Elizabethan England.


For the meal, how inexpensive? Under $10 or under $5? Under 5, hard to do exvept mexican or fast food. Under $10, I'd get greek salad at a middle eastern place or hit the Whole Foods soup/salad/ hot food bar.Not suoer cheap, but good and all ingredients are labeled. My Kroger has good sushi, if that is an option. Several local pizza places do gf here.

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I'm thinking I'm just going to start buying my son sushi at our closest grocery store (Fry's/Fred Meyer/Kroger). The sushi deli does $5.00 Wednesdays. It's a decent serving of what I call "beginner sushi" (no raw fish) for $5.00.


Right now, I'm worn out. More and more I'm convinced I'm in perimenopause. Now to figure out how to help myself with all the 'fun' stuff that comes with it. Blah. I really don't have the funds to go see Mom AND see a naturopathic doctor. 


Tomorrow both dh and I get paid but that won't last long, of course. Ah, well, I'll be thankful I have the money to at least pay most of our bills!


I'm actually looking forward to Christmas BECAUSE we have established a tradition of after opening stockings and having breakfast, we then head out to see a movie together. This year: the remake of JUMANJI. Looks like a good rendering for a remake!

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