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September Frigalistas


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Just sold another one of our extra kitchen cabinets for $90. That is $150 off the original $1000 we paid for them. I'm hoping to at least get another $50 off of that original price. For now, I'll let the current add run and see if anyone bites. If not, when we're entirely done the kitchen I will take more pictures and list the remaining 4 for $100 total. That'll get someone to at least offer something for them.

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Just decided to approximately quadruple what I pay for one kid's math tutoring.  I hope it is worth it.  Hopefully it will relieve some stress and hopefully we don't need it forever.


ETA clarification:  I will be cutting the time down to half, so only twice as much cost ... but still....

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Someone is interested in 2 of the base cabinets for $150! Hoping they want to check them out today so I can clear that space from my garage. Then I think I'll post the last 2 for free since they are the only 2 not it fantastic shape. And I just need the room in my garage back since we will be buying countertop, flooring and other stuff over the next few weeks.

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Well we're at the midpoint of September. How is everyone doing?


We are doing incredibly well. $200 spent of our $400 food budget. Roughly $40 spent of our $150 gas for vehicles budget. None of our $200 entertainment budget spent( too busy on the kitchen guess.) Our only unexpected expense so far was snap traps and mouse poison which was maybe $10.


We are currently $311 under budget for our kitchen project!! That'll pay for the floors in that room and the laundry room. Still hoping for more once I sell a few more cabinets


Nothing has gone into savings yet this month but that is mostly because I'm keeping it in our account in case things pop up with the house projects and need extra money.

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I'm doing okay. Income not as high as I'd like, but I'm working on it. I've spent too much of my grocery budget, but I'm okay with that as we'll coast the rest of the month probably. I need to look at what we have and see if I can do another rebate run or if I need to buy meat instead. 



I had a nice bonus yesterday! I'm on the mailing lists for some of the cigarette companies {I don't smoke, but my partner does and I use the coupons when he visits}. Every so often they give out nice freebies like leather work gloves, waterproof phone cases, etc. Yesterday I got an email from one of them saying "Your area has been hit by Hurricane Harvey, and we want to help". In it was a $50 virtual visa! I used it to buy a Lowes gift card, and it'll be used for fixing either the windows, the disposal or the ceiling lol. 


And I ordered a HomeChef box for my birthday too. I had credits so ended up getting two meals plus fruit for free! I have $30 off codes btw if anyone wants to try them. This is my second box and I love them. 

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I'm doing okay. Income not as high as I'd like, but I'm working on it. I've spent too much of my grocery budget, but I'm okay with that as we'll coast the rest of the month probably. I need to look at what we have and see if I can do another rebate run or if I need to buy meat instead.



I had a nice bonus yesterday! I'm on the mailing lists for some of the cigarette companies {I don't smoke, but my partner does and I use the coupons when he visits}. Every so often they give out nice freebies like leather work gloves, waterproof phone cases, etc. Yesterday I got an email from one of them saying "Your area has been hit by Hurricane Harvey, and we want to help". In it was a $50 virtual visa! I used it to buy a Lowes gift card, and it'll be used for fixing either the windows, the disposal or the ceiling lol.


And I ordered a HomeChef box for my birthday too. I had credits so ended up getting two meals plus fruit for free! I have $30 off codes btw if anyone wants to try them. This is my second box and I love them.

Nice gift card surprise! Enjoy the Home chef box. I've never tried any of those types of services. It isn't really my thing but I know a few people who love them. If I could regularly afford services like that I would because I hate thinking about what to feed people.

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I'm doing okay. Income not as high as I'd like, but I'm working on it. I've spent too much of my grocery budget, but I'm okay with that as we'll coast the rest of the month probably. I need to look at what we have and see if I can do another rebate run or if I need to buy meat instead. 



I had a nice bonus yesterday! I'm on the mailing lists for some of the cigarette companies {I don't smoke, but my partner does and I use the coupons when he visits}. Every so often they give out nice freebies like leather work gloves, waterproof phone cases, etc. Yesterday I got an email from one of them saying "Your area has been hit by Hurricane Harvey, and we want to help". In it was a $50 virtual visa! I used it to buy a Lowes gift card, and it'll be used for fixing either the windows, the disposal or the ceiling lol. 


