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Gluten Free Vegetarian and Suddenly CRAVING Meat


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So for health reasons I had to go gluten-free. Overall my body feels better gluten free....but I am craving meat like crazy all of a sudden. I've been a lacto-vegetarian for 14 years now and the last time this happened was when I was pregnant with my son...P.S. No not even a chance that I'm pregnant. It's super annoying though. Is this a normal side effect? 

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I would wonder about both your iron levels and vitamin B levels. Many commercially produced grain products are heavily fortified so if you've cut those, and esp if you were marginal prior, you might have slipped below optimal levels. 

Good B supplement, esp B12 and an iron supplement might fix this. 

Don't know how old you are but everyone over 50 - regardless of diet - is supposed to supplement B12 and people below 50 are often needing it as well.

I've read in a couple places that actually vegetarians tend to have poor b12 levels because they assume they don't need to supplement - whereas we vegans mostly know we have to, kwim? 


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I went vegetarian over 25 years ago. Several years ago I started thinking I might want to add meat back into my diet, but I wasn't sure why I was having those thoughts or how to actually take the leap. While I never associated myself specifically as a vegetarian, something in my head held me back. It took a long time, but I finally took the plunge and I'm SO glad I did. I'm not ashamed to admit how much I like it, that eating it again totally isn't a big deal, and that I find myself wanting to incorporate more into my diet (for now, I'm just having poultry, maybe a few times a week at lunch. DH has no interest so I make all our dinners etc vegetarian. DS has been vegetarian all his life but--along with me--decided he doesn't really care one way or the other. So our default is vegetarian but I supplement when DH isn't having the same meal).


I still don't know why I felt like making the switch, but I definitely feel better the more protein I get. Vegetarian sources don't do much for my body, but adding chicken to my lunch salad makes a huge difference in how I feel and how long I stay full. It's quite possible my 45 year old body has different needs than my younger self did, and even though it took awhile, I'm okay with that. Embrace the season you're in, right?

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Okay, I know that I'm anemic. I have been pretty much my entire life, mostly because I was born with a premature digestive system so I don't absorb nutrients properly and I've also been vegetarian for most of my life (off and on, but this is the longest stretch at 14 years.) I do have trouble digesting iron supplements...they're VERY hard on my stomach. I did have to go to the hospital once because I was so anemic that I was so dizzy I couldn't even walk straight...the room moved while I was still. I do have a B-12 supplement that I will start supplementing with again...did so a while back for issues that I can't remember. I can't take an all around B supplement because I can't take Biotin. 

I'm 35 BTW.


Edited: I also can't eat eggs and dairy is very hard on my stomach so I limit that a bit.

Edited by earthyfamily
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Have you tried a chelated iron 2 bisglycinate?  Albion is one of the better known manufacturers & they sell it to a bunch of companies for use in their vitamins. They have a listing on their website IIR. I use SISU's gentle iron. This form of iron is much more readily bioavailable and easier on the stomach. http://www.albionferrochel.com/

B12 is easier. I follow the dosage recommendations here I can't take a b complex but I have no probs with cyanocobalamin. 

(btw, protein requirements are not as large as most people think. The quick math version is to take your ideal body weight and multiply by 0.45 and that will give you your daily protein in grams. 


fwiw, I was an ethical vegetarian for many years before I became an ethical vegan. Going back is not an option for me. I'm just saying that to encourage you if avoiding some animal products is an ethical decision for you- I would totally understand and support that. Blood work and a consult with a Registered Dietitian who understands veg*n and gf diets might be a good option if you continue to have problems. 


Edited by hornblower
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(btw, protein requirements are not as large as most people think. The quick math version is to take your ideal body weight and multiply by 0.45 and that will give you your daily protein in grams. 


That actually does seem like a LOT!

If my ideal weight is 135 lbs and I multiply by 0.45 I get 60 g.

One egg contains 6 g of protein,  so I would need to eat ten eggs to satisfy my protein requirement.

A cup of cooked beans contains 15 g of protein, I would need to eat 4 cups of beans (nobody would want to be in the same room with me.)

Either seems quite a lot to me.

Edited by regentrude
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That actually does seem like a LOT!

If my ideal weight is 135 lbs and I multiply by 0.45 I get 60 g.

One egg contains 6 g of protein,  so I would need to eat ten eggs to satisfy my protein requirement.

A cup of cooked beans contains 15 g of protein, I would need to eat 4 cups of beans (nobody would want to be in the same room with me.)

