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It is official--there is not enough of me for this job

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There is just so much to do. I just want to be a mom! I want to sit and snuggle with my littles. I want to flop on the bed with my pre-teen and listen to all his thoughts about life and the universe. I want to orchestrate beautiful memories of home- this wouldn't include hearing, "if you don't finish that assignment in the next five minutes I'll give you another!" I don't want to have to decide between taking a shower and pre-reading for TOG lessons. I have lowered my standard of clean to an astonishing level. I want to take field trips again.


I want to have all the sheets from five beds and two cribs clean and made at the same time. Okay, that last one isn't the type of "mom" issue that I'm really wanting, but its a wish none-the-less.


I don't want to see my reflection in my children's bad moods when I'm overwhelmed. That lovely feeling you get when you see your child speak to a sibling the way you spoke to them earlier in the day?:glare:


I want to talk to my dh for moral support that I'm doing okay. I'm sure I'll feel better when I can talk to him again (he is on silent mission right now). I'm just telling my you, my virtual friends, so I can get these thoughts out of my head and then I can pull up my boot straps and carry on.


If someone could give me more hours in the day, or a live-in housekeeper, I'd appreciate it. :D



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There is just so much to do. I just want to be a mom! I want to sit and snuggle with my littles. I want to flop on the bed with my pre-teen and listen to all his thoughts about life and the universe. I want to orchestrate beautiful memories of home

I want to take field trips again.


I don't want to see my reflection in my children's bad moods when I'm overwhelmed. That lovely feeling you get when you see your child speak to a sibling the way you spoke to them earlier in the day?:glare:



:grouphug: Wish there was some way we could send these to you....and help out with the cleaning. Hope it helps to know that we're sending you our hugs and good thoughts.


Can you add in a field trip just to lift your spirits?

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Have you been watching my house?:001_smile:


Virtual Hugs!:grouphug::grouphug:


It is hard to do this job. There is always so much to do, and I often feel like I am doing everything but doing none of it well. When I feel really overwhelmed I like to plan a day or two off, but sometimes that is just not possible. I think at the end (of most) days we have more in the good column than the bad.


You have the best virtual support system around. Lean on the hive!

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:grouphug: Wish there was some way we could send these to you....and help out with the cleaning. Hope it helps to know that we're sending you our hugs and good thoughts.


Can you add in a field trip just to lift your spirits?


I don't want to worry anyone. My spirits aren't dangerously low. I don't have post-partum depression. The good side of being insanely busy is that I am go, go, go all day and I don't have time to dwell...well, I guess until this morning. I really am "battling" and fighting to get it all done. It is amazing what the human spirit can achieve, truly. I posted simply to motivate myself to get over this glass-half-empty moment.


Thanks for the hugs. I'm always amazed at how encouraging they are.



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There is just so much to do. I just want to be a mom! I want to sit and snuggle with my littles. I want to flop on the bed with my pre-teen and listen to all his thoughts about life and the universe. I want to orchestrate beautiful memories of home- this wouldn't include hearing, "if you don't finish that assignment in the next five minutes I'll give you another!" I don't want to have to decide between taking a shower and pre-reading for TOG lessons. I have lowered my standard of clean to an astonishing level. I want to take field trips again.


I want to have all the sheets from five beds and two cribs clean and made at the same time. Okay, that last one isn't the type of "mom" issue that I'm really wanting, but its a wish none-the-less.


I don't want to see my reflection in my children's bad moods when I'm overwhelmed. That lovely feeling you get when you see your child speak to a sibling the way you spoke to them earlier in the day?:glare:


I want to talk to my dh for moral support that I'm doing okay. I'm sure I'll feel better when I can talk to him again (he is on silent mission right now). I'm just telling my you, my virtual friends, so I can get these thoughts out of my head and then I can pull up my boot straps and carry on.


If someone could give me more hours in the day, or a live-in housekeeper, I'd appreciate it. :D




Could you take a couple of days off (not the weekend, during the week) and go do a couple of filed trips or fun things? Maybe that will help you and the dc!!

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I don't want to worry anyone. My spirits aren't dangerously low. I don't have post-partum depression. The good side of being insanely busy is that I am go, go, go all day and I don't have time to dwell...well, I guess until this morning. I really am "battling" and fighting to get it all done. It is amazing what the human spirit can achieve, truly. I posted simply to motivate myself to get over this glass-half-empty moment.


Thanks for the hugs. I'm always amazed at how encouraging they are.




Good to hear. I wasn't worried but I have been there with busy schedule, infants, dh deployed and feeling overwhelmed. And you have more dc than I do!


So, feel those warm sunny hugs from all of us. Hope you'll be in radio-contact soon. :D

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I don't want to worry anyone. My spirits aren't dangerously low. I don't have post-partum depression. The good side of being insanely busy is that I am go, go, go all day and I don't have time to dwell...well, I guess until this morning. I really am "battling" and fighting to get it all done. It is amazing what the human spirit can achieve, truly. I posted simply to motivate myself to get over this glass-half-empty moment.


Thanks for the hugs. I'm always amazed at how encouraging they are.




:grouphug:, Jo. May you get a shower, smiling children, clean sheets on 7 mattresses, and the time to read TOG. :grouphug:


When will you get to talk with your dh? Do you know? I'll continue my prayers for you and your family.