And I ordered a HomeChef box for my birthday too. I had credits so ended up getting two meals plus fruit for free! I have $30 off codes btw if anyone wants to try them. This is my second box and I love them. 


Score and score.  


Happy for you!

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My dh told me we were going to finish the month in the black this morning and then I told him I needed about $100 of groceries and take the dog to the vet. [emoji51]


I am really suspicious about the cost of heartworm and flea and tick prevention, so I did a little online comparison this morning so I'm informed about the prices when I buy from the vet today. They say I get a 5% discount, but based on the prices on the receipts I pulled out of the file this morning, the pre (and therefore post) discount prices seem inflated. I might be able to save a few $ there.


I have a big pot of apple butter simmering on the stove made from my dads (free) apples from his orchard. That will be Christmas gifts in a few months.


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So I signed up for amazon fresh to see how I liked it. It was really convenient not having to go to the store and they delivered right on time. But I don't think it'll be worth the 14.99 monthly fee so I'll cancel my free trial when it ends. The quality of all the fruits and veggies was great.some things are more expensive some things are less.


So far this month I've made $225 selling stuff. I've got other stuff posted and more to post. Still hanging on to some of the darn cabinets. Lots of people expressed interest but no follow through. I've got some nice dressers in the garage to post but I can't get to them yet to take pictures because of the countertops and cabinets. The kitchen will be done tomorrow so then I'll be able to reach the dressers.


We are about $200 underbudget for groceries, not sure how I managed that but I'm happy!

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I"m doing okay so far. I"m working back up my ebay sales - I want to try for a goal of at least $150 a month there from here out. And a goal of $150 a month on mturk as well - between those I'd be doing a lot better. 


I am spending a little bit though - I got prime again {$6.50 for the month}, because I'm going to be ordering a printer for my ebay stuff {using gift cards}. And also to use for printing coupons, so I figure it'll pay for itself pretty quickly. It's a brother and I opted for wired vs wireless because it's about $30 cheaper AND they say the wireless tends to shut off if you don't print often. 


Had one of my free Homechef meals last night. We'll have the other tonight. And next week I've a free Hello Fresh box coming that I'm excited about 



I need to drag out the wagon and go walk the neighborhood over the weekend. It's bulk pickup :) I am hoping to find more chicken wire again for the coop. 

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I gotta dig through the car and see if I have a detailed receipt from the eye dr. If not, I have to request one next week (they are closed on Fridays) so I can send proof to the frame company that I need the refund toward the new pair. I didn't know they would ask for proof of new purchase!


I've been to this flex spending reimbursement office 2x trying to get money back from ds' speech & hearing clinic visits. It was one fee and I had a receipt but it wasn't enough info. I got all the info but left the original receipt in my other wallet and they said I'm not authorized to get the check, only dh is. So now I'm trying to get dh to figure out what to do to authorize me. I tried to do it for him online but it asked for username/password and he doesn't think he ever created one lol. It won't let me do "register" and when I did "Forgot username" it didn't give me an answer.


If I'm lucky I'll get money back from one of these places today LOL

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Ugh I spoke too soon again {I really need to learn not to jinx myself!}. The washer just died! It's very old {at least 15 years} so I'm not sure about trying to fix it. It's sprung a leak when it fills, so I'm pretty sure it's the tub gasket. And of course I have a TON of laundry to do. I guess at least for a while we'll be doing laundrymat. 

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Ugh I spoke too soon again {I really need to learn not to jinx myself!}. The washer just died! It's very old {at least 15 years} so I'm not sure about trying to fix it. It's sprung a leak when it fills, so I'm pretty sure it's the tub gasket. And of course I have a TON of laundry to do. I guess at least for a while we'll be doing laundrymat. 


oh no!


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Ugh I spoke too soon again {I really need to learn not to jinx myself!}. The washer just died! It's very old {at least 15 years} so I'm not sure about trying to fix it. It's sprung a leak when it fills, so I'm pretty sure it's the tub gasket. And of course I have a TON of laundry to do. I guess at least for a while we'll be doing laundrymat. 


