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Do you prefer Veritas Press or SOTW for elementary history?


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Wanting something I can make enjoyable and fun for littles (like K-1st), but I do like the chronological histories and want something I could use through elementary. I have never used SOTW, but I did use the Veritas cards with my kids when they were younger. I also think I still have a LOT of my timeline material which I think would be fun to do with the grandkids.




I know I've been repetitive with some of my stuff, and asking a lot of questions lately, but we've had a lot going on and I'm late to get the ball rolling here. Thanks for the help!

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I used straight VP with my dd, and she enjoyed it. She didn't like the writing style of SOTW, so I stopped trying to use it with her. 


Ds, who has autism and language issues, doesn't really care for SOTW either. I got all the audios for him to listen to and told him it was military history of the world. :D  He listened to them, but he went right back to Teaching Company (Great Courses) lectures, which he prefers. For him, it works well for me to use just *activities* from the SOTW AG. From my VP days I have tons of books on the topics, so it's easy to throw things in here and there.


It sounds like you're psyched about doing VP again. You can always throw on SOTW as audio in the car or for naps.


Were you considering the VP self-paced online classes? They're WAY better than anything I ever did on my own with dd. I'm a lousy history teacher, but I'm just saying. So if you liked VP,  you might look into the self-paced classes. My dd went back and did almost all of them and liked them a LOT.

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I'm not planning to do anything more than just super basic stuff this year. My oldest grandson is only in 1st grade, his sister in K and my other dd's daughter in pre-K4. I'm going to be having them once/week to do a science/history/geography and craft day, and they'll all do something at home one day/week that just kind of keeps them forgetting about what we did before the next week rolls around. ;-p


I'm super excited about it all though. I really miss home schooling, especially littles. It's been a LOT of years since I've been able to do that!


I ordered the VP cards and I did get the SOTW book and activity book so I could have some reading material as a guide, and we could do worksheets and projects. I think that's what they'll love the most!


I am going to see if I still have all my timeline stuff and either do a big timeline on the wall, or let them each make a timeline notebook. I know they're a little young for it, but I think it'll be a fun thing for them to do.


Right now my husband is in the process of painting our old school room. It's been an outdoor "apartment" for 4 young adults (all my kids at different times) who have all finally left home, so now it's going back to school room for the grandkids. I'm super excited!! I'll actually have the oldest one a day alone in addition to the group day, so I'm gonna have fun putting that room to use!

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What is entailed in the self-paced set? It it online? Their website confuses me so much that I never even realized they had teachers manuals or lesson plans until I was a few years into homeschooling. Their samples are so minimal that I thought for years that it was just cards.

They have self paced sample lessons you can watch to get a feel on their site. I ordered their catalog (I am old school) and love having all of the books, curriculums and guides easily broken up by grade to look through. (Plus I just love looking at curriculum catalogs. I am weird like that :)

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We've never done VP, but my son and I have enjoyed SOTW. I started reading the 1st one in 1st grade and it worked out great. (He was in public school for 1st grade, but I read it to him. We repeated it for second grade with the activity book.) we are doing SOTW 2 and possibly 3 this year along with CHOW. 

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We did both a long time ago...but over time, dropped VP.  I much preferred the Story of the WORLD for that reason...the World.  And back in the day--it might be different now--the VP focus on Reformation and the consequences of it were too narrow for my taste.  It might have changed, and YMMV.  


ETA:  My son adored history, and we used multiple sources for every time period and every story and did a lot of field trips related to history.  He couldn't get enough.


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Absolutely VP! We loved both their Bible and History cards. You could do something similar to Classical Conversations and have them learn a couple of cards a week, memorizing the titles as a timeline with hand motions. SOTW could be a complementary narrative.


I'd recommend waiting to use the self-paced courses until the oldest is in 2nd grade. Until then, the Children's Story Bible by Vos is a great resource for a Bible curriculum, along with Big Picture Bible TimelineThe Illustrated Bible, and the Student Bible Atlas, for a two year course—Year 1: Old Testament, Year 2: New Testament). After that we used the Guerber's Histories by Christine Miller as a narrative alongside the VP Bible Cards. We used the self-paced courses for History (also using the cards), but the Bible cards were mommy-led. 

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