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World Geography game suggestions please.

Trivium Academy

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Next year ds4 will be doing Galloping the Globe in K and recently dd8 has been studying South America. Shameful but I just broke the plastic on a game I purchased earlier this year (as in Jan or Feb) and realized Where in the World? was a bit more heftier than I thought it would be.


We used the South America board and just quizzed each other back and forth about the names of SA countries and their capitals. It worked but the small game pieces will not work for ds4 next year.


I see City, Country World at RR, as well as Name That Country- does anyone have these? Do you like them? OR should I get a talking globe for the kids? A talking globe would be used more but the cost :svengo:


Depending on what I decide to get the kids- it might be added to their Christmas list ;) for the grands (who are breathing down my neck for a list!)


Homemade game ideas are welcome too! I'm googling...

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Hi, Jessica!


Have you looked at the MindWare catalog? I remember seeing a geography game there...I believe it's called Atlas Adventures. Hope this helps!:001_smile: Also, we have the Smartglobe and my boys LOVE it! I found it on clearance after Christmas last year at Target.

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Agreeing w/ the pp's suggestion of MapTangle. It's great for kids who like to move, lol.


Also, you could get an inflatable ball that has states/capitals or countries/capitals, I think. I have one of the states ones -- can't remember if I got it through RR or a local teaching store. You can play some different variation on games w/ them. This is not what we have, but it's a similar idea:


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Rainbow resource has quite a few games both board and card games.

What is your goal with the games?


An expensive globe and a child and a timer and a stack of question can be fun too. Have the kids come up with the question come up with your own and the timer is to beat their own time and not the other persons time. For younger children the question could be where is Mexico and for the older child it could be where was the Statue of Liberty made at. Then you could also do a mommy list of question and join the fun.


With the maptangle we play it not only the way they do it in the video but I have 3x5s cards where I say a language and they have to hop a countries or country that speaks that language. Since it has continents not so much countries I also have 3x5 that list countries and they have to hop on the continent. Or we throw the bean bag over our head and where it lands we have to talk about the climate/weather land forms there.

We do the same thing with animals that are found in area.

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Well I wanted something that we could play to know the countries and capitals but I was hoping to find something by continent so that if we were studying South America (like we just did) we could focus only on South America. But we also need something a little lighter for K, Map Tangle will work for that.


You have some great ideas!

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We had a geography coop which met to play games and present reports on different countries or states depending on age level.

Mad dash and Take off were popular as they are fun even if you don't know much yet. Carmen Sandiego was also high in demand after they had a few facts under their belt.


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We really liked Carmen Sandiego software, both the Where in the World and (especially) Where in Time games. These would be for Camille, of course.

You could make some homemade bingo/lotto games with the country outlined on the boards (maybe make 4 or 5 for each continent), and some of the countries filled in (to make it a little easier). Make a stack of cards with the names of the countries, then call them out. Child puts a marker of some sort (bean, rock, Skittle!) on the country. First to fill the card wins. You could use the same template for another game where you include mountain ranges, capitols and rivers--I'd keep it simple until they learn the countries, then go to the cards where they'd fill in the other stuff.

Does that make sense? I'm brainstorming here! You could go continent by continent.

Oh, and do you have Geography Songs? It's a little annoying, but dd liked it.

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Here's a post I wrote in another thread:


professor noggin games are *great* and could easily be adapted for board games or Family Fued Syle or really all sorts of things.





10 days in europe:



Maptangle is *awesome*....but it's like twister. Something to keep in mind based on the population of your co-op wrt modesty/touching etc:



Here's the geography game section at rainbow. The above are the ones that I have personally seen or played.


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I know you're looking for games... but GeoPuzzles are awesome! They have one per continent (other than Australia and Antarctica) and the pieces are shaped like the countries themselves. Similar to the Global Puzzle, only being divided into continents, you can concentrate on the area you are studying. I bought ours at amazon. :)

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
A talking globe would be used more but the cost :svengo:


Depending on what I decide to get the kids- it might be added to their Christmas list ;) for the grands (who are breathing down my neck for a list!)


If the grandparents will go for it, I heartily recommend the talking globe. My parents bought the Leapfrog Explorer Smart Globe for my kids about six months ago and my almost six year old son now knows geography better than I do. He can find ANYTHING on that globe in about 3 seconds flat. He also knows about latitude, longitude, the equator, etc. and can tell you that Mexico is South of the United States, not under. My four year old daughter shocked me one day at the local teacher store by casually telling me that Papua New Guinea was such a pretty pink on the map they have on the wall. I'm sorry, where is Papua New Guinea, honey? She can't read. She just knew it was Papua New Guinea because the globe told her so. (And all this knowledge was accumulated without me participating at all with geography learning.) Also, most globes have built in games. Ours has several. My son's favorite is the timed game where he finds each place the game names as quickly as he can.


It's a lot of money but this is one place I think it's worth it. Another factor for me was that the regular globes aren't necessarily cheap. You're really just paying a bit more for a lot more function.



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