On no that stinks.

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I"m doing okay so far. I"m working back up my ebay sales - I want to try for a goal of at least $150 a month there from here out. And a goal of $150 a month on mturk as well - between those I'd be doing a lot better. 


I am spending a little bit though - I got prime again {$6.50 for the month}, because I'm going to be ordering a printer for my ebay stuff {using gift cards}. And also to use for printing coupons, so I figure it'll pay for itself pretty quickly. It's a brother and I opted for wired vs wireless because it's about $30 cheaper AND they say the wireless tends to shut off if you don't print often. 


Had one of my free Homechef meals last night. We'll have the other tonight. And next week I've a free Hello Fresh box coming that I'm excited about 



I need to drag out the wagon and go walk the neighborhood over the weekend. It's bulk pickup :) I am hoping to find more chicken wire again for the coop. 


Yay for a free meal.  How did you get so many credits for free boxes?

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So I signed up for amazon fresh to see how I liked it. It was really convenient not having to go to the store and they delivered right on time. But I don't think it'll be worth the 14.99 monthly fee so I'll cancel my free trial when it ends. The quality of all the fruits and veggies was great.some things are more expensive some things are less.


So far this month I've made $225 selling stuff. I've got other stuff posted and more to post. Still hanging on to some of the darn cabinets. Lots of people expressed interest but no follow through. I've got some nice dressers in the garage to post but I can't get to them yet to take pictures because of the countertops and cabinets. The kitchen will be done tomorrow so then I'll be able to reach the dressers.


We are about $200 underbudget for groceries, not sure how I managed that but I'm happy!



Yay for selling and under buying at the store.   I have only spent half of our grocery budget thus far.  But the only reason is was because we were gone for part of this month.  But last month was under too since we were gone.  


I hope to get back to selling stuff too.   So much stuff around the house. 

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Ugh I spoke too soon again {I really need to learn not to jinx myself!}. The washer just died! It's very old {at least 15 years} so I'm not sure about trying to fix it. It's sprung a leak when it fills, so I'm pretty sure it's the tub gasket. And of course I have a TON of laundry to do. I guess at least for a while we'll be doing laundrymat.

That sucks!!

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Ugh I spoke too soon again {I really need to learn not to jinx myself!}. The washer just died! It's very old {at least 15 years} so I'm not sure about trying to fix it. It's sprung a leak when it fills, so I'm pretty sure it's the tub gasket. And of course I have a TON of laundry to do. I guess at least for a while we'll be doing laundrymat.

Oh man. Sorry.

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Went out to eat for dh birthday but we had gift cards from Christmas so very little out of pocket.


Been trying to eat out of pantry & freezer. Ds had been wanting ice cream. He knew I was going to the store for bread and gave me money to pick up a bucket of ice cream, for the family.


Tomorrow there is a free event in town. We will go check it out.

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Yay for a free meal.  How did you get so many credits for free boxes?


The Homechef box was an extra promo plus credit from a previous promo. I got my initial box free after swagbucks though, so I recommend watching there for a deal. 


Hello Fresh was a code from a mom here on the boards. 




Well, the broken washer is gone. After looking a bit more into repairing it, It turns out I would have needed a specific wrench at a cost of $50, plus another $50 in parts. So instead I called the guy locally who buys broken washers and he took it for $20. I'll make do with the laundromat for a while until I figure out if we're moving or not. It'll probably take the $20 to catch up the laundry, so I'm not counting it as income. 

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I've been missing because life has been crazy and stuff keeps happening.


The title of life is currently, "When it rains, it pours"


Owning a house and vehicles cost money even when you do most of the work yourself


This week-


$235 to fix the ac

$50 to fix dh's brakes (he did the work himself)

$150- reg. dues, campouts- Scouts


Dh has to do an in person visit to the dr. for his meds (he's done a phone consult for the last couple of  visits but has to go in every now and then), that is $150 or so between the visit and gas.


More money on house stuff, still working on fixing the bathroom from the leak last month, supposedly that will get done today, fingers crossed.


