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3rd grade spelling - maybe online?


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DD(7) is doing Evan Moor Daily Spelling 2 this year. We have the "daily review" books for several subjects, and usually really like them. 


The spelling goes well, but it's not sticking. Her spelling is absolutely terrible. 


I would really like something mostly independent for this subject. I want it to occasionally loop back to the words already covered too. 


She's the least auditory child EVER, so mostly visual/writing is better. I am thinking a website or app would maybe be great for this. I don't mind paying as long as it's either month to month or there's a free trial. We tried Spelling City and it was not what I was looking for at all. 


If people have non-screen ideas, we do have a good homeschool store I can check things out at, but I've left defeated before because for some reason all the spelling was religious? (The rest of the store is a good mix, but not spelling.)


I was a HORRIBLE speller until middle school, so she comes by it honestly, but I'd like her to at least get the high frequency words down. 



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IMHO, a horrible speller (especially one that young) isn't likely to improve much with a mostly independent program of any sort. She will likely need an explicit phonics approach. AAS is working well for my DD7 who fits your description of your daughter.


My first three were natural spellers and never even needed a spelling curriculum. I used to think spelling instruction was totally unnecessary, lol! DD7 has taught me humility and many other life lessons.

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IMHO, a horrible speller (especially one that young) isn't likely to improve much with a mostly independent program of any sort. She will likely need an explicit phonics approach. AAS is working well for my DD7 who fits your description of your daughter.




My oldest is a very unintuitive speller (he often misspells high-frequency two letter words which he has read thousands of times).  I would love to use a independent spelling program, but it just wouldn't help and guide him as much as he needs.  We use AAS and it is working well for him.



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Thanks guys. I'll check all these out.


She usually spells in a way that is phonetic. Just wrong. 


And I am kind of hoping for an online program because hopefully it would have lessons, practice, and quizzing, as opposed to an independent workbook. I need to give it a shot, maybe up until next year and if I haven't found something that seems to be helping, I'll look at more teacher intensive stuff. 

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I agree that independent is not the right approach yet. If it were, I would suggest Soaring With Spelling. It's a workbook that is very traditional and independent. However, I really think you need something like Logic of English or another Spalding based method such as Spell to Write and Read or All About Spelling.

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Id suggest looking into Phonetic Zoo from IEW.  It does recommend using AAS 1-3 or 4 I think first, but it is an auditory program and if you buy the Mp3s hands off for the parent.  They learn a rule and then take the test and even correct it themselves.  They need to get all 15 words correct for two consecutive days and then they move on to the next lesson.  My DS in 3rd grade is using this and really enjoys it.  And I've seen his spelling improve.  There isn't really direct instruction though, so if you want more than just learning rules and application, it isn't the right program for you.  

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Spelling Plus and its companion book Spelling Dictation by Susan Anthony focus on the most common 1,000 words and group them by rule and pattern. My son was a grade level or two behind in spelling, after a year of 10 minutes daily working through the lists, he is now a grade level above in spelling. It is not too much work for me because it is all right there--in fact, that is why I bought it. I know all the rules but wanted it all there easy to use so I could use my time to focus on other things. It has gotten more independent as he has figured out how to study them on his own. He does fine without the dictation sentences so I don't use them, but for some people it does not translate into outside writing without the dictation book.


She is a Christian but the books are secular. She has optional Biblical dictation sentences and some sentences from literature free online.



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Webster's Speller is working well for my dd, who is a natural speller, but if she were to start struggling I would switch to Apples and Pears. I've read that it is great for visual learners who struggle with spelling. It may yet be on the plate for my younger dd when she gets to that point.

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