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My soul, but I'm bored tonight!!!

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Fridays used to be fun, remember??? What happened? Did I get *gulp* old??? When?? When did that happen??




What are you up to tonight? I'm watching the NASCAR truck race (soon to start) with my dh and my sick ds. Youngest ds is running around like a loon, and dd is in the shower.



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I'm burning DVDs of the weeks Homesat High School classes (i'm behind and running out of disk space).


DH just got back from getting a soda and visiting the neighbor. He's now making chocolate chip cookies....


1 kid in bed, 1 going to get told to go, and then there will be one.


I haven't had an "exciting and fun" friday night in a longgggg time! LOL!!

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I'm reading the boards while waiting for our friends up the street to come over at 8:30 for wine and baked brie. We try to get together with our friends once or twice a week. They are excited to see my new kitten.




Do you have pictures of your new kitchen? I'd love to see it :D


Wine and baked brie, huh? I'll be right over! :auto:

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I am bored too! I've also been sick, so I've been moping around the house for 3 days. We just finished leftovers for dinner. Ds asked if I would take him to Walgreens inbetween two shows he is watching. I told him to ask dad. I haven't even showered today and I'm thinking that is going to be the highlight of my evening.


My nano story is coming along nicely, but I think I'm done working on it until tomorrow.


I'm glad I had fun in my 20's, the 40's seem to be slowing down. :lol::lol:



NASCAR moment:

(I really don't want Jimmie Johnson to win the cup championship this year. I'd like Carl Edwards to pull it off instead)

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Slow night here. I'm waiting for dh to finish reading to the kids and for them to go to bed. Then we're ordering Chinese. I wish we had a good movie, I think the most recent Netflix arrival is "SpeedRacer". :001_huh: Um, no thanks.


I had the biggest crush on Speed Race when I was about 7. I couldn't sit through 10 minutes of the latest movie, even ds fell asleep.

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Okay....here is the kitchen! It's got an eating area and two cooking areas (one area with a sink and cooktop; the other with a sink and the ovens). We recently put in the floor (Brazilian teak) ourselves. But, lol, in my OP I said my friends were coming to see the new kitten, not the new kitchen. Tee hee. Here's the kitchen anyway. It's fairly new!












Edited by Ria
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I am bored too! I've also been sick, so I've been moping around the house for 3 days. We just finished leftovers for dinner. Ds asked if I would take him to Walgreens inbetween two shows he is watching. I told him to ask dad. I haven't even showered today and I'm thinking that is going to be the highlight of my evening.


My nano story is coming along nicely, but I think I'm done working on it until tomorrow.


I'm glad I had fun in my 20's, the 40's seem to be slowing down. :lol::lol:



NASCAR moment:

(I really don't want Jimmie Johnson to win the cup championship this year. I'd like Carl Edwards to pull it off instead)




Sorry you aren't feeling well. Too bad I'm trying to diet....I could really go for some ice cream right about now....with peanut butter on it. :D

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Ohhhh, that is pretty!!!!! dang.... kitchen envy! LOL!!


My night just got worse - DH apparently didn't hear the, "yes, cookie dough would be good" and baked it all in a sheet cookie :glare:


Really, i wanted ice cream - the cookie dough was going to be a compromise. I might as well go to bed. HMPH.

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I have wanted a Bengal for so long. What a cutie you got!!!


I adopted a high risk dog from a shelter not too long ago, because she likes to eat kitties :( I feel great about providing her a home she may not have otherwise but I sure want one of those kitties for myself!



Here is the new kitten. She's a Bengal, 8 weeks old. She's sleeping on my husband.





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I have to say I am bored. Hubby is working overtime and though I miss him I am a happy camper that he has a job.


Nice kitten:) and kitchen Ria........I was just thinking about my side by side fridge on how to organize it. It drives me crazy. Mine is enclosed like yours so I have to get the same size if I replace it. Wondering how the freezer on bottom/fridge on top works?


Here is our new Pembroke Corgi. My MIL works at a vet and the mom/dog wouldn't feed her so she was bottle raised. She has been such a delight around here. Well at least until she learned that dirt+water ='s mudd. :lol:





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. . . looking for some things to add to my queue that I might actually want to watch.


As I think I've shared previously, my husband is all about the TV. It's on more or less from the time we finish dinner until he goes to sleep. And, if he's home alone, it's on all the time.


If I want to be in the room with him, I pretty much have to watch TV. So, I'm looking desperately for something -- ANYthing -- I can stand to watch. And I'm not having much luck.


The only current series I'm still watching are Numb3rs and Chuck (and, honestly, if Numb3ers went off the air tomorrow I probably wouldn't notice). So, I'm digging through Netflix looking for movies and/or series we could watch.


Earlier, I took my son to dance class (from 4:30 - 7:00) and ran out to the health food store for more protein powder so we can have smoothies for breakfast. Then I sat at the dance school and read a book I'm not really enjoying because it was the only thing that looked mildly appealing when I was at the library the other day.


So, yeah, I'm pretty bored, too.

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Fridays used to be fun, remember??? What happened? Did I get *gulp* old??? When?? When did that happen??




What are you up to tonight?


Hubs and I are in cozy jammie pants, he's reading You Wouldn't Want to be an Aztec Sacrifice with Moose, and Pie is building Lego bombs. We've finished dinner, we're going to watch Sky High one more time before sending it back to Netflix, and have cookies later. Nightnight by about 930.


We are old, graying, and quite boring. :confused:

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I completely don't know what you are talking about. I have always been a Friday night partier and always will be. I know how to tear up a Friday night baby! A few weeks ago Tony and I were in Atlanta and we only had the 2 yr old with us. During a wonderful dinner at a Uncle Julio's Mexican Restaurant I looked over at him and said, "You want to do something really crazy on a Friday night??" ;) ;) Of course he was all for crazy things at night... :lol: I said, "When we leave here let's go cruise Whole Foods for snacks to take back to the hotel room!!" Woohoo!! Party on baby!!!

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I completely don't know what you are talking about. I have always been a Friday night partier and always will be. I know how to tear up a Friday night baby! A few weeks ago Tony and I were in Atlanta and we only had the 2 yr old with us. During a wonderful dinner at a Uncle Julio's Mexican Restaurant I looked over at him and said, "You want to do something really crazy on a Friday night??" ;) ;) Of course he was all for crazy things at night... :lol: I said, "When we leave here let's go cruise Whole Foods for snacks to take back to the hotel room!!" Woohoo!! Party on baby!!!


This sounds like the plot from a paperback!

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