Next week I'm getting an ultrasound I used the company through dh's work that does price checking and am going to the cheapest location (but the best IMO) that is supposed to be $200.


Groceries have been up too with the Aldi's still closed for renovation, I've got one more shopping trip to other stores and then they open back up!


On the plus side we used some CLR cleaner and now my dishwasher is working again (and not leaking) and my toilets are flushing so we saved the cost of a dishwasher and a visit from the plumber.  


I'm thinking things have to settle down soon, right?

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The Homechef box was an extra promo plus credit from a previous promo. I got my initial box free after swagbucks though, so I recommend watching there for a deal. 


Hello Fresh was a code from a mom here on the boards. 




Well, the broken washer is gone. After looking a bit more into repairing it, It turns out I would have needed a specific wrench at a cost of $50, plus another $50 in parts. So instead I called the guy locally who buys broken washers and he took it for $20. I'll make do with the laundromat for a while until I figure out if we're moving or not. It'll probably take the $20 to catch up the laundry, so I'm not counting it as income. 




I missed that they were 2 different places. 

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I've been missing because life has been crazy and stuff keeps happening.


The title of life is currently, "When it rains, it pours"


Owning a house and vehicles cost money even when you do most of the work yourself


This week-


$235 to fix the ac

$50 to fix dh's brakes (he did the work himself)

$150- reg. dues, campouts- Scouts


Dh has to do an in person visit to the dr. for his meds (he's done a phone consult for the last couple of  visits but has to go in every now and then), that is $150 or so between the visit and gas.


More money on house stuff, still working on fixing the bathroom from the leak last month, supposedly that will get done today, fingers crossed.


Next week I'm getting an ultrasound I used the company through dh's work that does price checking and am going to the cheapest location (but the best IMO) that is supposed to be $200.


Groceries have been up too with the Aldi's still closed for renovation, I've got one more shopping trip to other stores and then they open back up!


On the plus side we used some CLR cleaner and now my dishwasher is working again (and not leaking) and my toilets are flushing so we saved the cost of a dishwasher and a visit from the plumber.  


I'm thinking things have to settle down soon, right?


I sure hope so.   



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Just wanted to share - I scored a Naturebox {snack box} for $1 after the promo code FreeShip1, and then got 1250 swagbucks back. I ordered two bision bars but there are lots of options. The credit is $4.95 fwiw. It is a subscription site, but it's easy to cancel through webchat. 


If you want more snacks, you can get three to try and just pay shipping with the link http://ref.naturebox.com/gx9Pq. Shipping is $4.95 I think. 

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We were at the Lego store and a desperately wanted the buy the big Lego carousel. We ended up not buying anything and I knew we probably wouldn't but man I just want someone to hand me $200 and tell me I can only spend it on that Lego set. I would never in a million years spend my own money on it but I could easily spend someone elses

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We were at the Lego store and a desperately wanted the buy the big Lego carousel. We ended up not buying anything and I knew we probably wouldn't but man I just want someone to hand me $200 and tell me I can only spend it on that Lego set. I would never in a million years spend my own money on it but I could easily spend someone elses


I know what you mean.  I am so cheap and I don't need to be, but that is just so natural. 

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We were at the Lego store and a desperately wanted the buy the big Lego carousel. We ended up not buying anything and I knew we probably wouldn't but man I just want someone to hand me $200 and tell me I can only spend it on that Lego set. I would never in a million years spend my own money on it but I could easily spend someone elses


I have never been to a Lego store. Do they ever have sales that are better than other retailers? I would kinda guess they were overpriced, like Carter's to me is too high in the Carter's Outlet, but I find Carter's in Walmart cheaper.


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I have never been to a Lego store. Do they ever have sales that are better than other retailers? I would kinda guess they were overpriced, like Carter's to me is too high in the Carter's Outlet, but I find Carter's in Walmart cheaper.


They are priced like every other store that sells them. From my experience, Lego sales happen when a store is about to get new stock and the Legos that go on sale are the ones that don't sell well. My sister makes tons of money buy Legos on sale at her Walmart and reselling them online because her Walmart is in a poorer town so the Legos don't move like in other places.


