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anyone have/had ulnar nerve entrapment


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Yeah. Mine required a surgery to fix but it was really painful. Couldn't use the arm. Maybe it wouldn't have gotten so bad if I'd realized what was going on earlier. 


Ok.  Well mine isn't super painful, but definitely something is going on.  My left hand pinky tingles and goes numb (kinda like a limb that falls asleep).  It comes and goes.  I did buy a brace because I read about how they try to brace it first.  Thing is I don't know exactly how to position the arm and when I wear the brace it feels a lot worse.  Which ok, but I want to make sure that's supposed to happen.


I'm making an appointment today.

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Appointment is good. 


If it feels a lot worse I would not brace it. I'd wait for a doctor or PT to show you how to properly apply it. 


For me the things that did help were:

Not resting my elbow on things when driving or typing.

Splinting my arm straight when sleeping. 

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Appointment is good. 


If it feels a lot worse I would not brace it. I'd wait for a doctor or PT to show you how to properly apply it. 


For me the things that did help were:

Not resting my elbow on things when driving or typing.

Splinting my arm straight when sleeping. 


I've been trying to do both of those things.  It's so difficult!  I do this a lot!  And the worst thing is I rest it on things that are always too high up for me because I'm so short.  So it's an even wackier position than what is probably typical.  But I catch myself doing this constantly.  On the couch, at the desk, even at the gym on the dang treadmill!  I think it started way back when I started playing the violin.  That's the "wrong" position as well. 


And at night in bed I use the splint to keep it straight, but it drives me nuts so every night in my sleep I end up taking it off.  I think I need a better brace anyway that I can't take off so easily. 


But yeah I'd rather make sure of how exactly to do whatever it is I need to do.

Thanks for the info. 

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I have it in my right arm.  It's awful at night - I have shooting nerve pain from my elbow down my arm.  I get the numbness at times, but it's the nerve pain that bothers me the most.  I've had it for years and it started with just the numbness and has progressed since then.

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I have it in my right arm.  It's awful at night - I have shooting nerve pain from my elbow down my arm.  I get the numbness at times, but it's the nerve pain that bothers me the most.  I've had it for years and it started with just the numbness and has progressed since then.


Nighttime does seem to be the worse.  I assume it is in part because I'm not as distracted by other things.

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I've had it for nearly 2 years. I saw an orthopedic hand specialist who wanted me to get a nerve test done. I wasn't super keen on that so I've ignored it all together. It's gotten somewhat better over time. If I were you I would try ice and ibuprofen for a few days to attempt to get the swelling to go down. It can lead to permanent motor damage (no signs of that for me, so that's why I'm comfortable waiting it out until I have time to address it).

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I've had it for nearly 2 years. I saw an orthopedic hand specialist who wanted me to get a nerve test done. I wasn't super keen on that so I've ignored it all together. It's gotten somewhat better over time. If I were you I would try ice and ibuprofen for a few days to attempt to get the swelling to go down. It can lead to permanent motor damage (no signs of that for me, so that's why I'm comfortable waiting it out until I have time to address it).


That's why I'm not seeing a doctor.  I know they will order an EMG and I swore I'd never have another one after being tested for carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands/arms many years ago.  Like you, I have no signs of nerve damage and I don't think I'm in danger of that yet so I am waiting it out.  DH wants me to have surgery done because of the sleep issues.  

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I'm quite certain that is what I had last fall.  I never went to the doctor because we didn't have the money for the appointment and what I knew would be lots of expensive physical therapy but I had all the signs that I found listed on the internet.  I bought a split to wear at night and yes my arm felt worse in the morning too.  Don't know if it was suppose to or if I was wearing it wrong too but I had the same issue.


I did do the ibuprofen to try to reduce swelling.  There was only tiny spot on the underside of my elbow that was extremely tender and if nothing else, the ibruprofen helped that.  Also I found some stretches on the internet and faithfully did those.  I think those helped the most of all the things I tried.

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I've had it for nearly 2 years. I saw an orthopedic hand specialist who wanted me to get a nerve test done. I wasn't super keen on that so I've ignored it all together. It's gotten somewhat better over time. If I were you I would try ice and ibuprofen for a few days to attempt to get the swelling to go down. It can lead to permanent motor damage (no signs of that for me, so that's why I'm comfortable waiting it out until I have time to address it).


Oh hells no.  I once had a carpal tunnel test.  If it is anything like that I'd never do it again.  That was freaking awful.  But maybe it's not like that.  I don't know.


I can't take ibuprophin.  I'm now dealing with an ulcer probably BECAUSE of ibruprophin.  That's what every doctor tells me for every little thing.  Just take ibuprophin. 


It does not really hurt.  It's just weird having a numb tingly finger.

