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The Back Amongst the Living Teachers Lounge 10-26-2017


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Today's theme comes to your from the fact that I do feel MUCH better this morning. Still not completely over the hurdle

but at least my brain isn't foggy and I actually had an appetite yesterday!  :hurray:


Who's rejoining me in the land of the living today? Here: I think I'm about 97.8% at this point.


Who else lives somewhere that forgot it was supposed to be autumn? Here!  :huh:


What's on your schedule today? Here: besides my many trips to the bathroom, due to all the liquids I'll be drinking to flush out my system,

two webinars, a trip to a friend's with my son, and maybe some schooling. We'll see.


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Scrap, I'm so glad you are better. I hope you didn't take my comment as "fussing" because it was truly concern!


I'm definitely in the land of the living today because I'm busy getting ready for something on my schedule today. I'm leaving in just a bit to go to the north GA mountains and spend the weekend in a cabin with my sisters!  I'm doing laundry, cooking, packing, and school. 


It does feel like autumn here. The low this morning was 48, and the high is only 72 in the late afternoon. It's perfect weather and my favorite time of year here. 



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Things are ramping up. Ds has decided he'd like to visit his sister and family in Albany next month so he's going to do double time on some subjects so that he still meets his goal of being done by May 14th. I was going to run some errands today, but since doubling up means a literary discussion today, an art discussion, a music evaluation, and a math exam on top of other assignments and instant grading that needs to be done, I will probably end up staying put.


Well, except for the post office, and that's if and only if the printer can find it's brain and actually PRINT. The stupid thing is acting up, and my patience is running thin!!


Today there was frost on the windows, and the winds brought down a lot of leaves. Autumn is looking less autumn which is a little problematic because we still don't have all of ds's senior pictures done. He's supposed to get one with the llama he helped raise, but the owner's husband has been having health problems so we haven't gotten to that yet. I am thinking that this may be a winter shot instead. Should be okay...ds in his brown leather coat, boots, next to a white and black llama with the silos as a background. The snow mounds up a bit there but the animals are never in that part of the barnyard so it should be "clean" snow. I wish she had a red barn because that would be rather awesome against fresh snow.

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Land of the Living: For me, it's because I've been sick.  I'm alllllmost there.  Of course now I have a sick kid.  He's coughing and congested and his voice is so sad, but he says he feels fine and is acting normal.  I wish I was like him when I get sick.


Supposed to be autumn: It's 62 right now.  My kids are insisting it's *freezing.*  It'll be in the mid-80s today.  That's actually not especially weird for this time of year.  We don't get cooler all day until sometime around/after Halloween.


Today's schedule: school now, people coming to visit this morning, watching a couple girls this afternoon, oldest two working tonight.

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Glad you're feeling better.


I actually got a really deep sleep last night. It wasn't particularly long, only 5 hours, but it was deeper than it has been in awhile. I feel pretty rested, not great but better.


It is finally fall here. I am not a big fan of fall though. The cold rainy and windy days just are no fun to me. I prefer winter because it is less windy generally. But I've been trying hard to still get outside for a bit every day.


Today is my upstairs cleaning day so I'll be up there most of the day.cleaning, working on Halloween costumes, and reading. We'll try to get to the park or kung fu today. I have my study group tonight which I've really been enjoying doing something specifically for myself.

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Glad you're feeling better!


Definitely Autumn here.  We had a really freaky looking, yet gorgeous orangy-yellow sky at dusk yesterday.  it's been in the 50's/60's during the day, I think we are supposed to get frost one of these nights coming up.  Trees are all changed colors.


I taught two classes today, Jr Scientists and CSI, and I'm just relaxing until it's time to go to TKD/KB'ing (I did end up not going Tuesday, I had a pounding headache).  Today is our anniversary so I think we're going out to dinner, but dh came home early from work because he was super tired and he's snoozing in his chair right now so I don't want to ask.   I don't care either way, he cooks better than most restaurants.

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