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Science path

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Hi ladies,

What path would you follow for a child that will likely major in zoology or animal science? She lives and breathes animal science and nature study of all sorts. She tolerates other types of science. I could see her working at a zoo, working with wildlife conservation, working at a nature center or even something like running an animal shelter.

Any thoughts?

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As with any kid irrespective of chosen career, I would do physics, chemistry and biology, plus one or several science courses that cater to her special interest.

Thanks for your input. Physics was what I hoped to avoid 😊

A couple of friends here had their kiddos do anatomy and physiology in place of physics. I think a couple of them did forensics and a couple did other things.

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Thanks for your input. Physics was what I hoped to avoid 😊

A couple of friends here had their kiddos do anatomy and physiology in place of physics. I think a couple of them did forensics and a couple did other things.


Why avoid physics? It's the most fundamental of sciences :) 

At most colleges, biology majors will be required to take two semesters of physics. Having had a good high school physics course will make that easier.

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Why avoid physics? It's the most fundamental of sciences :)

At most colleges, biology majors will be required to take two semesters of physics. Having had a good high school physics course will make that easier.

I was joking! (Kind of)

It's just a science I feel like I can't help one bit with, so just making sure there wasn't another equally good path.

We've got local classes where she can take science so we can definitely get any of them in. I just personally can't think of anything worse than physics!! But if that's what she needs..........

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 I just personally can't think of anything worse than physics!! But if that's what she needs..........


See, and I think biology is way worse than physics!  :laugh:

DD#2 is an animal-lover, so she'd probably do fine with biology. I'm putting it off for another couple of years. DD#1 won't have biology in high school - only physics, chemistry, and probably DE chem. So far, none of the schools I've looked at require biology specifically. But, I know some do....

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Way back in the olden days, when I was on a pre-vet path I took Biology 1, Chem 1, Honors Anatomy & Physiology, and Chem 2 in high school.  I didn't take any Physics until college, although that class probably would have been a little easier if I had taken it in high school.  My high school didn't offer it.


I would check with some of the colleges she might be interested in and see what they recommend.  

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A good solid education covering all the college prep basics will serve her well. As stated above, she will need physics/chem/bio, plus a 4th year of science and 4 years of math. I'd make sure she has a strong writing background as well.


Make sure she has plenty of opportunity to pursue her interest in wildlife in her extracurriculars.

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I would also recommend checking with some colleges that she might be interested in attending, but our local state university requires all science majors to take 2 semesters of calculus-based physics (as well as 2 semesters of calculus, so don't skimp on the math courses either).   For that reason, I wouldn't skip physics in high school if you can help it.   I would probably lean toward a high school science path of biology, chemistry, physics, plus one advanced (AP or DE) science, plus labs for all of them.   If you can squeeze in a 5th, anatomy & physiology would be a good one to add.   Forensics may not count toward required high school science credits, depending on the university - so I would definitely ask potential colleges before substituting A&P or forensics for physics.

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Hi ladies,

What path would you follow for a child that will likely major in zoology or animal science? She lives and breathes animal science and nature study of all sorts. She tolerates other types of science. I could see her working at a zoo, working with wildlife conservation, working at a nature center or even something like running an animal shelter.

Any thoughts?


Do you have a local zoo?  You should see if they have a teen docent program.  I was a docent for over 10 years at a local zoo, 8 of those years my oldest came with me.  It was a great experience for us and for her.  I would have loved it when I was a teen studying to be a vet.

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I was a science major and my advanced degrees are all in science fields but not physics. However, when I look back on high school science my physics class was actually by far my favorite high school class ever. I am so glad I took that class. I think that there is plenty of opportunity to specialize after high school and I am really glad I took classes like physics in high school even though I didn't plan to go into that science field.

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