Either seems quite a lot to me.

I had to go check this again and yeah, I sort of see what you mean. 

Here she says 10-14% of cals from protein, which I think ends up less in grams iirc my conversions.


Otoh, I keep track in my fitness pal and I rarely don't meet it. 




In fact, I had to do a project for my physiology course where I did an analysis of a 24h intake and I ended up with 60g on a pretty boring eating day. Most foods have protein, even if they're not protein rich, kwim? I can't get the columns to display right but I'm pasting it below just to show that a really dull day with nothing overly beany in it was 60g of protein, 243 g carb, 23g fat in 1390 calories 



President's Choice Blue Menu - Steel Cut Oatmeal, 45 g (1 packet)

So Nice - Soy Milk Unsweetened, 0.5 cup

Blueberries, 0.25 cup

bran - bran, 2 tb

Meal totals



Baby Spinach - Raw Baby Spinach, 65 g (3 cups)

Grapefruit  - Pink, raw, 1

Nectarines, raw, 1 cup slices

PB & Me - Powdered Almond Butter, 2 tbsps

Banana - (Small), 6 - 6.9 inches

Meal totals



Summer fresh - Hummus, 2 tbsp

Peppers, sweet, red, raw, 0.5 cup, chopped

Byblos - Whole Wheat Pita, 1 -pita

Meal totals


So Nice - Soy Milk Unsweetened, 0.5 cup

Squirrely - Bread, 1 slice

Prune plum jam  50 g


Meal totals





Cauliflower - Raw, 2 cup

Pc Organics - Chickpeas, 1 cup (250 mL)

Soyganic - Extra Firm Tofu, 21.25 g

Generic - Canned Tomatoes, No Sodium, 1 cup

Oil - Olive, 0.3 tablespoon

 Salt – 0.26 tsp


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(btw, protein requirements are not as large as most people think. The quick math version is to take your ideal body weight and multiply by 0.45 and that will give you your daily protein in grams.



Yes, but being gluten free eliminates some sources. OP is not vegan. However, she is not eating eggs, which eliminates another source. So, I point it out because she needs to think where here protien is and how much of is present.

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If you're known to be anemic you need to find an iron supplement you can tolerate. There are tons out there and you can try a different brand every week until you find one, and different doses.


When I eat vegetarian, even for a week or two, tracking all my nutrients, I'm no where close to my necessary iron intake, and even protein. Of cpurse, if I were actually vegetarian I'd probably be making different food choices.


Can you log your food on MyFitnessPal for a week to check? And a PCP can regularly check your levels.


ETA - iron supplements made for people who have had bariatric surgery might be easier for you to digest.


ITA that a lot of grains in the US are fortified with iron.

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That actually does seem like a LOT!

If my ideal weight is 135 lbs and I multiply by 0.45 I get 60 g.

One egg contains 6 g of protein,  so I would need to eat ten eggs to satisfy my protein requirement.

A cup of cooked beans contains 15 g of protein, I would need to eat 4 cups of beans (nobody would want to be in the same room with me.)

Either seems quite a lot to me.


That actually is the rda, but there are a lot of foods that contain small amounts of protein. Most vegetables have some, including greens like spinach and broccoli, most grains have some, nuts and legumes have a fair bit, dairy and meat have a lot -- unless you eat purely sugar, processed grains, and fruit, it is unlikely that you actually run low. And if you do eat like that, you probably should diversify your diet for more reasons than lack of protein. 


I do have a (vegetarian, but really carbitarian) friend who underconsumed for long enough that she started to lose hair/her connective tissue suffered, so it is possible, but it is very rare even among vegetarians (in developed countries). 


I would suspect that for OP, given as it only started with the gluten-free it's a deficiency in something that's commonly supplemented in flours instead. Iron seems most likely (I've had anemic friends start absolutely craving steak) but other ones are possible. 

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If I had to guess, you need more calories. It's hard to get enough on a gf vegan diet, even eating a lot. Make sure you're getting healthy fats in there.


