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Are we sick? Or allergies?


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My whole family keeps getting sick. Like, we go to bed fine, and wake up feeling rough. It might run a 2-3 week thing, or we might be better in the morning. Four of us woke up today congested, coughing, slight fever, and exhausted.


Can it be allergies with a fever and body aches? It's just weird how it comes and goes so quickly. I'm hoping this is a quick one!

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I hate to say it, but I think you're probably sick. :(


My allergies are acting up at this time of the year, but I have never gotten a fever with them. I do get headaches, but not generalized body aches.


I'm sorry you guys aren't feeling well, but at least it's this week and not on Thanksgiving... :grouphug:

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I'm serious -- try Elderberry Syrup!  I heard about it on here and I swear by it now.  I was getting sick and it stopped it.  Worked for DH too.  My boys are taking the elderberry gummies to prevent sickness.  Hoping it works.  It's worth a try for your family.  There have been recent threads on here about it, including recipes for making your own elderberry syrup.  I have to head out the door or I would link them...

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Do you have any itching at all? That's a sign for me that it's allergies at work. I also look for allergic shiners in my kids. If I don't get on top of my DSs allergies, he will quickly transition to sinus and ear infections, then upper respiratory thanks to the post nasal drip.

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I do get mild fever with allergies as does my DS12. Is it dry at night where you are? If humidity is low at night for us, it is guaranteed that we would all wake up coughing. We feel lots better after a glass of milk and my kids usually go back to sleep.


My husband gets the fever with the flu so there is no mistaking it for allergy. His whole face turns reddish when having a fever.



The library air-con makes us cough too sometimes and we feel our throats getting dry.

Edited by Arcadia
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Thank you for the ideas. I've been dozing off and on for the last few hours, and woke up chilled and so achey. I'm definitely sick. This is SO inconvenient because I have multiple obligations this week. I accidentally fell asleep earlier, and dh took care of all the kids, and shut the bedroom door so I'd stay asleep. That was nice! Here's hoping I can sleep it off quickly!

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