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So I dreamed


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That I went to church without a shirt on. I just looked down and was horrified to see that I'd forgotten it! And I was sitting there mortified thinking, " I wonder if anyone noticed!"


I told my kids about the dream later. My girls reassured me that they would notice something like that and keep me from attending services in that state.


So I feel better now.



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Yes, I've had the "where are my pants" dream many times.  :P  I think it's pretty universal.


Last night I dreamed I ran into an old friend at a new job.  I kept wanting to go say hi, but my alarm clock kept distracting me.  :P

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Oh, and yes my kids would prevent me from going out like that.  They always remind me that I need to change before I leave.  Not that I have ever forgotten to do that.  I guess they live in mortal fear that I will do something completely bizarre in public.  Makes me wonder what kinds of dreams they've been having.  :P

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Here is what these folks think it means:




So you are going about your normal routine - going to work, waiting for the bus, or just walking down the street - when you suddenly realize that you are stark naked. Dreaming that you are completely or partially naked is very common. Nudity symbolizes a variety of things depending on your real life situation.

Becoming mortified at the realization that you are naked in public, reflects your vulnerability or feelings of shamefulness. You may be hiding something and are afraid that others can see right through you. Metaphorically, clothes are a means of concealment. Depending on the type of clothes you wear, you can hide your identity or be someone else. But without them, everything is hanging out for all to see. You are exposed and left without any defenses. Thus your naked dream may be telling you that you are trying to be something that you really are not. Or you are fearful of being ridiculed and disgraced. Such anxieties are elevated especially in situations where you are trying to impress others. Perhaps you are in a new work environment or in a new relationship. You may be expressing fears or apprehension in revealing your true feelings in such situations.

Nudity also symbolizes being caught off guard. Finding yourself naked at work or in a classroom, suggests that you are unprepared for a project at work or school. You may be unprepared in making a well informed decision. With all eyes on you, you fear that some flaw will be brought to public attention. You fear that people will see through your true self and you will be exposed as a fraud or a phony.

Often times, when you realize that you are naked in your dream, no one else seems to notice. Everyone else in the dream is going about their business without giving a second look at your nakedness. If this happens in your dream, then it implies that your fears are unfounded; no one will notice except you. You may be magnifying the situation and making an issue of nothing.

If you dream that you are proud of your nakedness and show no embarrassment or shame, then it symbolizes your unrestricted freedom. You have nothing to hide and are proud of who you are. The dream is about a new sense of honesty, openness, and a carefree nature. Perhaps you are trying to get to the �bare facts�. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you that you are drawing the wrong kind of attention to yourself. You want to get noticed, but are going about it the wrong way.




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I tend to believe our subconscious brings out our fears and anxieties.


I have had dreams of no clothing.  I have also had a lot of dreams where I either couldn't find my classroom or I was in the classroom and couldn't find my students!  


Just anxiety showing itself.

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I tend to believe our subconscious brings out our fears and anxieties.


I have had dreams of no clothing.  I have also had a lot of dreams where I either couldn't find my classroom or I was in the classroom and couldn't find my students!  


Just anxiety showing itself.


My dreams of no clothing are always paired with a school situation.  And often in the same dreams I'm worried about not getting an assignment in on time or not graduating or something like that.  A couple of times I also dreamt I could not find the classroom or my locker.  I hate those dreams!

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I had a church dream last night, too. They were starting a new location and I found my picture frames and my recliner chair in the lobby. Before I woke up I had extracted the pictures of my children out from underneath whatever the church staff had put in the frames over them. Then I was dragging the chair towards the door but the alarm went off before I could get it through the door. This was all on Sunday morning with people gathering for services.

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