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Vent: Doctors appts


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We’re sitting in the waiting room of a new to us specialist. At 30 minutes after ds’s appt time I asked if he would be seen soon. The receptionist just said he was next. I asked if they frequently ran so late and she said yes this doctor always ran this late after a certain time of day (wehad a late morning appt). Why oh why can’t someone plan this better? The vast majority of specialists we see run 10 min behind at most. This is so frustrating especially since now the kids are getting hungry.

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We had an audiologist like this once. One time they were running an hour late and we had to leave for another appointment. The receptionist seemed shocked that we weren't just going to stay and wait more. We started only taking the first appointment of the day and even then they ran late!  

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I am normally a very patient person, but waiting a long time for a doctor appt. makes me absolutely nuts!  Especially now when you are asked to arrive early for paperwork.  I have left before if the appt. was for me (but don't do it if it's for my kids).  I can understand once in a while if something unexpected happens, but not consistently. And someone from the office should contact you if they know they are running very late.

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DH had a family doctor as a kid that frequently had people waiting 3-4 hours.  The first time DH took me to him (yep, the guy was still practicing) and we were there 4 hours I pitched a fit.  Nope.  Never went back.  We both switched.


My mom had a 10am appointment to see a pulmonologist.  She had waited weeks for the appointment and badly needed to be seen.  The waiting room was packed solid with patients.  I don't recall the exact time but I know it was after 7pm before he finally saw her and the appointment was only for a few minutes.  He rushed her through and barely gave her any chance at all to ask questions.  She was miserable.  I was furious.  But he's the only one in town so...   :cursing:


When I was a young single my boss showed up at work one day so angry I thought he would strangle someone.  He and his wife worked different hours and his were more conducive to taking their kids to their doctor's appointments.  Both kids were having some health issues.  At two prior appointments the doctor had made them wait so long that my boss was very late to work.  He brings them to this appointment but because of a car accident that blocked traffic he was 5 minutes late instead of arriving 15 minutes early like he normally would do.  He goes to check in and the receptionist says his appointment has been cancelled since he showed up late.  They refuse to see his kids and insist he make another appointment (which won't be for weeks because they are booked).  He was very  :cursing:  :cursing:  :cursing: .


My own doctor said part of the problem is the insurance companies require her group of doctors to book patients every 10 minutes.  Well, a lot of appointments take longer than 10 minutes so by the end of the morning they are already really behind.  I have no idea how true that really is.  I don't think she has ever lied to me and I really like her as my medical practitioner but how can insurance companies dictate how a doctor schedules their patients?

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