This one is pretty new and won't go on sale in all likelihood.

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Well with October quickly approaching how is everyone doing in this last week of September.


I sold a textbook for $25 this week. So that brings my total for sales to $250. Not too shabby!


No money went into savings this month because instead of putting all the kitchen things on a card I just used our extra paycheck to pay for all of it.


Budget wise our eating out was a bit more because of lack of kitchen but our grocery bill was lower. I'd say it came out pretty even in the end.


I'm hoping October is filled with more selling if stuff and more house projects getting accomplished.

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Sold the last of the cabinets today!  I was so sick of seeing them in the garage and not being able to get to the other stuff I want to sell the woman who came to get them got 3 base cabinets and 4 uppers for $80. With that and the sale of the others our kitchen remodel comes in $300 under budget! 

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Sold the last of the cabinets today!  I was so sick of seeing them in the garage and not being able to get to the other stuff I want to sell the woman who came to get them got 3 base cabinets and 4 uppers for $80. With that and the sale of the others our kitchen remodel comes in $300 under budget! 


Awesome job

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I did the first batch of laundry at the Laundromat. One of the regulars pointed me towards the dryer that runs endlessly without needing to be paid for, so saved there. $4 for a HUGE batch of laundry washed and dried!


AND my new printer finally works, so a bunch of coupons printed and ready for my next shopping trip. 

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Probably not a great month for us, but I did finally get the money back from ds' hearing clinic eval. Dh laughed at how ridiculous it was. When he had to do it he'd walk in the building and walk back out with a check in a few min. When I did it, it was 3 trips to the place and on the third trip once I had everything in order they still needed 30 more min. and asked me to drive around lol. They weren't mean but it just felt almost sexist. Probably just bad timing.


I got dh to make a pdf of the new eyeglass frame receipt so I could get our money back from that, but he thinks the flash drive got wiped with the rest at his work. Ugh. So I'll have to locate that info. again.


I found out about an offer with General Mills. If you spend $15 on certain GM products at Target you will get a $5 rebate. It's apparently in the form of paypal money. Well, I'm going to do that and then see if I can roll that paypal credit forward to pay for the next homeschool event fee :laugh:


Ds and I went on a living history field trip on Friday. The event was free. I was trying so hard not to waste gas that I dragged the kids grocery shopping afterwards. Dh normally does it but I told him I thought it was silly to waste the gas. Also, I like having more input in the grocery shopping and couponing. I'm pretty meticulous about it. I basically said hey I'm going to cook more and I need more say so in the meal planning/shopping so just let me do it. I tipped over the budget goal when I had to go into WM to change dd's diaper and got a few more items, but I don't regret it. They had our fruit jars on rollback so I stocked up. This time I will hide some of it, though. I need to ration it out lol. I hope to continue to organize the meals and do more of the grocery shopping now that I'm regularly couponing and want to know ahead of time what the heck I can make for dinner. Tonight I made the meal he doesn't care for as much since he went out to eat with a friend. He wanted me to buy beer but I did not. I thought it was a waste of money. I know he may get some himself, but oh well.

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Dh said we did well but house expenses tipped us over the edge when a simple broken storm door replacpent and fresh paint on the front door trim turned out to be a much bigger project. (When doesn't it??!) rotten trim and nonstandard door size. Dh says we can't spend any money on the house until February, so any painting projects are out. It's kind of funny how many people have asked me in the past year if I've repainted my new house. Like that's what you do when you move into a new place. That's been the least of our worries. Maybe I should take up a collection. Ă°Å¸Â¤Â£


Anyway, spot on with groceries even with dh classifying 6 months worth of Zyrtec as groceries. [emoji848]



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Sold the dryer today for $40. I did splurge and order pizza, but I had a free code from papa johns so pizza and breaksticks for $10 delivered. 


Did another laundromat trip this morning. More expensive this time - I took a bit more stuff plus had towels and a blanket which take more to dry. And the free dryer wasn't free anymore unfortunately. I ended up spending $10 on laundry and $1 for a soda for DD. Still not terrible though. That was two machines {$4 & $2.50} and the rest was all drying {$3.50}. I think about 2-3 more trips and I'll have it all done, even the blankets. 