The first thing to do is to tackle the anemia, imo. Eat iron-rich foods in combination with foods rich in vitamin C for absorbability. Use cast iron cookware if you have it; you actually get some iron this way. If you supplement iron, avoid taking it with antacids, dairy, or caffeine. The kind of iron in feosol brand is more easily tolerated by many. This product is expensive but effective in helping anemia (no affilation, I'm a vegan RN)http://feosol.com/about/complete-iron-supplement/

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So it seems like b-12 and iron are the two being suggested as the most possible culprit. I started the B-12 today and will look into the suggestions for the iron. I wish I could get it through leafy greens but my stomach can't handle too much of them. As far as protein goes...I've never really kept up with how much I'm getting. I have been doing a Luna bar everyday for a week or so to help with deficiencies. But other than that...probably don't get protein from a lot of other places. I do have either yoghurt or oatmeal most mornings for breakfast. But I can't do Greek yoghurt because it does something weird to my saliva and makes it super thick when I eat it too often. I know...weird. 

Thank you for all the awesome advice!! 

Here's about what my average day looks like as far as food:

B: Iced coffee with milk and vanilla syrup, Oatmeal or Yoghurt with berries and granola

L: Usually a salad (Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, some cheese, sometimes bacos and usually honey french dressing) or a cheese enchilada or veggie taco with some brown rice

S: Usually just some herbal tea and if I'm hungry I'll have a Luna bar

D: Whatever dinner is that night (baked potato, tacos, enchiladas with some brown rice, salad)

S: I'll usually have a "treat" of some sort, a gluten free rice krispy treat, some italian ice or some chocolate and another cup of herbal tea


Don't know if that helps give a picture of what my diet looks like lately.


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Great tips here about increasing iron absorption (scroll down a bit if you don't want to read the rambling lol) http://www.nomeatathlete.com/iron-for-vegetarians/

Thanks!! :) 



Consider adding in some good, cage free, organic eggs.  Humane certified if you are worried about mistreatment of animals.  

I would if I could but I'm allergic to eggs.

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So it seems like b-12 and iron are the two being suggested as the most possible culprit. I started the B-12 today and will look into the suggestions for the iron. I wish I could get it through leafy greens but my stomach can't handle too much of them. As far as protein goes...I've never really kept up with how much I'm getting. I have been doing a Luna bar everyday for a week or so to help with deficiencies. But other than that...probably don't get protein from a lot of other places. I do have either yoghurt or oatmeal most mornings for breakfast. But I can't do Greek yoghurt because it does something weird to my saliva and makes it super thick when I eat it too often. I know...weird.

Thank you for all the awesome advice!!

Here's about what my average day looks like as far as food:

B: Iced coffee with milk and vanilla syrup, Oatmeal or Yoghurt with berries and granola

L: Usually a salad (Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, some cheese, sometimes bacos and usually honey french dressing) or a cheese enchilada or veggie taco with some brown rice

S: Usually just some herbal tea and if I'm hungry I'll have a Luna bar

D: Whatever dinner is that night (baked potato, tacos, enchiladas with some brown rice, salad)

S: I'll usually have a "treat" of some sort, a gluten free rice krispy treat, some italian ice or some chocolate and another cup of herbal tea


Don't know if that helps give a picture of what my diet looks like lately.


I'd start charting to find your nutrition. A free app like MyFitnessPal takes a few minutes per day and tracks a lot of different nutrients. While your meals sound relatively healthy, I doubt you're even getting 50% of a daily iron recommendation (probably closer to 10-30%), and I doubt your protein intake is at a recommended level.

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I'd start charting to find your nutrition. A free app like MyFitnessPal takes a few minutes per day and tracks a lot of different nutrients. While your meals sound relatively healthy, I doubt you're even getting 50% of a daily iron recommendation (probably closer to 10-30%), and I doubt your protein intake is at a recommended level.


I agree that MFP is great for tracking stuff like this. 


btw, 1 cup of cooked oatmeal is 77% of iron RDA. Luna bars are also high in iron. She may need more but what's up there is not necessarily that bad....

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I agree that MFP is great for tracking stuff like this.


btw, 1 cup of cooked oatmeal is 77% of iron RDA. Luna bars are also high in iron. She may need more but what's up there is not necessarily that bad....

My oatmeal has 10%. Grains can be low in iron, unless fortified. I eat rolled oats.


Luna bars are ok for iron, 15%, but not eaten regularly from what I gathered.

Edited by displace
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Another thing to mention is that I do have issues with my period. I'm a heavy bleeder and I usually bleed for three months at a time and then take about a month or two off.

. You need a doc following your labs regularly if you have bleeding for 3 months at a time.
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. You need a doc following your labs regularly if you have bleeding for 3 months at a time.

 I've actually already been. They said it's just my age and wacky hormones. I can either deal with it or go on birth control. Can't take birth control because I get migraines with aura when I'm on them and that's a massive risk for stroke.

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