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Need to replace IEW


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My current 5th grader and I have been using Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) all last school year and 2 months into this school year. I've watched the TWSS DVD's (a few times) and then have tried to implement on my own (i.e. without the student watching the DVD in SWI) using their method and stories. It takes SOOOO long to do one story. And while he has learned a couple things, I just don't feel that we're making progress or that this method is working for us. It gets skipped a lot because I just don't want to figure out again how to make it work for him-seems like it's the same old, same old thing each time. I think I have a fairly good understanding of the program-I'm sure I could teach it to someone like myself, but teaching it to someone who doesn't like to write--that's another story. It's just not working for us, so I need to find something different.


I would like something that is not DVD based, I'm fine teaching-because that way I can see what he's learning better. He's behind already, and generally hates writing more than a paragraph at a time, so something maybe starting at a lower grade level. Workbook is fine-great actually, and I think I might like something broken up in small chunks. I really would like something that would teach in small increments, but consistently moving forward, And I want him to learn various types of writing: persuasive, reports, stories, etc. I also generally seem to prefer non-specific-grade-level stuff....but at this point, I would look into anything, really.


Suggestions? Thanks so much!

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I would highly recommend CAP Writing and Rhetoric.  We love how it gently scaffolds through imitation and guided exercises.  It is very rewarding and easy to teach.  It is not grade level specific.  Look at the samples to get a feel.  It's lovely, creative and rigorous.  The only downside is that it can take a little longer to get to the more traditional reports, but the long term goals get there.  But if you're planning to go into a traditional school environment in a year or two, they won't necessarily be doing the same things because they start with one type of writing and then add others in the classical steps instead of teaching all types of writing at once.  If he's a highly creative story lover, I'd look at CAP. They start with summarizing, amplifying and eventually writing your own fable in the first book, and then they go to narratives, and build from there into more academic outlines and writing.


Another option is Writing with Skill.  This might be slightly advanced for him until next year, but it goes through methodically teaching summaries, outlining, narratives, etc. and builds to the reports.  It can be a little wordy, but it's all in the book and very thorough.  It also uses quality literature.  There is a generous sample on the WTM website. It's not as "fun" as CAP, but thorough and easy to implement.  It definitely fits your need of incremental steps.  But students often need to wait until 6th grade for the maturity to catch up.




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Have you looked at Writing and Rhetoric? It's worked well for my boys who don't like to write. It's a little bit of writing every day and the activities are varied. 


Thanks, I've just finished checking it out and will probably do that. 


Do you feel that the TM is useful? Or, as oftentimes is the case, it's not needed? Thanks!

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Thanks, I've just finished checking it out and will probably do that. 


Do you feel that the TM is useful? Or, as oftentimes is the case, it's not needed? Thanks!

I feel it is useful.  You would not know the dictation prompts or sample answers without it, and there a lot of good teaching notes.  Some people use just the TM and have the student write out responses on paper, but there are a lot of fill in the blanks in the early levels that would require a lot more writing without the student workbook.  Sometimes Mardel (if in your area) has it on sale, and CAP runs sales periodically too.  It's usually $35 a course for both books on Rainbow Resource.

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If you do want IEW to work for you better, I would start with simple paragraphs using this resource: http://iew.com/shop/products/writing-source-packet.  Keep doing simple paragraphs with the Key Word Outline/ write sequence until they become easy.  Then move onto another unit - such as adding dress ups. Keep doing each unit over and over until it becomes easy.  If you progress through the units this way, writing won't be as difficult.  Sometimes, IEW progresses through the units fairly quickly - especially if the writer is struggling.  Just do the same unit until it's like a well oiled machine.  It also allows you to "back up" without him knowing you are.  

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I have tried IEW and feel similarly. My oldest is working through Memoria Press’ Classical Composition but it looks like a bit much for my middle kiddo. I was excited to see that CAP has a similar approach as MP but starts simpler and earlier so we are going to try that next semester.

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I heartily recommend an inexpensive workbook called 180 Days of Writing that fits your requirements perfectly. We are using the 5th grade workbook, and every other week there is a writing prompt (the alternate weeks the student works on grammar and editing sample pieces). Each day is just one page. Day 1 might be sorting out facts & opinions from a list, or narrowing down which statements are part of a given topic, or brainstorming pros & cons. Day 2 is a rough paragraph, basically using the information from day 1. Days 3 & 4 work on some writing skill - maybe combining sentences, choosing stronger verbs, or using quotation marks. The student is to look at their rough draft and make those kinds of changes in their writing. Then on day 5 the final paragraph is written. Then the next week there is more grammar/editing work and less composition. All types of writing are covered, and it is really painless.



RR has more sample pages: http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/sku/031848

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My recommendation would be to work through WWE 3 or 4, in order to solidify the basic skills of copywork, dictation, and narration. Either level is fine; IMO, there is not much difference between them (level 4 provides an additional year of work for those who need it). You might consider doubling up on some days (e.g., complete Day 1 and Day 2 on the same day). Accelerating WWE is quite reasonable and easy to do. Another alternative for accelerating might be to work through only odd-numbered weeks. However, there is no hurry. IMO, there would be no harm in taking all of 5th grade to work on the skills of WWE 3 (or 4). When your son can comfortably manage the skills that are tested at the end of Level 3 (or 4), it might be time to move on to WWS 1. 


With WWS 1, you will probably want to work through the lessons at a slower-than-scheduled pace. What I mean by this is that one "week" will likely often take more than one actual week to complete (though not always). While WWE "days" can be doubled up, one "day's" work in WWS can often take 2 or 3 days to complete, especially as the assignments become increasingly complex. If you completed the first 10-12 weeks of WWS 1 in 6th grade, you would have all of 7th to finish the course. HTH.

Edited by Sahamamama2
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