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Is there anything cuter than a newborn baby stretch?

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My baby loves to stretch and stretch! I swear sometimes it seems like he just does nothing but stretch for like fifteen minutes! Then when you pick them up they do it some more! He curls up his little legs and sticks his butt out and throws his arms up and stretches! And those forever long yawns...

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My question is, Why do you have to control yourself? :tongue_smilie: I am highly pro-squeezing when it comes to babies. I'm partial to fat baby forearms, but I also love when teensy babies arch their backs, and when they get to that point of coordination (4-6 months or so?) when they are constantly rubbing the soles of their feet together so it seems like they could be making music that way or something. I love it when I see babies faced out in front backs doing that! My husband calls it being a "cricket baby."

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STOP IT!!! I'm having a hard enough time controlling the "must-have-baby- now" urges I already have. Don't give me more!! :D And definitely squeeze that baby! Even my 2 yo dd says, "Pinch a baby!" when she sees a cute baby. :lol: We are mean to our babies. :001_smile:


When my oldest was 3 we had the next baby. My then-3-yo would say that the baby was "squeezin' away" when ever he stretched and snuggled.

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