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That's why I'm not seeing a doctor.  I know they will order an EMG and I swore I'd never have another one after being tested for carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands/arms many years ago.  Like you, I have no signs of nerve damage and I don't think I'm in danger of that yet so I am waiting it out.  DH wants me to have surgery done because of the sleep issues.  


I responded before I read your post here.  I totally agree. That was the most ridiculously painful test I ever had.  NO WAY.  They will have to work around that.  LOL


It was like they took a blunt needle and shoved it into my hand for all they were worth.  HOLY HELL WHAT THE...

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Oh hells no.  I once had a carpal tunnel test.  If it is anything like that I'd never do it again.  That was freaking awful.  But maybe it's not like that.  I don't know.


I can't take ibuprophin.  I'm now dealing with an ulcer probably BECAUSE of ibruprophin.  That's what every doctor tells me for every little thing.  Just take ibuprophin. 


It does not really hurt.  It's just weird having a numb tingly finger.


Exactly why I didn't go through with that test. :D


Darn it, wish you could take ibuprofen. There is a prescription type that is wrapped in Pepcid I believe, but you still may not be a candidate if you have an ulcer.


Ice did help me a lot, I did it at least once a day for about a week. I never did find a brace for it, I wish I did because I am certain it's due to sleep position.


Good luck and hope it goes away!

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I responded before I read your post here.  I totally agree. That was the most ridiculously painful test I ever had.  NO WAY.  They will have to work around that.  LOL


It was like they took a blunt needle and shoved it into my hand for all they were worth.  HOLY HELL WHAT THE...

Oh I had that test once! Horrid! I ached for so long afterwards. 

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I have this in my left shoulder. PT helped some but not long term. Naproxin helps a lot but isn't a good long term solution. I recently bought a TENS 7000 unit on the advice of my physical therapist which does help with the pain but again isn't a long term solution. Other than surgery I don't know what else to do. I've read that surgery isn't a sure thing so it isn't something I am pursuing right now.

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I have this in my left shoulder. PT helped some but not long term. Naproxin helps a lot but isn't a good long term solution. I recently bought a TENS 7000 unit on the advice of my physical therapist which does help with the pain but again isn't a long term solution. Other than surgery I don't know what else to do. I've read that surgery isn't a sure thing so it isn't something I am pursuing right now.


I had no idea the TENS machine were so cheap.  I had a frozen shoulder years ago and then I strained the muscles in my neck from all the compensating I was doing from not being able to use the arm.  The TENS machine was the only thing that gave me any relief.

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Exactly why I didn't go through with that test. :D


Darn it, wish you could take ibuprofen. There is a prescription type that is wrapped in Pepcid I believe, but you still may not be a candidate if you have an ulcer.


Ice did help me a lot, I did it at least once a day for about a week. I never did find a brace for it, I wish I did because I am certain it's due to sleep position.


Good luck and hope it goes away!


I wonder if they could give me something topical.  But nope, not touching IB. 

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Read your post more carefully. There can be several different causes for the tingling in your pinky. Here's an article that sums up some of the leading causes of hand pain. If anything jumps out at you from the list, let me know. I can point you to more detailed research. 



It's not painful.  The pinky goes numb (not completely numb in the sense I couldn't feel anything) and it's a bit tingly.  Just that one on the left arm.  Kinda like what happens when your limb falls asleep. 


There is no stiffness, pain, swelling, or anything else.

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I didn't know what was coming before he did it.  Now that I know, they'd have to knock me out or something because there is no way I could force myself to sit there and let them do that.  Holy HELL. 


It seems like such an archaic test to me.  You'd think they would come up with something more tolerable by now.  

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I had it.  Here is a link http://www.ebay.com/itm/NIP-DRITZ-CREATIVE-COMFORT-ELBOW-RELIEF-BRACE-/322110212027

for the brace I bought and used. 

The specialist did the nasty test, but I had totally forgotten about it hurting.  She sent me to PT. 

PT said, really, there is nothing they can do for it except brace it and she didn't know why the specialist even sent me there.   Then she decided to be helpful and   made some uncomfortable ugly brace to wear.  And there was something about a sport sock.  Anyway, I wasn't going to go out in public with a sport sock on my arm for decoration.  Somehow I found this Dritz one. 

During the day, I wore the brace to remind me to be careful and not rest my elbow on it.  I put the sticks in it at night and tried not to hit my husband with it.  I wore it for a long time..3months maybe?  Eventually I only wore the brace at night and nothing during the day.

My fingers will go numb still if I rest my elbow wrong, but the shooting pain, and numbness went away.

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I had it.  Here is a link http://www.ebay.com/itm/NIP-DRITZ-CREATIVE-COMFORT-ELBOW-RELIEF-BRACE-/322110212027

for the brace I bought and used. 

The specialist did the nasty test, but I had totally forgotten about it hurting.  She sent me to PT. 

