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Veni,vidi, vici?

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Depends on if you speak ecclesiastical (then it's a "v") or classical latin ("w"). How's that for brief?!:001_smile:



That's what I understood. We're learning ecclesiastical because it's more likely to be heard these days (at Catholic mass, etc.), so we've pronounced it with a "v".


Am I wrong?

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We used to use a "v," but dd's new online Latin teacher uses the opposite pronunciation, so now we use "w" and it took us awhile not to feel silly saying it that way. (Not that we walk around using that phrase, but it comes in handy sometimes.) There's just something sort of....flabby about the "w" sound.


This week we had Our Favorite Ukrainian Repairman fix our dishwasher, and he kept talking about vinegar, except he said "winegar." :tongue_smilie:

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Depends on if you're using it as a phrase in an English conversation, or you're reading/speaking Latin. In an English conversation, go with V. People who haven't studied classical Latin won't know what you're saying, whereas most educated people *are* familiar with "veni, vidi, vici" pronounced like English or Italian.


I would only use the "w" pronunciation in certain contexts.

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We prefer the ecclesiastical pronunciation because my main reason for exposing my children to latin is to more fully appreciate our Catholic heritage. I am sure that, if they need it, my children can easily learn classical pronunciation.


Ds14 is taking Latin from Regina Coeli. His instructor says she prefers Ecclesiastical pronunciation because she cannot imagine any self-respecting general says "wainee, weedee, weekee." LOL

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See now, hearing with a 'w' makes me cringe. I learned to sing in Latin before I learned to speak it at all so we are Ecclesiastical. That is the pronunciation etched into my brain.


When I hear the 'w' used for some reason I immediately think "mawige....." (marriage) with that funny little priest. I don't even know what movie that was but that kills it for me.


:lol: LOVE Princess Bride!

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