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Sending you hugs, madame. I've recently vanquished (temporarily) the voices in my head that whisper, "You're only one person, you'll never get this under control/together/be sufficient!!!!"


My mantra(s) for these times: It's a season. This too shall pass. Do what must be done. Make sure you're getting some sleep. Drink lots of water and snuggle the kids. The school gets done in pieces, and it does get done.


Anyway, that's the inside of my messy head.


Hugs and blessings and more hugs. And here, have some chocolate and some laundry baskets full of clean and folded laundry and a nice casserole.



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Sometime when I get that way...you know the "or else," frustrated, growing horn and blowing smoke kind of way...and what I want is to just make memories-- I figure that's what I really need to do and pack in school for the day.....we're commited enough 95% of the time so why not.


For me, there are just days that don't come together -- so I let them fall apart, pack a lunch, grab a book, and go somewhere --- or no where. Maybe today is the day to flop on your Ds bed and say "Who is she?" and act like you know something :D ...


I get trapped sometimes in the "have tos" and forget that I have permission just not to....at least for a moment.



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Could you take a couple of days off (not the weekend, during the week) and go do a couple of filed trips or fun things? Maybe that will help you and the dc!!


I can't take any school off. We moved twice in six months earlier this year, then we had a baby. And this tour isn't very long. We may be moving again in a year. I'm finding seventh grade work and beyond really can't be as choppy as the earlier grades. I don't think taking a break is the answer. we need consistency in our days more than ever.

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Sending you hugs, madame. I've recently vanquished (temporarily) the voices in my head that whisper, "You're only one person, you'll never get this under control/together/be sufficient!!!!"


My mantra(s) for these times: It's a season. This too shall pass. Do what must be done. Make sure you're getting some sleep. Drink lots of water and snuggle the kids. The school gets done in pieces, and it does get done.


Anyway, that's the inside of my messy head.


Hugs and blessings and more hugs. And here, have some chocolate and some laundry baskets full of clean and folded laundry and a nice casserole.




MamaBear, here is a :grouphug: for you as well. If those liars pop back up in your head tell them they'll have to deal with me. You are, and will continue to be, sufficient, because you are the mother that God chose for your children and for your circumstances. And he doesn't make mistakes.

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Sending you hugs, madame. I've recently vanquished (temporarily) the voices in my head that whisper, "You're only one person, you'll never get this under control/together/be sufficient!!!!"


My mantra(s) for these times: It's a season. This too shall pass. Do what must be done. Make sure you're getting some sleep. Drink lots of water and snuggle the kids. The school gets done in pieces, and it does get done.


Anyway, that's the inside of my messy head.


Hugs and blessings and more hugs. And here, have some chocolate and some laundry baskets full of clean and folded laundry and a nice casserole.




Your presence gives me some perspective. You have gone through so much more than me- not that it is a competition, just that your example of strength gives me strength.


Thanks for your pearls of wisdom above. They really help.


:grouphug: back at you......



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Hey Jo, I can TOTALLY relate. After 10 years of doing the full-time work of mothering, alongside the full-time work of homeschooling, and then a little bit more, I have come to the realization that I can never, never, never get it all done. If I have a great laundry day, then I have no idea what's for dinner. If it's an excellent day for food, everyone has been playing in the yard all day long. This is a bit of an exaggeration, but honestly, if I was to get everything done up to my perfectionistic expectations, I would need at least another body, and two or three more would be nice. So, on most days, I do a fair job at the "tasks" of my job(s) and try to relationally connect with dh and dc. Some days, I give one or two tasks my all, b/c I have to for my own sanity, and on rare weeks, we take a few days off from school and I get caught up. Just wanted to tell you that I truly understand and that I'm with you! You're right, you can't do it all!

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"I just had a baby. I just had a baby. I just had a baby."


Think of all of the women who had their first baby the same day you just had your last. You know, those women with one little baby who are overwhelmed. Compare your workload. You just had a baby. Cut yourself (A WHOLE LOTTA) slack.


Then give your eldest his math book and make some pb&js. Then take a nap because, you know, you're supposed to sleep when the baby sleeps.:001_huh:


You just had a baby. You move all the time. You have no dh to give you a hand let alone a break right now. And you know, it's all going to fall into place after a few months. Of course, when you hit your stride it will be time to move, but you can always post again. :lol:


As a fellow military wife with 5 kiddies and a new baby myself, I understand. Please don't be too hard on yourself.



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Jo, I cannot even imagine. I tear up thinking about it. There aren't enough hugs to fill this screen, mainly because it will only allow me to post 8. So here are the 8, but please know there would be many more if I could.


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I tried to reply to your post yesterday, and, well, my life is so much like yours that I just couldn't get through it and I gave up. :glare:


It is frustrating when the hours of the day do mot match the work load. I think you and me dear are in for alot more days like that.


Right now, 39.5 weeks pregnant, I just don't have the energy to do squat, and I hardly feel like snuggling and creating memories with the kids. What I feel like is crawling in a hole until labor begins. So, it encourages me that 8 weeks from having a baby, you feel like doing these things. ;)


You are carrying an awfully hard load. When is dh due back? Is there a teen in your church that can come in and help with housework? I know, I am grasping. One day at a time dear. Wish I was there. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::

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