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Any marketing/advertising people here that can help me out?


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I am teaching a summer yoga camp for kids and we are getting ready to roll out some advertisements, this is not my strong suite, at all.


To me I think highlighting some of the benefits of yoga for kids would be good especially as in our area the idea of yoga for kids is pretty new, it will be the first camp within 1.5 hr drive at least.


Any ideas for good headers? 


Suggestions as to the most important info? 


I know for a chunk of parents they just want some place to drop off their kids and just want to make sure the kids have fun and are safe. So, it is good to convey that without being creepy :) 


Help, TIA!

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What kind of advertising will you be doing?  A mailer-postcard, pamphlet, Fold-over Card?  How much space you have to work with should drive your attention grabbing headline. 

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What kind of advertising will you be doing?  A mailer-postcard, pamphlet, Fold-over Card?  How much space you have to work with should drive your attention grabbing headline. 

Sorry I wasn't specific enough. It will be marketing through FB as that seems to get the most result. I'm not sure how it works, by line or character? We will have enough space for a short paragraph plus a photo. On the plus side we have it half full already and we haven't even officially put it out there yet.

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I would be silly and call it Foga -- Fun + Yoga for kids! Something like that. It'll at least grab attention.


Then I would bullet out the benefits:


Kids learn:


  • F: Fun summer experience!
  • O: Oh, what a pretzel I am!
  • G: Great breath work helps me relax!
  • A: A wondrous practice to grow stronger & leaner!


Kids are so naturally good at yoga!



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Then I would focus on the benefits of yoga for kids and how your camp incorporates fun with learning yoga.

Thank you, I think that is the idea, just to work on the wording.


You just want a header?  Something like Kid's Yoga (or whatever you call it) for Fun and Flexibility


I need a header and a blurb. I like that format but not sure what I want to put with Fun- flexibility isn't one of the primary focuses, I'll have to think on that- thanks the suggestion.

I would be silly and call it Foga -- Fun + Yoga for kids! Something like that. It'll at least grab attention.


Then I would bullet out the benefits:


Kids learn:


  • F: Fun summer experience!
  • O: Oh, what a pretzel I am!
  • G: Great breath work helps me relax!
  • A: A wondrous practice to grow stronger & leaner!


Kids are so naturally good at yoga!



Ha! A bit goofy but I like your bullet points, thank you!

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  • 3 years later...

Are you setting up a Facebook page for the business?  In which case, you aren't that limited.  You would need a banner/header for the page, a logo for the page, you can do a description which is text only, then you can make a pinned/announcement post  that stays at the top for an extended period of time.

I'm going to send you a PM with the Facebook page for my business so you can kind of see what I mean. 

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