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Is there a grammar program that takes the parent by the hand like MUS for math???


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You could probably contact Queen's if you have any trouble with a lesson. I have asked questions about products before and had a very good response from Sandi Queen. A couple of ideas for other programs would be All-in-one-English (recommended by MFW), Analytical Grammar or Junior Analytical Grammar, or Easy Grammar. HTH



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I would suggest FLL. If your oldest has not done much formal grammar, she could probably do FLL 3 if you don't want to wait for FLL 4. My 9dd did FLL 3 last year and then went into BJU English 5 (FLL was not finished or we would have used it...BJU 4 was too much review of what we did in FLL 3). My youngest has used FLL from the beginning and I am seeing a major difference in his abilities compared to my oldest. I really wish I would have stuck with FLL 1/2 for my oldest. I just can't say enough good things about it!!


When they finish FLL 4 they should be ready to go into Junior Analytical Grammar, which we also love!!!

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My son was using FLL 3 when I set it aside to give him the time to work on the Queen book. When he is done with it (around Christmas, I'm thinking), I intend to go back to FLL 3 but to continue with the next Queen book as a supplement. He really liked FLL 3 and was doing great with it.


FLL 3 is very easy to teach. The lessons are laid out very clearly.

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I am surprised no one has mentioned Rod and Staff!

That was my first thought...

I saw your posts last evening but didn't have time to reply.


Rod and Staff Grammar is VERY clear. The teacher's guide contains all the answers. The teaching is so clear- you should be able to figure it out just from the student book.

My son is really understanding his lessons. We do lessons every other day.


I also think that Growing with Grammar is very clear and very thorough. You can see samples on their website. You can also see samples of Rod and Staff at http://www.rodandstaffbooks.com


I am using Rod and Staff this year after successfully using FLL1/2 with my oldest. We are using Grade 3. It is going so well. We do almost all of it orally with some on the whiteboard/in the notebook. He does selected problems himself.

I just bought Grade 2 for my second grader as it is going so well!


I hope this helps!


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