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TMI Lady questions....any ideas?


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TMI question...feel free to skip if it's too much. But I'm hoping someone here has ideas. I don't have a good gyn anymore to ask. 












Maybe TMI, but at what point do you start to worry about a skipped period? I'm 33. I should have started Tuesday. I'm usually extremely regular. Pms symptoms up the wazoo and moody as heck. Monday I spotted a little. Tuesday I was crampy but nothing. Yesterday the same. Today spotting again but it's old / brown. I've done all my usual things to bring it on, with no effect. What the heck is going on???? Pregnancy isn't a possibility either unless it's immaculate or possible without a guy lol. I'd totally think pregnancy though, and I'll probably POAS in the morning just to prove it to myself that I'm not {thank god for cheap pregnancy tests from Amazon!}. 


It has been a stressful month, and I did gain about 15lbs {thank you, stress eating}, fwiw. 


ETA: I'm less worried about the lateness, but more worried about the stop-start spotting in conjunction with the lateness. I am not one to usually spot like this. I've spotted all day today - never enough for a pad though. 

Edited by frugalmamatx
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Anyone, even super regular, can have a delay in ovulation, causing a missed or late period. I'd expect it to come in the next two weeks.


Another thought is possible changes from weight, but 15 lbs doesn't seem likely to cause menstral irregularities.


ETA - you're aware stress can delay ovulation, I assume.

Edited by displace
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You don't.


You're too young for it to be peri and if you are sexually active, you have already spent enough money on pregnancy tests and they are telling you the truth.


When I had periods, they always took a break under the kind of extreme stress you've been under. It's evolutionarily advantageous. If your life is in danger or a saber toothed tiger is about to eat your kid, the last thing in the world you need to do is go look for a restroom so you can change your tampon.


I'm not a doctor. If I were I might order some tests or whatever doctors do to reassure patients who are worried about how bodies work under extreme circumstance.

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Stress, good or bad, can do really weird stuff to your cycle. I read a story in an NFP book about a young woman who traveled for a year and didn't ovulate or menstruate at all, IIRC. She started right back up when she got home. I think there was another story of a woman whose period didn't come on time, and it turned out that she didn't ovulate that month because an earthquake happened right before she would have ovulated. Her body interpreted that stress as, "Yeah, no, not a good time to conceive," so everything got delayed.


If I travel outside my timezone, my period comes a whole friggin' week early. No idea if I ovulated or not; those episodes were before I knew much about tracking.



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You are only a couple days late, I wouldn't worry. Just make a mental note that this cycle was different.


I was always very regular, every 28 days on the dot, until my mid 30's. My cycles have slowly started getting longer and just when I think I can count on it, my period will suddenly show up at 26 days.

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Stress and weight gain caused a delay.  You're fine.  If you go 80 days, go see a GYN.  At that point they'll give you something to induce bleeding to prevent endometrial cancer.


POAS anyway, just to make sure you didn't get pregnant last month and mistake spotting for a period.


Early menopause is possible, but extremely rare and very unlikely to be the cause at this point.

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I wouldn't worry unless you skip another month. Lots of things can cause a skipped period: stress, changes in weight or diet, being really active, etc. My cycles were always super sensitive to stress of any kind.


I am one of those who has early peri menopause. It's caused by a condition called Premature Ovarian Failure. I started noticing slight changes in my cycle around 33yo and by 36yo am skipping as many months as not. The first change I noticed was that I would occasionally skip a month, or have one cycle that was 6 weeks long instead of 4. I only noticed it at all because I had always been so regular. They were such minor changes that I didn't think anything of them until I went 5 months without a period. At that point the GYN did the tests and I got the diagnosis.


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