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Any Online AP French classes?

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Do you know if they correct writing?


From their FAQ:


What is teacher support that is available for purchase with my language curriculum?

Middlebury Interactive teachers serve a similar role as typical classroom teachers. Our teachers guide students in their learning by providing ongoing support, communication and encouragement, as well as feedback in personalized feedback on speaking and writing assignments. They quickly establish a strong rapport with students and continue to engage and assist them throughout the course. Middlebury Interactive's teachers are state-certified, highly proficient second-language users.

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From their FAQ:


What is teacher support that is available for purchase with my language curriculum?

Middlebury Interactive teachers serve a similar role as typical classroom teachers. Our teachers guide students in their learning by providing ongoing support, communication and encouragement, as well as feedback in personalized feedback on speaking and writing assignments. They quickly establish a strong rapport with students and continue to engage and assist them throughout the course. Middlebury Interactive's teachers are state-certified, highly proficient second-language users.

I like choices. I am debating between going in on my own, DE or now this.

Thank you!

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I do know that Excelsior's French teacher, Sarah Lehtinen, does correct writing for Level 3. We're not enrolling in Level 4 since it's not AP, and we need to devote more time to other things, although we'll continue with our French tutor. For you, however, I think Level 4 is below your child's level, even if there is feedback on writing. I know Sarah will have kids write and read Little Prince.

Edited by crazyforlatin
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I like choices. I am debating between going in on my own, DE or now this.

Thank you!


DE is odd here; I looked at a few community colleges and some don't allow high school kids to DE until 16 yo. I think I found one that allows 14 yo. Next step is to look at state universities like SF or SJ. 

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DE is odd here; I looked at a few community colleges and some don't allow high school kids to DE until 16 yo. I think I found one that allows 14 yo. Next step is to look at state universities like SF or SJ.

Ours allows middle schoolers with special permission. The local 4 year uni doesn't offer French.


He really needs to work on writing. A chunk on what he has done in writing is basically grammar excercises. We have crammed grammar this year as much as we could. I am going to do more prompts now but it would be nice to outsource the writing to somebody else.

He has read Le Petit Prince though along with other things and Christophe has been fantastic for speaking. DS thinks of him as his "friend" now. :)

Edited by Roadrunner
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Ours allows middle schoolers with special permission. The local 4 year uni doesn't offer French.


He really needs to work on writing. A chunk on what he has done in writing is basically grammar excercises. We have crammed grammar this year as much as we could. I am going to do more prompts now but it would be nice to outsource the writing to somebody else.

He has read Le Petit Prince though along with other things and Christophe has been fantastic for speaking. DS thinks of him as his "friend" now. :)

That's quite sweet. We'll go back to Christophe in the summer.

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