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The Teachers Lounge 3-7-2017


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Happy Tuesday!


Looks like I was able to sneak in a bit early, before we head off to the ranch for my daughter's lesson.


We have some yummy protein bars available today: chocolate caramel or chocolate double crisp. Plus some apples, 

bananas, tea, and coffee. Help yourselves!


What are you doing this morning? Here: off to the ranch with dd for her horsemanship lessons. Son and dh still sleeping. We probably won't be back until around lunch time.


What's for lunch? Here: not sure. It might be the cheesy broccoli soup I planned for dinner and then I'll have to figure THAT out.


What's for dinner? Here: see above.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Gemmi is going to see a GI specialist today. Finally. It's about an hour away, so we'll have lunch there. It looks like either chinese or Smashburger. 

Luna has been up since yesterday, it feels like. I think she woke up at 1am, right after I went to sleep. I moved to the sofa, where D was sleeping, and he went back to bed with her. I don't remember anything after that until he woke me as he was leaving at 5. 

Anyway, we all have a little cold and it is wrecking Luna and our sleep. 

I have veggie sausage thawing for spaghetti for tonight's dinner. We'll be back lateish, and D is working late.I need something quick and easy. 


A small victory for us. Gemmi and Taurus have pretty much completed their academic goals for this year. Two months early. No more worries about schoolwork for us. A slow and easy year has worked out so well. Gemmi did first and second and Taurus did K. 

Edited by Desert Strawberry
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Hi Scrap!

Congrats to your dd on her weight loss and I hope she has a blast riding!


Regular school day today, except that Dh is working at home. 

Lunch - random, whatever is in the fridge.

Dinner - no clue yet


We may have some out and around to get Dh's overheating car to the shop. Ugh! Hoping, hoping, hoping it is a small thing and not an $$$ repair. His car is a 1998 with 200K+ miles, so we will likely replace it if the repair is expensive. I detest car drama!! 



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Regular school for us today too, after a day of screaming and refusing to work yesterday. Someone had a thread I read yesterday saying that if they give their DD iced tea or a treat before school, she's happier and gets her work done. So I tried it with my DS. And it may have helped, but my money's on it working better for teens, lol.


Lunch and dinner will probably be leftovers from last night. I have been feeding the baby frozen peas because she was so irritable when she was teething and they helped. It turned into my go to snack and sometimes meal for her. I'm getting tired of the peas, lol, and thinking she should try other things to get different vitamins and minerals, so last night I gave her a bit of frozen broccoli, and she seemed to like it.

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Regular school for us today too, after a day of screaming and refusing to work yesterday. Someone had a thread I read yesterday saying that if they give their DD iced tea or a treat before school, she's happier and gets her work done. So I tried it with my DS. And it may have helped, but my money's on it working better for teens, lol.




I missed the thread you're referring to but my 13yods who has been giving me fits regarding math (usually the first subject he works on) asked for a glass of ice tea when starting his math this morning.  He worked happily and has been very pleasant as opposed to yesterday.  Maybe there's something to this.


Dh out of town this week so we're eating junk food and leftovers for all meals :)  

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All outside plans are scrapped today.  My list was:



Grocery shopping

Hardware store



My list now is:


stay home


There were some wildfires in the panhandle and the wind pushed the smoke down here.  Right now it's orange/pink outside and I didn't sleep at all last night because of the air (asthma).  I need this to clear up.  A lot.


Lunch is leftovers and freezer food (tamales, chicken, or soup) and dinner is finally the steak I've been meaning to cook since Sunday night.  Since I can't go out the side veggie will have to be peas.  I'll make a pie for dessert to go along with it.

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Good morning! 


Ds had a wire on his braces come loose, so we are off to the orthodontist in just a bit. School and swim are on the docket for today, too. 


Lunch: I haven't decided because ds' appointment is in the middle of it. I might pick us up something on the way back. If not, it's just going to be sandwiches or breakfast food. Yesterday was more interesting because I made falafel pitas. 


Dinner: I'm debating between smoked sausage, potatoes, and veggie stir fry or a Mexican bar for tacos/quesadillas/salad. The ripeness of the avocado will make the decision. I love the meme about them rotting while you're in the bathroom! 





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So today's adventure out to the ranch was interesting. 

Mapquest gave me the right directions but not quite the right distance on a specific road so I kept thinking

I'd missed my turn. Turned around twice until I met a county worker who pointed to where I need to go.

We got there, about a half hour late. Anyway, we made it and it was SO worth it! DD had a smile on her face

pretty much the whole time!


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Hi! I had a treasurer meeting at noon at the church office and found out we are losing our bookkeeper this summer. Talked way too long and I didn't get back to relieve my DH before he was late to a work meeting. I really need to find a babysitter. They are nearly impossible to find if you need one during school hours (that leaves teens out) or don't want an in-home day care (my kids are too old for that). 


My oldest is done with chores and school. The second has a few more things for school. Dh is taking them to a movie tonight and I get to hang out with the youngest. I might take her out for a cupcake. :)


Dinner? I'm not sure. I'd better go thaw some meat.  :leaving:

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This Morning: My little guys slept in until around 9 and then stayed upstairs playing and talking together until 10:30 so we ended up doing school late and skipping taekwondo.  I decided it was more important for them to hang out than interrupt them and make them come down.  They usually come down before 8.  I read so that was nice.


Lunch: We had chicken curry.  Cameron made it.


Dinner: Chipotle Lime Chicken, Rice, and Asparagus with Roasted Garlic

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