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My poor neighbors

Night Elf

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We had a storm within the past month and a big tree fell across my neighbor's driveway. Last night we had another storm but mild. I don't even think the wind was blowing hard. A little while ago I heard a crash that sounded like it was in my front yard. I wondered if it was a tree and I walked around my house and didn't see anything. Just now I left the house and saw a big tree laying across my neighbor's driveway again. They still have wood stacked up on the side of their driveway from last time.

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Yikes. It sounds like it's time for them to call an arborist to evaluate any remaining trees before it's their house and not their driveway. Deferred tree evaluation and maintenance is dangerous.


I think OP lives in my area-ish. Trees falling here after storms isn't unusual and isn't necessarily a result of negligent property owners. We have a very large tree canopy here. My 3/4 acre lot has had at least 10 trees come down in the past five or so years, and that's after we had a bunch of diseased pines removed and have had arborists check between storms. A small tornado came through. Then straightline winds. Then lightning struck one and when it fell, it took out two others. We got a gift basket at Christmas from our tree removal company after they were out three times in one year. It's pretty here, but the trees are a PITA. (And pollen! ZOMG. Everything is yellow-green.) Anyway, tree warnings are part of the weather forecast when it's stormy. :)

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I think OP lives in my area-ish. Trees falling here after storms isn't unusual and isn't necessarily a result of negligent property owners. We have a very large tree canopy here. My 3/4 acre lot has had at least 10 trees come down in the past five or so years, and that's after we had a bunch of diseased pines removed and have had arborists check between storms. A small tornado came through. Then straightline winds. Then lightning struck one and when it fell, it took out two others. We got a gift basket at Christmas from our tree removal company after they were out three times in one year. It's pretty here, but the trees are a PITA. (And pollen! ZOMG. Everything is yellow-green.) Anyway, tree warnings are part of the weather forecast when it's stormy. :)

While tree damage is definitely not always due to anyone's negligence, many people don't ever call a tree service before there is a downed tree on their property. It's not rare for a good number of downed trees to be dead or already dying trees.


At least 1 person in my county dies every 1-2 years because of tree damage in a not all that heavy windstorm. Sometimes more. We live under a canopy of many trees where we are. A tree branch in a storm a few years back killed one of my niece's elementary school classmates.


Living with this many trees means a lot of diligence. The working arborist I know talks about this issue a lot. For every homeowner who is on top of this stuff, several others are not.

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To be honest, it has never occurred to me to hire someone to come in and look at all my trees. I'm surrounded by them, including woods that aren't my property right in my back yard. If one of those go down on my house it could be bad. When we moved in though, the previous owners must have contacted the owner of the woods because the first week we lived here a team of guys came and cut down one of those big trees and let it fall away from the house. I guess it was a dead tree. I never did find out.

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Yikes. It sounds like it's time for them to call an arborist to evaluate any remaining trees before it's their house and not their driveway. Deferred tree evaluation and maintenance is dangerous.

Yes. Tree maintenance seems expensive until you look at the cost of a limb or a whole tree coming down on the house or the car. One of the best investments we made when we moved to our home was finding a good tree guy. Same with our new neighbors, who had their long-neglected trees taken care of a week before we had an ice storm. Limbs still came down, but the huge ones over the house had been already removed. Whew.

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We lived in a rental once with a yard full of 50+ yo oak trees. My kids were playing outside on a gorgeous day with no wind and I heard a crack that sounded like a gunshot. I looked up in time to see a lower main branch come crashing down just a few feet from my kids. It would have killed them if it had hit them. I have a huge respect for arborists now, but I was ignorant of the danger at the time.

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