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Logan woke up super sick.....

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and won't drink! He has to keep his tonsils moist or we will end up back in the hospital. (almost one week post tonsillectomy) He goes into the Dr at 11:20 CST to get looked at. Please pray we aren't re-admitted. Logan was put on a high dose of antibiotics after surgery, so I can't imagine that it's an infection, however the child 2 doors down in the hospital had RSV....which is kind of how this is presenting itself. Please pray he just has a bad cold and that he starts drinking!




Logan has an ear infection, sinus infection and developed a post op staph infection on his tonsils.... The Dr put him on a high dose antibiotic, but if that doesn't help by Thursday, we will take him back in for a series of Rocephin shots. At this point we just have to keep him drinking! He drank a bit at lunch, so that's good....but 'a bit' isn't enough to keep him out of the hospital. Time to stock up on popcicles!

Edited by MyBlueLobsters
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