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homeschooling the "spirited" child

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I have come to a realization.  My daughter is one who wears her emotions on her sleeve and can be very "in your face" all the time.  She's an extreme extrovert and I am a pretty average introvert.  I feel like emotionally, she sucks me dry.  I've realized that it's not so much the homeschooling her that exhausts me, it's the having her all day in the house that really is becoming the reason I have researched schools she can attend for two years.  After school programs wouldn't be the answer because after school, she does tend to play with the numerous kids her age in the neighborhood.  I need something 2-3 days per week for 3-4 hours just so she can get her social time and I can get a break from her intensity.  Has anyone ever found this type of solution?

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Are there homeschool Co-ops or university model schools in your area? Youth drama programs for homechoolers? What about trying online classes so you could have a break from her intensity while she learned?


Edited by klmama
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My kids has attended homeschool classes that start at 8:30am or 1pm, as well as afterschool classes that starts at 1:45pm. The public school that host the after school classes has an earlier schedule so their school day ends earlier. There is also homeschool PE class in the mornings but we didn't try those as my spirited child is also my night owl.


My spirited child is a supposed introvert according to those Meyer Briggs quizzes but need social time daily. He loves camps.

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Sounds like my daughter. I commented on another thread that besides math, she mostly likes to climb the walls and run across the ceiling. I was lamenting there is no curriculum for that.  :lol:  Every once in awhile we are able to join in homeschool field trips and activities, but it's hard because I work part-time in a school. She stays home with her older sister and really needs time with others. I totally get the "getting sucked dry feeling." We have to rotate outside activities because there just aren't enough funds for everything; gymnastics and soccer have been the favorites, but she's also done dance. Just going to the park when we can has worked tremendously because she will play with anyone. Otherwise, jumping on our bed and making sure she has at least 2 hours outside daily are her energy expenditures.


ETA because I apparently don't know the difference between "our" and "are." Sigh.

Edited by Renai
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Yes you just need to look Around and sign her up for a few co-ops.


Otherwise she will be bored and you will absolutely feel sucked dry. Especially if you are an introvert.


University model school, co-ops, programs, you have to send our emails in your area looking for stuff and just piece together what you think will be good for her and get her social

Needs met :)

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My town has school four days a week. On Fridays, the after school program does a full day. My kids go for the social aspects and to give me a break.


There are two charter schools nearby that have a full day once a week enrichment program for homeschoolers. They do all of the"specials"-PE, science, music, art, computers, etc.

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That's why I said "a few" :). I agree that for an extreme extroverted child (and is she an only?) and an introverted mom you need more :)


One full day and maybe another one or two classes and activities during the day the other days. You're SO blessed she has kids to play with on her block!!! My kids only had that for ONE year because all the kids were so over -scheduled we would never see them :(

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She is not an only.  Her brother, who is now 12, used to play with her all the time and they had great fun together.  He's an introvert also, but seemed to enjoy playing with her which helped me out a lot because she got her play time in.  That is now coming to an end as I knew it would.  Her brother is enjoying other pursuits now and seems to need more time away from her also.  Every once in a while, they have a play time together but they are more rare than the norm.  


Yes, I am thankful for the neighborhood kids who aren't over scheduled.  One mom is a stay at home mom whose kids go to school and are home by 3:30, and the other works at the school so her kids are home also.  A lot of the other kids are just around on weekends.   I find it interesting that with each move we've done, God has taken care of my extroverted children's needs.  Last time we moved, my 2nd ds had a ton of boys his age in the neighborhood.  This move, there seem to be a ton of girls my daughter's age.  


There is a university model school that is about 20 minutes away, but they only have school in the morning 3 days a week and I wonder how stressed I would be trying to get her there, pick her up and then try to do the rest of the subjects in the afternoon (like math, spelling, and homework).  They do a classical model education with Veritas press (I think) and classical academic press materials.  I have to talk this over with DH and possibly schedule a visit soon.

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