PT said, really, there is nothing they can do for it except brace it and she didn't know why the specialist even sent me there.   Then she decided to be helpful and   made some uncomfortable ugly brace to wear.  And there was something about a sport sock.  Anyway, I wasn't going to go out in public with a sport sock on my arm for decoration.  Somehow I found this Dritz one. 

During the day, I wore the brace to remind me to be careful and not rest my elbow on it.  I put the sticks in it at night and tried not to hit my husband with it.  I wore it for a long time..3months maybe?  Eventually I only wore the brace at night and nothing during the day.

My fingers will go numb still if I rest my elbow wrong, but the shooting pain, and numbness went away.


That is the brace I have.  It just falls off at night or I pull it off without knowing.


But I suppose getting a few good hours is better than nothing.


So the key is to not rest my elbow on things when possible? 

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That is the brace I have. It just falls off at night or I pull it off without knowing.


But I suppose getting a few good hours is better than nothing.


So the key is to not rest my elbow on things when possible?

My husband would put it on for me at night. He was better at getting it tight enough.

Not just rest, but keeping it straight now, hence the brace, later on, not resting on your elbow. Last night I found myself on the computer with my elbow on the desk. I get little tingly reminders to put my arm down.

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My husband would put it on for me at night. He was better at getting it tight enough.

Not just rest, but keeping it straight now, hence the brace, later on, not resting on your elbow. Last night I found myself on the computer with my elbow on the desk. I get little tingly reminders to put my arm down.


Yeah he helps me too.  It still falls off or at some point I wake up and take it off.  I don't remember doing it.  LOL  Makes me wonder what other weird things I might be doing.


It's crazy how often I rest on my elbow now that I pay attention to that.


I've seen longer ones.  I'm wondering if that would be better so if it slips down it is still covering the spot it needs to cover.


Now when you wear/have worn it, does it make your finger(s) tingle even more?  Mine do.  I don't know what to make of that. 

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I haven't worn it in years, since my symptoms stopped after a period of time. Sorry, I don't remember if they tingled when I wore it. I was trying to avoid surgery, so I was very compliant for the length if time they told me to wear it it. I just cleaned out my file

Cabinet a few weeks ago and threw out all my pa paperwork from that event.

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I haven't worn it in years, since my symptoms stopped after a period of time. Sorry, I don't remember if they tingled when I wore it. I was trying to avoid surgery, so I was very compliant for the length if time they told me to wear it it. I just cleaned out my file

Cabinet a few weeks ago and threw out all my pa paperwork from that event.


Trying to get to the bottom of this in terms of helping the situation.  So the key is to avoid resting on the elbow.  I think part of the problem even when in bed is I'm always resting on the elbow.  I sleep propped up on a wedge pillow (which I hate), and in that position no matter what I'm putting some sort of pressure on the elbow.  There is no way to keep it straight in that position.  The best position is laying on my right side with my left arm on my body.  But even then I'm bending my body and putting a bit of pressure on the elbow.


I'm going to try sleeping without that stupid wedge pillow and use the brace.  See how that goes.  I kinda need the wedge pillow, but we'll see. 


Feel like I'm 100.  I hate this.

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The biggest issues for me were reaching up to mess with an itchy spot on my head (causing overuse of the shoulder and elbow), setting my keyboard at the wrong height (causing me to tightly bend at the elbow), and sleeping on my side with my hand under my head (again bending at the shoulder AND tightly bending at the elbow).


Repetitious motion or a sustained hold combined with awkward positioning create a bad situation. Overstress can do the same- heavy lifting or lifting from an awkward angle. Look for something you do regularly and just change it up a little. Take breaks, adjust the position so that it is less severe, etc.  


Our local orthos are always busy. Keep trying. Maybe look for sports medicine clinics in your area. 

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The biggest issues for me were reaching up to mess with an itchy spot on my head (causing overuse of the shoulder and elbow), setting my keyboard at the wrong height (causing me to tightly bend at the elbow), and sleeping on my side with my hand under my head (again bending at the shoulder AND tightly bending at the elbow).


Repetitious motion or a sustained hold combined with awkward positioning create a bad situation. Overstress can do the same- heavy lifting or lifting from an awkward angle. Look for something you do regularly and just change it up a little. Take breaks, adjust the position so that it is less severe, etc.  


Our local orthos are always busy. Keep trying. Maybe look for sports medicine clinics in your area. 


Oh I know what I'm doing wrong.  It's just pretty difficult to work around it.  I should get a new desk.  Just not sure where I can find one that will fit me properly. 


But then everything else in my house does not fit me properly either.  Everything is the wrong damn height. 

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Well doy.  I just compared measurements of my desks/chairs with what is considered ergonomic for my body height.  Yowsers.  Way way off.  No wonder I'm having issues.


So I figured the cheapest and quickest fix for that was to buy an adjustable chair on wheels so I can use it at the various places I sit.  it also has a foot rest so that'll take care of dangling feet when I'm up higher.



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