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Would it be cheaper to buy my ds7 who still wets the bed pull ups?

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I've just been washing the bedding everyday but I've been wondering if I'm really saving any money by doing an extra load of laundry ever day? I really don't have any way to calculate it. I don't think he'll fit into the training pants type of pull ups any more so I would have to buy him good nights which are really expensive. Right now we are watching every penny but I don't know which way to go on this one so I thought I'd ask here. :001_smile:

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For us, it was better to just buy the Good Nites. It spared the embarrassment of needing to change his bed daily, he could just throw the pants away. I can't remember the actual cost, if you buy them on sale, it worked out to around $.70 -1.00 per pair.


:iagree: I think it costs about that to do a load of laundry: $.30 in electricity to wash and .15 to .30 to dry a load (natural gas in cheaper). When you add in the cost for water and soap I think it is the same.


My ds tried going without pull-ups over the summer and I line dried his sheets to save money. I just put him back in Good Nites because I can't keep up with the extra laundry during the school year. Oh, well!

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I had 2 bedwetters, aged 12 and 10... and when took diary out of their diets, they quit wetting their beds. Turns out bedwetting was a symptom of milk allergies.

might be an inexpensive experiment for you to take your child off diary for a week or 2 and see if the bedwetting stops.

best of luck


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I feel your pain, my 10 year old still wets the bed more nights than he is dry, and my 5 yr old does too. My 5 yr old still wears pullups but my oldest will not wear them. I use soaker pads for him, I was given some like what hospitals use but before that I used puppy training pads. They come in packs of 10, you can find them everywhere even the dollar store and they hold the urine. He would wake up after he wet, toss the pad in the trash and change his jammies. We went for a spell with my 5yr old not in pull ups and mt 10 year old not using pads, and I was going insane doing 2 loads just of bedding daily, not to mention the smell in the mattresses. I also had to implement a rule that they are not allowed in my bed without a pull up after waking up to being peed on when my oldest climbed in one night without me knowing. My 10 yr old fits in the XL pull ups but I can't afford to buy 2 packs at a time, and he says they feel hot so he won't wear them.


For sleep aways, like camps(he has had 2 in the last 2 weeks), He has a prescription medication he takes that stop him from wetting, we only use them for those circumstances not all the time because I am not a big fan of using meds where not necessary, but at 10 wetting his bed at camp was not something he needs kwim.

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Have you tried store brands? I don't know if they are available in those, but we used store brand diapers, trainers and now nighttime diapers. But they are still in the 'diaper' size.


We use the store brand for diapers and used them when he was in pull-up, I don't think they make the goodnights in a store brand.


Hey there,

How about trying the homeopathic bed wetter "pills." My nephew was wetting most nights and with this....the first night and after were dry:-)

Good Luck!



Where did you get these?

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Another option is to use a bedwetting alarm, an electronic device that has a moisture sensor and an alarm component that wakes the child up so that he can use the toilet. If you google search "bedwetting alarm," you can find plenty of information about them, if you are interested. There are different types. Here's a link to a Wikipedia article about bedwetting alarms. HTH. ;)

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I would vote for the Good Nites if you are trying to decide between those and daily bedding washing. We tried both methods. Yes, I hated buying the Good Nites, but washing the bedding and pjs daily was a real chore. I also found it more difficult to get rid of the stench as he got older. Borax was our friend.


If you watch for sales and sign up on the Huggies/GoodNites website (you can print off coupons), you may be able to bring the per pull-up cost down a bit. We are finally done with them, and just have the occasional accident. I didn't have much luck finding store brands in the larger sizes, but I believe that Pampers came out with a line recently, so you may check with them for coupons/competitive pricing as well.


Oh, and one time, my ds told me that we were shorted in our package of Good Nites (we were one short). I called in to the customer service line and they were kind enough to send me two or three coupons and one of them was for $7 off! So, it can pay to count your pull-ups. :D


I also give another vote for trying to eliminate dairy. We never did that because he doesn't like milk (so I wasn't overly concerned about his dairy consumption) and by the time I realized there may be a connection from other forms of dairy, he was about over the bedwetting. However, we did start to notice that if he had ice cream late in the day, he would almost always have an accident. I now believe that this bedwetting may have been shorter lived if we had been more diligent here. We are planning to try him off of dairy for other reasons now. In the meantime, I don't let him have ice cream or chocolate milk late in the day.


I know this can be challenging. :grouphug: Hang in there!



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don't feel bad about it. My fellow who is finally out of them. We tried so many things. Finally, I think it was constipation that caused most of the problem. Now I give him Magnesium regularly and he is finally out of pullups. I had a lot of laundry and anguish etc. It really isn't worth it. Just do your best and by 9 he may be out too. :ack2:

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My ds7 is still in Goodnites. If you have a Randall's near you (or one of their affiliates - they are the former Safeway stores) they do make a store brand that is cheaper. I don't like them quite as much but I only buy Goodnites when I have a coupon AND they are on sale. The store brand is just as cheap with no coupon and no sale.


For me it's worth it to spend the money on the Goodnites to save me the time of washing and remaking the bed every.single.day. I do not have time for that right now. I scrimp in other areas to keep buying these.


Hope that helps.

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but we also use Goodnites or Pampers new brand "Underjams" for our two children, Daniel (8) and Virginia (6). However, we only buy these when we have coupons and store sales going on.


We often shop at CVS and they also sell their own brand which we've used.



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