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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Sorry, Jean!  I hope you feel less overwhelmed as the day goes on!


Things to do

putter around


work on Latin

Take 18 yo to his flute lesson

shower at some point

tidy and organize something

Get 15 yo to her rehearsal

Go see charity cabaret 15 yo is doing to raise funds for a theater camp for low income kids, apparently there's dinner there.

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Saturday mornings are my favorite time of the week. I love not having to rush around and get things done. This morning, I was able to sit on the front porch with my dogs and drink coffee while watching my horses eat their breakfast. It was heavenly!

It is cold here again (17*) and we are supposed to get 4" of snow tomorrow. I'm happy to get a little more winter!


•restock kleenex throughout the house (ds16 & I caught the cold the cold that's going through our family, so that makes 4 of us who are sniffling & sneezing)

•roast a chicken

•make chicken broth in crockpot overnight so I can make soup tomorrow

•read (I'm reading Smart but Scattered Teens in an effort to help one of my kids who is definitely smart but very scattered)

•do some yoga or go for a walk


Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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Busy day around me, but me, not so much. Ds3 is sick, I took him in for a strep test yesterday, negative of course. I hate the feeling of paying $130 (lovely high deductible plan) for some PA to tell me it is viral. He says he is feeling better, but I think he just wants to go to tennis this afternoon.

Ds2 is off for his geek day and then is spending the night with an old neighborhood friend. Dd2 has practice and then is off for a birthday celebration with hs friends. Dd1 is meeting an old teammate and plans to hang out all day.


To do:

pick up dd2 from practice

take dd2 to friend's house

finish ds2's transcript

work on application for ds2's summer program



jen things


Have a great day!

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Snow!! Cold!! :)

Clean kitchen


Chili and cornbread for dinner

Dye my grays?

Clean bathroom (s) ?

Oldest to work

School prep


Snow has melted, now it's colder, possibly snow tonight

Cleaned master bath

Dyed MOST of my grays

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Jean, My Blessings54:  hope you feel better as day goes on


A late start today...



It's hot here, and I don't like the extreme from 50s to 80s in  a few days.  I'm not ready for this yet.


I'm off to grocery shop and drop very overdue items at the library.  After that, laundry and a look at budgeting, which I may put off so I can have a nice day :closedeyes:

Stir fry for dinner?  


Have a great day, all!


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Snow here earlier, but it has mostly melted now.



Dd to AHG event

Pick up Ds

Farmers' market

unload dishwasher


To do:

quick grocery trip

house cleaning

convince Dh to pick up Dd


dinner- chx stir fry

watch a movie?


Still waiting on Dh's car to be repaired.

Edited by ScoutTN
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It sure seems like they're taking their sweet time fixing your hubby's car......or it could be because I'm grumpy right now.


No dinner from me tonight. Didn't get to take my oldest to work. Daughter jetted out this morning while I was cleaning. Has yet to do her chores. Le sigh

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Arggh.  Two other medical billing offices who double billed us.  And they wonder why I go through everything with a fine-toothed comb.  It will get sorted out but it wastes my time.  And I can't actually call until next week because they aren't there on the weekend.


All billing stuff filed except for the three "problem" medical bills (today's two and one from last week). 


Kitchen sparkling


Load #1 in washing machine


I'm folded and putting away one load of clean clothes. 

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It sure seems like they're taking their sweet time fixing your hubby's car......or it could be because I'm grumpy right now.


No dinner from me tonight. Didn't get to take my oldest to work. Daughter jetted out this morning while I was cleaning. Has yet to do her chores. Le sigh



They ARE indeed taking forever to fix his car. Mom and pop place and the part they ordered didn't work, so they are getting another from a different supplier. But they are closed Sunday and Monday...



I am thankful that Dh can work from home most days, if necessary. And that March is quiet for us with many days with no activities planned. 

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I know this is the Saturday thread, but I have to share that I passed a real-life stress test yesterday, LOL.  Good thing my heart is strong kuz I needed it.  :p  Kid had a performance and, thanks to some girl drama, map mishaps, and poor bathroom planning, we were 30+ minutes late for the practice and almost late for the performance.  After arriving, I had to run back out to the car and back in (up & down stairs etc.) because someone forgot her shoes.  :/  I didn't have the teachers' phone numbers, so I had no way of telling them we were on our way vs. just being a no-show; meaning the whole group is worried and annoyed and I'm stressed out over that.  Of course in the end it worked out, but yikes.  I hope they forgive us ....  After our performance, we got to watch a college gymnastics meet, which was fun.  :)


So today:

  • Kids to horse riding.  Work at horse farm.
  • Stop at bank, drugstore.
  • Kids' audiobook while running errands.
  • Work.
  • Out to late lunch, grocery shopping & a few other stops.
  • A little housework.
  • A little reading.
  • Work.
  • Kids' work.  (I am hoping they at least do a bit of housework, maybe some music practice.)
  • Read-aloud?
  • Early shower & bedtime for kids - simulating DST in the hope of not having the next week screwed up....
  • Work.
Edited by SKL
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