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The Things We Do For Friends! Teachers Lounge 8-2-2017


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Hello, all, and Happy Wednesday! (I almost wrote Tuesday!)


Today's theme stems from the fact that I have a dear friend from high school that can sometimes be a PITA

to get in touch with! So today, I sent him an email, in the form of a business order, to his work email, to get his attention!

The business order is not entirely fake - I do have delusions aspirations of owning a small herbal business in the state in

which he lives - just not any time soon. We'll see what happens!


What's one of the strangest things you've one to keep in touch with someone? Here: above, definitely. But if I think hard enough,

I'm sure I'll remember others!


What is something you've done to help a friend that others thought was strange? Here: can't think of anything at the moment.

Doesn't mean I haven't done it, though!


Who else still needs breakfast this morning? Here:  :seeya:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I remember when my cousin and I first lived in the same state (after 20 some odd years of not being in the same state),

after a long day at work he drove four hours to come see me! I think my husband was surprised but I wasn't. My cousin and

I are similar in personality so it didn't surprise me at all!.  :coolgleamA:

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Strangest thing to keep in touch: Nothing really...


To help a friend: I don't know.  I've probably done things people would think were strange, but I didn't think they were strange myself.


Need breakfast: Me!  But since it is lunchtime I suppose breakfast will not happen today.

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Hi Scrap and Butter,


Strangest thing to keep in touch: drive 10 hours to shoe up on the doorstep, unannounced. 


Strangest thing to help a friend? Well my teammates and I (in a volunteer organization, working with middle school students) once welcomed our new boss and his wife to town by attacking them with water guns. We did also bring ice cream to share. 


It's after lunch here. And I am not hungry for dinner yet, though the roast in the crock pot smells very good.

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I don't do much to get peoples' attention. I'm a lazy friend and really if normal forms of communication don't work I generally let the friendship fizzle out.


Strange things I've done for a friend... Hmm not sure.


Breakfast was hours ago for me. I'm trying to get up the energy to make dinner soon

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I don't do much to get peoples' attention. I'm a lazy friend and really if normal forms of communication don't work I generally let the friendship fizzle out.


Strange things I've done for a friend... Hmm not sure.


Breakfast was hours ago for me. I'm trying to get up the energy to make dinner soon


Me too.


I try and maintain the people that are currently in my life.  I don't try and connect with people I knew in high school or college.  

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The unwritten rules, as well as one written one:

written: the Lounge is for adults/teachers only! It's like the adult version of a treehouse! B-)


Unwritten: be polite, come in and hang out. Bring in a snack to share if you can and are willing.


We're just here to have place for US. Take your shoes off, take a nap, sit in the chair and veg.

In other words, RELAX. (where's a hammock emoji when you need one?)

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Me too.


I try and maintain the people that are currently in my life. I don't try and connect with people I knew in high school or college.

Dh recently ran into an old highschool friend and next thing I know we're being invited to a BBQ at her house where another old highschool friend will be. These are people he hasn't talked to in at least a decade. I just can't understand why they'd care to get together after so long. But I'm sure it'll be fun enough.

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I just thought of the strangest thing I've done for a friend!  We have a turtle.  Ani bought her on the side of the road like you do and now she's in a 55 gallon tank which is way more than necessary for a hatchling, but it was cheap on CraigsList and since she'll grow VERY big (12" in diameter) this tank will last her many years.  My friend came over Friday and since she had been on vacation for three weeks didn't know we had the turtle.  We talked about what red eared sliders need and whatever, just making conversation.  The next day she texted me that a neighbor moved to Colorado and had apparently bought not one, but two, red eared sliders earlier in the week.  Knowing she was moving.  And so when she came to say good-bye, she just handed my friend these two turtles in a Costco animal cracker container!  Didn't ask or anything.  Just handed them over.  Needless to say my friend was in shock.  So I told her to bring them over and we dropped them in the tank and they are quite happy now.  We know we have a home for one of them and possibly both so for now they are just hanging out with our turtle until their new homes are ready.  So a little strange.  But, seriously.  Who does that?!?!  These are living, breathing little creatures we're talking about and one should never assume another will be perfectly happy to be given a random pet.

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I just thought of the strangest thing I've done for a friend!  We have a turtle.  Ani bought her on the side of the road like you do and now she's in a 55 gallon tank which is way more than necessary for a hatchling, but it was cheap on CraigsList and since she'll grow VERY big (12" in diameter) this tank will last her many years.  My friend came over Friday and since she had been on vacation for three weeks didn't know we had the turtle.  We talked about what red eared sliders need and whatever, just making conversation.  The next day she texted me that a neighbor moved to Colorado and had apparently bought not one, but two, red eared sliders earlier in the week.  Knowing she was moving.  And so when she came to say good-bye, she just handed my friend these two turtles in a Costco animal cracker container!  Didn't ask or anything.  Just handed them over.  Needless to say my friend was in shock.  So I told her to bring them over and we dropped them in the tank and they are quite happy now.  We know we have a home for one of them and possibly both so for now they are just hanging out with our turtle until their new homes are ready.  So a little strange.  But, seriously.  Who does that?!?!  These are living, breathing little creatures we're talking about and one should never assume another will be perfectly happy to be given a random pet.

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Communication? I've done the "stalking in multiple forms of social media." Ok, not really stalking but reaching out through multiple means. But when they didn't respond, I got the hint. In fact, I've given up on a lot of people lately. I don't have the energy for one sided friendships and decided that numbing myself playing solitaire is definitely a more worthwhile pursuit.


The craziest thing I've done for a friend ... driving 3 hours to her business launch and driving 3 hours home that same day. And she wasn't that close a friend.


It is past dinnertime here and I am grouchy. I waited too long to eat and almost passed out on the exercise bike at the climbing gym. Instead of eating the lovely salad I made, I wolfed down a cliff bar and ate half a canteloup. I'm still waiting for my climbing partner to show up, but I have a feeling she is going to bail. I'm regretting coming in with dd. The only upside of having driven over an hour is that I did get 43 minutes of cardio in and listened to 2 chapters of A Man Called Ove.


Maybe I'll bail and go buy some clothes for ... My New Job! I'm supposed to start next week working part time at a tea shop. I'm looking forward to it ... to having something to do while I figure out my next chapter and while I work very hard at giving dd17 some space and independence. She has turned from the loving sweet daughter who tolerated my company to someone who is shoving me away. My heart is breaking so I am working on having other things to do.


So if my posts sounds a little moody, I'm struggling here. I even flipped off another driver who tried to cut me off. Not the smartest thing (or even safest thing these days) but my filter is working overtime on not crowding dd that it just slipped out. Dd was alarmed and somewhat amused. So not like me.


Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

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Whew, finally able to stop in today.


In high school my bff sent me a letter with sand and photo negatives and a weird letter, making it like a puzzle that we had to solve or it was the end of the world. It was in the summer, before cell phones and we couldn't drive yet, and were an hour away from each other. He called himself in the letter "Fearless Leader"and made a whole to-do. We never solved it, lol. So, I guess that's the weirdest/biggest thing done FOR me. 


I don't know if I've ever done something big like that. I tend to drop off radar. It doesn't occur to me to keep in touch. :( I would love to, if I remembered. But, I'll do most anything asked of me, so there's that at least. 


(whoops, missed the lounge closing. have a good night!)

Edited by Moonhawk
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