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Moving birthday indoors... help w entertaining a lot of boys!


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We were supposed to have a birthday party for my 10 and 5 year old boys at the pool today. It looks like the pool option will be rained out. We've already gotten so much rain that my backyard is a mud pit. Any ideas on how to entertain 15 boys ages 4-14 in my house for two hours?!?! HELP!!

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I would just reschedule the swimming, and do a shortened version of the party now. The timing doesn't have to be set in stone. For safety and sanity reasons, I would not do 15 boys inside for 2 hours. Life is too short and my hair would be grey or gone to attempt the insane.

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Have a treasure hunt (clues leading one to another).


Pin the tail on the donkey (may be "novel" enough).


Lego competition. 10 min to build the biggest tower, or "best" creation.


If you have wood or tile floors, have a towel race, with them pulling each other around on towels.


Or a wheelbarrow race (kids holding another's ankles.


Balloon volleyball.


Full a balloon or a few, freeze, and play cold potato.


Piñata (blindfolded).


Bean bag throw at X target.

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how much lego do you have?   they could have a building contest?  biggest castle?  tallest tower that is stable?


building a fort



eta:  mine - would be setting up a lan party so fast . . . . but even then you can only do a max of four per screen, - but they wire both and have eight.


Edited by gardenmom5
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Two hours isn't THAT long. Eating should kill some of that time. Can you set up board games or play charades. A Lego station? Maybe a movie? If there's no thunder could you get them in their trunks and "swim" around the block with random challenges along the way? 10 jumping jacks at every corner? Crab soccer in your muddy yard? It's goofy, but it's physical and an experience and kids remember stuff like that. Maybe two groups . . . a calm indoor movie group and a Manly Mud Challenge for the more adventurous?

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Mud pit sounds like it could be fun. Plug in the hose and use the spray nozzle to keep anyone from entering the house, cake in the garage, done!


And go inside and lock the doors. 


This pretty much describes my party plan.


One year, it was pouring and I called a local KidGym kind of place and moved it over there.  It wasn't free but it was well within do-able, and it saved the day.

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