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The old gang is no more


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Long story short, I am trying to connect with a few people while we are in LA.   I thought most of them had moved from our last church to a new one when the church split. 


I guess not.


My friend is telling me that several of them they haven't seen in many years.


I get it, people move on, but it makes me sad.


This is the group I relied on for support in the young marrieds group when we all had little kids and could make them play together!   :laugh:


Now everyone has gone their separate ways and their kids are all grown up and into very different things.


This is why I do actually like FB.  I can at least see what everyone is up to.

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I graduated from a large Los Angeles high school 30+ years ago. My class had 1200 students. I left  L.A for extended periods for college, work, and professional school.  Still, in that period, I have only crossed path with one class mate. You don't stumble into people in Los Angeles. It is just too big.

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That is the beauty of Facebook. I have moved, not that much, but enough, and others have moved and without it my past as a married woman would be a black hole, because I would never keep up with people snail mail. 

I second him, That Facebook has their own policy related to managing people and their relation. 

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I graduated from a large Los Angeles high school 30+ years ago. My class had 1200 students. I left  L.A for extended periods for college, work, and professional school.  Still, in that period, I have only crossed path with one class mate. You don't stumble into people in Los Angeles. It is just too big.



I always seemed to run into friends while out and about, even in diff. parts of LA.  


I worked in a  large LA High School for 16 years.  We had 5,400 students when I was there.  Now things have changed and a LOT of new high schools have been built.  There are no more year round high schools.  Bell High, which was the last of the Concept 6 year round schools, is even going traditional this coming school year.

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I always seemed to run into friends while out and about, even in diff. parts of LA.  


I worked in a  large LA High School for 16 years.  We had 5,400 students when I was there.  Now things have changed and a LOT of new high schools have been built.  There are no more year round high schools.  Bell High, which was the last of the Concept 6 year round schools, is even going traditional this coming school year.

 You are fortunate. I wish I did.  But, have lost contact with everybody with several extended absences from L.A., 

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 You are fortunate. I wish I did.  But, have lost contact with everybody with several extended absences from L.A., 



Well, I have been gone a while now too.  We are looking at moving back, but it will be like starting over I am afraid.  I have friends, but it is no longer a cohesive group.


I know once we get settled with jobs and a life things will be fine, but the transition will be an adjustment.


If only we had kept our old house and rented it out......

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