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CBD oil?


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I know someone who uses and and has had good results.  I once took it because I had nothing else for a headache and it was gone in 10 minutes.  Of course, this is anecdotal so take it with a grain of salt.  It does not make you high though it had a calming effect on me.  It's legal and sold in stores where I live but that's always subject to change I suppose.

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There has been a lot of talk about it as a treatment for autism. If what you're looking at doesn't require a prescription, I would be skeptical about it containing enough active ingredients to make it effective.


I have not tried it for my daughter because when I researched it, the specific symptoms mentioned (seizures, anxiety, etc.) are not problems for her.

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There's good research on it working for seizure control. I haven't heard anything about it working for other medical conditions. I'd be surprised if it was being touted as a panacea.


It's given as an oil though, and there are a few Ketogenic/modified Atkins/oil supplement which work as special diets for epilepsy as well. The combination of the two seems to bode well. 



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I live in a legal state.  I have a child with special needs so I tend to be a part of a population where I know who uses it and why.  Most of the children who are using it use it for seizures.  It can be quite dramatic - from 20 seizures or more a day to 1 or 2.  One child I know uses it was never able to get REM sleep.  Her brain never rested and everything she learned one day would have to be relearned the next.  Since going on the oil, she is now able to sleep and get REM sleep.  She has severe brain damage due to external circumstance.  Her ability to retain new information (we're talking a new word or just knowing how to walk) is increasing and she is progressing. So the people I know who use it usually see dramatic effects from it.  One woman I met on the plane came to Colorado so she could get some for her arthritis - she rubs it on externally (or so she says).  There was a whole hotel full of people who came for a "vacation" with a lot of disabled children for this oil.  

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I have read that there are different types, e.g. hemp CBD (e.g. from Bluebird Botanicals) is different from Charlotte's Web.  Be aware that there is a new controversy; DEA asserts that CBD oil is a controlled substance and issued a final administrative rule a few weeks ago that is being challenged.  Read more here.

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