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books on modern physics?

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A few ds and I read and enjoyed last year:

Warped Passages by Lisa Randall

The Black Hole War by Leonard Susskind

How to Teach Physics to Your Dog by Chad Orzel (I think the new edition is titled How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog, though the content was always quantum.)

How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog by Chad Orzel (The second one that I think made him retitle the first)


And one of my older favorites:

Relativity Visualized by Lewis Carroll Epstein (the author of the most awesome Thinking Physics book)

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Ds combined this book with TC lectures on black holes and dark matter.

That's a good one, and doesn't require significant advanced math. MIT-OCW uses it for one of their courses, so there may be some videos available on their site.


DS has also used "A Very Gentle Introduction to the Mathematics of Relarivity." It gets a big thumbs up from us, but it is a bit more challenging.


One last thought would be to try a third-semester physics course. MIT had one of those online, too. Sometimes, though, there is a corequisite of intermediate mechanics.

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