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The Insomniac Swimmers Teachers Lounge 6-6-2017


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*Yawn* Oh, excuse me! Yep, you guessed it - sleep alluded me again, for awhile last night.

And it really shouldn't have because I had a busy day - I was on the go pretty much the whole day.

Finally got to sleep, caught a few short hours, and my cat decided to meow in my ear about 15 minutes 

before my alarm was due to go off. Seriously?


Anyway . . . WELCOME to the Lounge!  If you see my snoozing in the recliner later, you now know why!


Anyone have a favorite natural sleep aid to help when sleep alludes you? Here: a few but I may need

to "pull out the big guns" now to correct whatever's going on. Ambien is a no-go and not natural. Natural

recommendations first, please.


When you've tried all the natural remedies known to man and then must turn to modern medicine -

OTC or prescription - what's your go-to for a sleep aid? Here: listening for your answers :bigear:


For those with kiddos on swim team, what's your favorite breakfast to feed them? Here: haven't quite decided yet!


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Sleep aid: Exercise and fresh air. Though vigorous exercise that causes muscle soreness can make sleep difficult. I don't mind, though. I like knowing that I'm building up my muscles. ;)


Breakfast: My dc aren't swimmers, but I was in my youth. I didn't eat much before my work-outs. I'd have a light snack before and another snack afterwards - along with lots of fluids. Chocolate milk is great after a work-out as it has sugar, fat and protein.

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I don't take anything for sleep. I've always been one to wake up at night, but usually can get back to sleep. I've had a few nights of being awake longer over the last couple of years. I'm not usually tired during the day, though. 


Ds is a swimmer. Before his meet Saturday, he wanted 2 fried eggs and toast. He really likes Greek yogurt if we have any. 



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Good morning! 

Scrap ... sorry you are still struggling with sleep.  I know how that goes.  It seems that the more imperative a good night's sleep is, the more elusive it becomes.  Stress is a huge sleep thief for me.  That and hot flashes, leg cramps, and pain in general (the pain part usually seems to trigger horrible nightmares - even worse than stress.) 


Sleep aids?  I am wary of drugs since I saw the effects they had on my mom.  I've tried melatonin and had limited success with that.  I am working yoga and relaxation in addition to exercise in the fresh air.  K has difficulty sleeping as well due to racing thoughts.  This week, I plan to test out some relaxation/meditation apps to help me and K.  I wish I could have my favorite yoga teacher come to my house every evening just before bedtime.  I almost always find a great relaxation and near sleep space when I took her class.  Sadly, she has not come back to the place I go after maternity leave.  Bummer.  I hope I can convince K to give gentle yoga a try to help learn some calming techniques since the anti-psychotic meds only go so far. 


Breakfast?  I don't have a swimmer (I never could bring myself to commit to the parent requirements for swim team ... at least with climbing, I get to climb myself.)  But, during the summer, dd runs in a cross country camp and is out the door before 7 am.  She usually has pb on toast and a large glass of water to tide her over and has a large breakfast when she gets home at 9:15. 

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Good to see you all! I should have been more specific on the breakfast part: I did mean for after practice. B-)

Right now ds is munching on a chicken jalapeno Hot Pocket. I know, not the most nutritious but it's helpful to us, for now:

we're on a very tight budget and Hot Pockets are only $2/box at our grocery store right now.


He is now talking to me about a Mountain Dew Spiked Lemonade Freeze we shared yesterday. It's "spiked" with

prickly pear cactus juice, not alcohol. And oh my, was it good! We both agree "it's not nice" (because it's so delicious!).


Tonight, I'll see what else I can throw at my body for sleep. It's hard to really get to sleep before 10pm because literally 

everyone in this house is still awake and moving around!  I did walk to the pool with my son this morning. And then I walked back

to get the car to take dd to TKD camp. That's more exercise than I've had in awhile. Need to get back on a regular routine with that!

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Magnesium helps me with sleeping. But I don't have insomnia, just trouble falling asleep.


I have 5 kids on swim team (someone help me!!).


My kids like baked oatmeal with peanut butter (for us it's peabutter because of allergies) before practice. They also like hash -bacon, sausage, potatoes, onions...whatever. No eggs for us because allergies. Sigh.


After practice we just eat whatever for lunch. I always have something ready to reheat. After last practice we had hamburgers and fruit and carrot sticks.


Our practice is from 9-11. Littles ones practice for first hour and older ones for second hour. I'm the assistant coach. It's going to be a crazy summer.


Our practice meet is this Thursday evening. Yikes! I'm not ready!


Who else has a meet coming up?

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Taking a break from a massive purge/clean of my room! LOL


Lexi, I like the look of that hash recipe sans eggs. DD doesn't really like eggs and eggs make me hungry.

May have to try that out.


Our first meet isn't until the 15th but my son isn't competing. He just joined the team for exercise.


How do you do baked oatmeal?

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Possibly. It's over 105*F here most days and the night's aren't much cooler. And I don't like the artificial cold of A/C

so that makes it tough.


That would be tough for me, but our heat is pretty humid here. No a/c makes for very sweaty bodies when trying to sleep. My oldest ds always heads down to the basement to stay cool at night.

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How do you do baked oatmeal?


I found the best ever baked oatmeal right here on the boards! My family loves it. Mrs. Mungo shared her recipe here


ETA: I mix in my eggs well before adding the milk (use almond milk) and vanilla. Otherwise they seem to settle on the bottom of the pan. 

Edited by mom31257
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Some things I've tried for sleep: white noise..in particular a humidifier if it's dry.  These are not totally natural, but not prescription..the sleep aid..it's the sleepy stuff that is in benadryl without the allergy part.  There are some homeopathic things coffea..something.  

I also try to lay really still and not move even if I think i'm uncomfortable I just don't move and then it helps me fall asleep.  


I'm actually in Tasmania today visiting dh family!  It is cold, but so beautiful and I recommend visiting here if you ever have the chance.  We haven't visited this particular area for 10 years, so it's way past time.  Unfortunately I have an achy cold and am throwing the kitchen sink of vitamins at myself and resting to try and get well quickly.  The family reunion starts this afternoon at 2pm and lasts all weekend so I need to get it together in the next few hours and/or suck it up.  


My kids did summer swim team for years.  I miss those days!  I also did oatmeal for breakfasts.  My kids have to take it easy eating in the mornings, but after swimming they would eat a lot.

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