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The Compass/Rose Teachers Lounge 5-31-2016


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!


Can you believe it's almost JUNE?? Oi!


Today's theme comes to you from the fact that I've been thinking about many geographical locations lately

and also trying to figure out my own direction in a few areas of life. Thus the compass and compass rose theme.


Anyone else wondering about/planning a new direction in your life? Here: yesterday, I mentioned education. In the not too

distant future, we may also be contemplating a location change. 


Anyone know how to use a compass (navigational instrument) or a compass rose (on the map)? Here: the military was big

on terrain map skills, so yes, I know how to do this! B-)


Anyone incorporate these sort of skills into their kids education? Here: I've been encouraging my husband to teach the kids some

orienteering skills. This Saturday, while I'm working at a farmers market up north, the plan is to have him take my son out into the nearby

woods up there, and learn some of those skills. DS does know how to use a compass but I don't think he's been taught how to use a terrain map yet.

I spent so much time on learning terrain in basic training, it is forever etched in my brain!


Talk to me! :bigear:



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New Direction: Nope, not me.


Use a compass/compass rose: Yup.  And taught the boys how for Scout requirements.


Incorporate skills in school: Yeah.  We often stick in Cub Scouts requirements where they fit with school stuff.

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New direction: Yes, teaching two STEM courses in the evenings next year through and educational grant for providing key education in communities that do not have access through schools. Two evenings per week, one Saturday per month, and online lectures and homework so parents do no t have to commute students five days per week after having already been in school all day.


I also will be working for an educational company that provides subject matter experts to schools in order to help them beef up their educational options, and the SMEE does not have to have a teaching license because they "practice" under the license of the principal...a waiver program essentially. That will be only one school district, one day per week until ds graduates, then hopefully four days per week in 2018/19.


I can use a compass and compass rose.


We did go over these skills when the kids were younger. I have no idea if they retained the information and skill or not as we haven't done much rugged camping or long, off the path hikes in recent years.

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Good morning!


New directions are something that has been on my mind the last year or so. I'll be done homeschooling in 4 years, so I have been contemplating what to be when I grow up.  :D   Dh wants to move to Ohio to be with his mom since his dad died last summer. We're going to wait out most of ds' teen years to not disrupt his life. 


I've never needed to use an actual compass, but directions and maps are a definite strength and love of mine. When I was young and we were going on a vacation, my dad always allowed me to sit down with him and go over the map to figure out our route. It's one of my favorite memories of childhood with him.


Now, I enjoy finding new ways to go places. I often find myself wondering where certain roads lead and will have an idea. I love trying them and finding out that it does go where I thought. I lived with my grandparents for two years (in an apartment in their basement), and my grandmother told me I took her on roads she'd never been on and had lived there her whole life. 


I have tried to make sure the kids know how to use maps, but they don't share my love of directions and finding ways around. Ds' earth science class next year at co-op has at least one activity involving compasses and geocaching. I'm assuming they will do it as a group, so maybe that will spark ds' interest in it. 








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Hello everyone!  We were on vacation and I lurked a little but really stayed off of devices for the most part.  I started to post yesterday but was so busy my unfinished post just sat there all day. 


I never used a compass until I was in Manhattan with my mom.  Coming up out of the subway, even with a map, it was hard to know which way you were going with all the buildings so the compass app on the phone really came in handy.  Maybe there is a better way to do it but it was a big help for us.    And I'm glad you brought that up because we will be doing Runkles Geography next year so it would be perfect to go with that if it's not already in there. 


Ok, got to run. I thought I was having lunch and relaxing but kiddo wants help reviewing his vocab.  Hope all this makes sense.

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Why was the Lounge on Page 2?? Are you all rearranging your livingroom library like I am?

The goal/intent was to purge some books. And I have - a few. Mainly I just took a page out of 

someone else's book (pun somewhat intended) and have been rearranging books into categories,

kind of like at the library. ETA: but not going as far as the Dewey Decimal System!  :p

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Thanks for the support, friends. His melanoma will kill him, but no one (well, except God) knows when that will be. His tumors have shrunk, so that is VERY good news. If it takes its time getting to his brain, he could conceivably have a couple of years. Or not. Who knows. He is in a double-blind study, so he could be getting a miracle drug! Or not. I hadn't realized his Keytruda stuff was so new. 5 years ago, we'd be looking at a few months. Right now, it seems to be holding off any new tumors, and for that, we are grateful. So, we muddle on. As to the pizza--no one delivers out here!

Many hugs from me to you, Margaret.

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