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Just saw High School Musical 3...

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I just took my 10 year old dd to see this. It was really, really cute! She was going to just go with her aunt and cousin, but I decided to tag along. I am glad I did because - yes - I will admit it - I enjoyed the movie. It is rated G and didn't have anything offensive in it. It was a great way to spend a rainy Saturday.

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How does it compare to the others? I liked the first one, but didn't care for the second.


I am with you on that. I liked the first, but not so much the second. I thought number 3 was the best. It was just really well done.


I think this one may have been the best, or at least as good as the first one.

I'm embarrassed to say that I got teary eyed during it.


Yep, my dd looked over at me and caught me with the tears in my eyes!

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I'm embarrassed to say that I got teary eyed during it.


LOL!!!! I can't believe it.... me too!!! :lol: I kept thinking, "What is wrong with me?!?"


I went with my 6 yod today, and we had a blast. I was sorry that she couldn't take a friend along too, but most families we know don't totally approve of HSM, especially for girls as young as dd is. I think it's a great, clean, family friendly film, and we both really enjoyed it. I think it's the best of the three, too.



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My 11-year-old and I saw it tonight. This was our first time to see any of the HSM movies. We liked it very much!! I was impressed at how clean the movie was (well, some of the jazz dancing was a little wild, but the relationships among the students were refreshingly innocent). My daughter took notice of the excellent colleges that some of the graduating seniors were planning to attend. And we both really appreciated the sweet boy-girl relationships.

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I can't remember exactly, but kisses wouldn't be a zinger for me. I just had a really bad feeling about the movie, and wouldn't let my girls watch it with their 5/6 yr old cousins. I thought it was trashy.


Nope. I have actually seen animated movies that have a little more crude humor than anything in HSM. When I watched the first one, I was really amazed at how clean it was. It has continued with the next two. It is rated G. Not many cartoons out there these days are rated G anymore.

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I can't remember exactly, but kisses wouldn't be a zinger for me. I just had a really bad feeling about the movie, and wouldn't let my girls watch it with their 5/6 yr old cousins. I thought it was trashy.


Are you sure you aren't confusing it with the second one? The second one was trashy, imo, but the first was really well done (shockingly well done for Disney). I'm very picky about these things.

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We loved the first HSM. It was sort of like a very clean, albeit hokey, "Grease" for smaller kids. :)


We watched the second HSM, and didn't like it. So none of us were terribly excited about HSM 3.


We just watched it today, and REALLY liked it! (I have 3 boys here. No girls. So if the boys liked it....) You could tell they had much more of a budget, because everything was so much better done: the script, the sets, the songs, and (thankfully) the acting.


There was still a lot of willing suspension of disbelief (to quote the other Hillary. For example - Yeah, a kid could get into all areas of the school after hours. There are a couple of biggies, but I couldn't write them here without them being spoilers. But if you look past those, the movie was very fun.


Very fun, very clean, and MUCH better done than the second HSM!

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I can't remember exactly, but kisses wouldn't be a zinger for me. I just had a really bad feeling about the movie, and wouldn't let my girls watch it with their 5/6 yr old cousins. I thought it was trashy.


It is 'cute', but I agree with Remudamom. 13yo dd and I saw HSM3 today. I felt the clothing issue was huge for me. Skimpy dresses, lots of cleavage on Vanessa Hudgens (who is, in the movie, portraying a high schooler...).


Also, a lot of 'skin contact' with the couples on the show. Which isn't what we want to encourage our dc in. I know that's a debatable issue for each family, so I will only say that, for *us*, it was too much lovey-dovey, touchy-touchy.


So, all in all, it's cute and I'm willing to allow dd to see it. If she were much younger, probably not.

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