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The Teachers Lounge 2-16-2017


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It's THURSDAY! And it's mid-February already! Oi!


Anyone off schedule already today? Here: Thursday morning is supposed to be my writing morning but I'm so unmotivated right now. Feeling kind of directionless in my life in general at the present time. It's a bit frustrating!


Any appointments today? Here: chiro this morning and massage this afternoon. Not luxury. Necessity. Doing everything I can to stave off pain and stiffness. 


Anyone have a garden? What's in it? Here: I have the stuff to start: the space on my patio, organic soil, and seed packets. Just need a plan to start and remember to water them! And then see if they grow through our ridiculously hot summers! I miss living where it's green.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Morning, Scrap!


We are currently waiting for the plumber to come back.  I have no hot water because the leak was located coming off the tank, so....on the upside, I only have to patch walls when he's done and not have my floor redone.


Yesterday he was here during school time which was..interesting.  I don't usually have an audience and he seemed curious about the whole deal. :lol: Today will be more fun.  The 7yo has 'playing with PEMDAS' on the schedule first thing and as he talks (loudly) through his mental steps I can just see the questions about why my kid is repeating the same problem 15 times. (He isn't.  It's written 15 different ways)


No garden this year.  We're getting ready to move and I'm more concerned with getting rid of things than growing them right now.

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Off Schedule: A little bit.  Bonus kid ended up spending the night last night so that's made us a little off (she's 17 so not like a huge distraction).


Appointments: Not today.  We just had the usual taekwondo and tonight is the Blue and Gold Banquet.


Garden: We have a huge garden, but I don't know what is in it.  My husband takes care of it.  We get a lot of hot red peppers, jalapenos, basil, parsley, and stuff from it.

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Wow! So ... today's adventure:

Went to chiropractor then decided to go to Farmers Market on the other side of town

to buy some strawberry plants. I bought one. And it's a good thing I only bought one because

when I went to leave my car wouldn't start. After someone finally took mercy on me and agreed to 

jump my car (I have cables) I took the car to WalMart to get a new gold-plated (read: expensive) battery

for it. So my poor strawberry plant had to be in the car this whole time. finally got home and had my daughter

help me put that plant in a patio planter. I also put a tomato sprout in one of the little hanging planters as well.

We'll see if I can keep it thriving or not! 


Left about 0820 this morning and got back about 2pm! whew!

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No real school schedule for us today; FT at the Nature Center all morning. Sat and walked in the sunshine and talked with friends while kids did class and played outside. Lovely!!


Kids have been reading, whittling, building tinker crate things and drawing since we got home. I can hear Ds singing those silly Latin songs on the front step. 


I have a meeting tonight. 


Garden - switching to all flowers this year. Less work than veggies and Dd loves to fill the house with vases of flowers! Ordering a mixed seed packet from John Scheepers Kitchen Garden catalog. My herb bed is established, but thinking of moving some or all of it to a sunnier spot. Dd has a small garden and I haven't asked her what she wants to do with it this year. I usually have some flowers in pots - geraniums do well and are pretty and tolerate our hot, humid summers well. Getting some asters and black-eyed susans from friend when she thins hers this spring. Got some spearmint roots at the nature center this morning. Should I plant it or just put it in pots? 



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It's been very snowy here, which has meant DS and DH have been out plowing and shoveling nights and asleep all day. Difficult to get DD to do work when DS "gets the day off," so today was the first day in over a week that we even got close to following the schedule! And then tomorrow is Friday, and then next week is winter vacation... So February's basically been a wash, lol. But we are getting used to being more relaxed about homeschooling. I had originally wanted to do a more relaxed style, but hubby was worried about custody stuff and didn't want to open us up to scrutiny. At this point, though, that's not really a concern anymore, so we're feeling more comfortable about just letting the kids learn as they go about daily life--not so much "school at home" anymore.  :hurray:


I am not a gardener, but my husband is. We're at least a month away from being able to plant anything, though! But I am starting to plan a set of BFSU lessons for plant science to coincide with springtime. It can't come fast enough in our opinion... plowing takes a lot out of DH and he's ready to get back to stonemasonry.

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Garden! This year will be my first year to have a garden in about 8 years. I'm so distracted by the idea that it's ridiculous. We bought a home last year a little too late to have a garden, plus we were fighting fires with things going wrong with the house itself. Our yard is small, but has a very nice little spot on the side of the back porch, where Dh will build me an L shaped bed into the corner of the yard and a free standing bed in the middle of the space. Then I'm putting 4 or 5 semi dwarf blueberries against the porch wall (south facing).The raised beds will be only about 100 sq ft of garden space. (I hope these happen in the next few weeks) I do have another patch that is a 6 ft half circle cut out of the patio and a long south facing wall of the garage with about 30 inches of gap between the wall and the edge of the patio, most of this strip is in full sun. So I'm planning on making the best use of these spaces for edible stuff. I'm going to focus on higher cost veggies and avoid the inexpensive space hogging stuff. There's also a sunny grassy area behind our privacy fence bordering the alley. I'm contemplating making it a black raspberry patch. People tell me that folks (and town deer)  will help themselves, so I don't know. :( I'd sure like to have berries, and black raspberries are my all time favorite. 

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