I also scored at Walmart. I got an email for a free $25 credit when I opened a Walmart Credit Card and spent $25 or more. I applied and was approved, so I ordered 4 40lb bags of chicken feed {it's cheaper online and comes to the door}. $42. But if I was willing to wait an extra day for shipping, they offered a $10 discount, so I got it all for about $7 after the credit and the discount, and it comes to the door! I'll have to clear space in my deep freeze for 3 of the bags, but it's doable. 


And I scored yesterday at Amazon. They had a promo for sign up for a free month trial of the music service, get a $10 credit on amazon for anything sold by Amazon. I signed up, immediately told it not to renew the trial, and then used the credit to order screws for the chicken coop and a 3 pack of charger cables for our phones {dd needed a new one and the 3 pk was cheaper}. $2 after the credit for it all, and that came out of my gift card balance so nothing out of pocket. 

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What were the fruit jars? And what's the GM products you have to buy for the rebate?



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See if this link works for you:


Don't know what they mean about signing up for a shopmium account. I just saw that part. Didn't see that in the emaili have with instructions.


As for fruit I like the plastic Dole jars. Could not find at Target. I have seen at Kroger & WM. The rollback was on certain varieties. I think even the peaches might have been a sale price but they are always higher. I mostly bought the tropical one (mix of fruit). They sell one with just pineapple or mandarins, too. I think I paid $1.78/jar for tropical which was 60 cents less than usual. A few weeks ago I had some coupons, too. None available this time. They have some Zyrtec coupons btw.

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We went to a fall festival at a friend's farm today. Admission is free but I always budget $30 for it. $10 for food and tip for the performers they have and $20 for 50 raffle tickets. They have a table filled with things you can put for tickets into. All things donated by local businesses. I give each kid 5 tickets to put however they wants and the rest I decide. This year we won 2 things. A $50 gift card to a local rest we like and a cookbook that I did not put a ticket in to. One of my kids must have accidentally. Oh well, it'll probably be a Christmas gift for someone I suppose.

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We went to a fall festival at a friend's farm today. Admission is free but I always budget $30 for it. $10 for food and tip for the performers they have and $20 for 50 raffle tickets. They have a table filled with things you can put for tickets into. All things donated by local businesses. I give each kid 5 tickets to put however they wants and the rest I decide. This year we won 2 things. A $50 gift card to a local rest we like and a cookbook that I did not put a ticket in to. One of my kids must have accidentally. Oh well, it'll probably be a Christmas gift for someone I suppose.



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Sold the dryer today for $40. I did splurge and order pizza, but I had a free code from papa johns so pizza and breaksticks for $10 delivered. 


Did another laundromat trip this morning. More expensive this time - I took a bit more stuff plus had towels and a blanket which take more to dry. And the free dryer wasn't free anymore unfortunately. I ended up spending $10 on laundry and $1 for a soda for DD. Still not terrible though. That was two machines {$4 & $2.50} and the rest was all drying {$3.50}. I think about 2-3 more trips and I'll have it all done, even the blankets. 


I also scored at Walmart. I got an email for a free $25 credit when I opened a Walmart Credit Card and spent $25 or more. I applied and was approved, so I ordered 4 40lb bags of chicken feed {it's cheaper online and comes to the door}. $42. But if I was willing to wait an extra day for shipping, they offered a $10 discount, so I got it all for about $7 after the credit and the discount, and it comes to the door! I'll have to clear space in my deep freeze for 3 of the bags, but it's doable. 


And I scored yesterday at Amazon. They had a promo for sign up for a free month trial of the music service, get a $10 credit on amazon for anything sold by Amazon. I signed up, immediately told it not to renew the trial, and then used the credit to order screws for the chicken coop and a 3 pack of charger cables for our phones {dd needed a new one and the 3 pk was cheaper}. $2 after the credit for it all, and that came out of my gift card balance so nothing out of pocket. 


Amazing that you sold the dryer.  Wasn't it broken? 


Now I am thinking I should have sold the 3 appliances we got new this year. 


All still worked to different degrees. 

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