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The My Feet Hurt Teachers Lounge 12-12-2017


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Good morning, all!


Today's theme stems from the fact that I worked at my security job on Sunday, which means I was on my feet for close to a total of 7 hours, first half on concrete, second half on the football field which is actually dirt and grass (thankfully). And then yesterday, the day after, we went to the zoo, where I was on my feet for about a total of 3, mostly on asphalt, although maybe just under an hour on a dirt path.

Today when I got out of bed, my feet complained. Can you blame them?  ;)


What aches and pains are you dealing with today? Here: besides the feet, even though I tried to avoid it, I must have eaten something with corn in it yesterday, or the recent particular organic wheat bread I purchased isn't truly organic, because my stomach was complaining this morning.


What's on the schedule today? Here: I have a ridiculous amount to get done today. I need to study and I'm behind on that already today. Need to look through some lessons as I haven't done that. Get some schooling in with the kids. We'll see how that goes. The kids have taekwondo tonight. And still try to figure out when to go see Mom. I'm really leaning towards leaving December 26. The more I pray about it and think it through, the more that makes sense, for a variety of reasons. She may or may not make it until then but I have no control over that. One day at a time, right?


Talk to me! :bigear:



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Hi! We're finally moving this morning and I'm grateful that I'd planned a lite week this week because if I hadn't , we'd be in some trouble. Younger Ds woke in the middle of the night complaining of a sore throat, he did eventually go back to sleep TWO hours later! Of course, that means we got up later than usual too. We've had breakfast, done some review, listened to two chapters of our audiobook, sprayed Nature's Miracle on cat pee on couch. Really hoping this works because I'd like to keep the cat. Anyway, we're going to go for a walk, do instrument practice and get some laundry done. Yesterday was day 1 without cable and it was pretty darn ok, I guess it'll be that way when you're not watching it anyway.

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I spent the hours between 1am and 3am in the bathroom puking my guts out.that is over but my body still aches and stomach still not agreeable. So lying in bed, sleeping, and trying to get through the days is on my schedule.


Dh went to the store for easy food things the kids can help with so I don't have to cook! I really hope no one else gets sick. The 2 girls seem fine. The baby started all this 2 nights ago with puke but he was fine quickly. Then ds8 got it Sunday night. Ds4 has diarrhea but no vomiting. I really hope no one else vomits.

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Hi Scrap! 


I hope you can put your feet up today, at least some. 


Today my chest hurts. I've been dealing with a terrible sinus infection/cold since Thursday and some pleurisy has developed, making it painful to breath deeply or cough. Sore throat too. Ds is also sick (though he has only a fever and seems to be improving rapidly this afternoon.) and dd is at tutorial, so we are mostly lounging today. I have done some housework. This afternoon: read and nap, pick up dd, possibly watch a movie with kids. Sliding rapidly into Christmas break here. 


Hjffkj, I am sorry you have a stomach bug and I hope you feel better soon!




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15 more minutes and I"m done with my science stuff for today.  The kids weren't overly into dissecting owl pellets so we finished up early.  They are playing a game.  

I think I'm going to do the bird activities with my K-2nd class on Thursday.


When I get home I have to clean up and put away all my supplies, then work on my freelance assignment. 


My feet hurt a lot.  I had plantar fasciitis that hasn't been bad lately because I wear really good shoes when I'm going to be on my feet.  I actually need new ones and I think Dh and my mother are going in on them together since they are around $100 (Brooks sneakers).  

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Okay, I have to brag on my 19yo daughter a bit. I don't remember in which forum I posted about my daughter struggling with chemistry so I'll just brag here: she finally got a 100% on a chem test! Not her final (which will be by the end of the week) but still an amazing feat for her! She was so happy!

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I've been having quite a bit of foot pain lately too just in one foot. I suspect there's something wrong but haven't done anything about it . I really need to get some good indoor shoes because we have tiles and standing on them all day messes with both my feet and hips.


On the schedule - finish DS mathbook for the year! Tidy the kids bedrooms and hope that the lost library book turns up. Maybe go to the library but it's so hot today. Motivation isn't that great. Looking forward to the the cool change. No one could sleep well last night so I'm finding it hard to get moving.

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Okay, I have to brag on my 19yo daughter a bit. I don't remember in which forum I posted about my daughter struggling with chemistry so I'll just brag here: she finally got a 100% on a chem test! Not her final (which will be by the end of the week) but still an amazing feat for her! She was so happy!



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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Thank you all. I slept on and off all day and now feel pretty good. My stomach is still tender but dh bought me plenty of soup and bananas. Ds4 must be sick because when I woke up he was sleeping in my bed, he never naps anymore.


Hopefully by tomorrow we'll all be done with this. But niether girl has shown any signs of illness so I'm still worried about them.

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Ausmom, here's to ds finishing his math book for the year! :hurray:


What is your high temp over there today?

38C so just over 100F. Not too crazy for this time of summer I just don't love the heat and none of us could sleep well last night.


Yes I will be so happy to be done with Math! I feel like we've really earned our holidays this year...

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