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30 Day Challenge Thread


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My Ketogenic diet challenge is going well. I did have one day where I lost my mind and ate chocolate, but I was back to regular meals the next day. Down five pounds so far. 


My 31 Days of Proverbs readings is not going as well. I've completed 8 out of 13 readings so should really catch up.


We are in chaos over here - I'm packing up the house to move and also managing renovations in the new house. Can't wait until the move is over.

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Today I am fighting the urge to order off of Amazon. It's almost been two weeks. Ugh. I am weak! I didn't realize how rewarding it was to click that little button. Must. Resist. :(

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I'm doing well (?) on the Barre3 All In challenge. My knees have been weird recently, so I'm not actually doing Barre3 but Pop Pilates since that doesn't stress my knees. I am following the Barre3 food plan (whole foods, no sugar, no gluten, no dairy) and have really liked all the recipes so far. Actually, my whole family has liked all the recipes, though DH suggested more meat would make some of them better. But he happily ate the soup as prepared without meat. He has something against lentils, not matter how good the recipe tastes.


One night, early in our marriage, I was going to make ribs for dinner. I went to open the package of meat and it was green (!!!). So he took it back to the store and I made lentil soup instead. And ever since then, he despises lentils.



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Well, I didn't see this and I am never ready to choose a real goal by Jan 1 anyway. I find I need a few weeks to mull over the ten thousand little things I could do better in my life and to choose something I can really commit to, is not dumb, is not following the herd and is something that is going to give me a lot of bang for my buck(effort?). A few days after Christmas ends is just not enough!


Can we do another 30 day challenge in feb? Or can I do a 15 day challenge starting tomorrow? [emoji848]


I have my goal: daily office hours. Not sure when yet. I haven't been able to get up before kids since my oldest was born. Two to three pm is my opening on our heaviest scheduled day. I'm completely wiped out by kid bedtimes. No willpower left by then. I think, unfortunately, I naturally need more sleep than everyone in this house other than the five year old.



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Well, I didn't see this and I am never ready to choose a real goal by Jan 1 anyway. I find I need a few weeks to mull over the ten thousand little things I could do better in my life and to choose something I can really commit to, is not dumb, is not following the herd and is something that is going to give me a lot of bang for my buck(effort?). A few days after Christmas ends is just not enough!


Can we do another 30 day challenge in feb? Or can I do a 15 day challenge starting tomorrow? [emoji848]


I have my goal: daily office hours. Not sure when yet. I haven't been able to get up before kids since my oldest was born. Two to three pm is my opening on our heaviest scheduled day. I'm completely wiped out by kid bedtimes. No willpower left by then. I think, unfortunately, I naturally need more sleep than everyone in this house other than the five year old.



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We can each do what we want. 15 days is great. I plan another challenge in February.


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Checking in! I've gone three weeks without sugar and lived to tell.  :laugh:  Actually, I'm feeling pretty good and decided to make this a permanent thing. Even my diet dr. pepper (a lifelong addiction) started tasting too sweet, so I gave that up along with the sugar-free hazelnut syrup I put in my coffee. Weight-wise, I'm down another pound.  

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I"m still working my challenges. Who would have thought that reading an inspirational quote would have been controversial? I took my quotes with me on vacation and continued to read and contemplate. We visited my in laws and my MIL thought my quotes were silly so she started reading bible passages to me and always let me know that her passages were much better than my quotes.


While DH and I were away DGD continued to write quotes on the fridge. She thought it was the best thing ever. I love 5yo inspirations - I love mommy. I love grandma. I love uncle. Love is good. She even drew hearts to prove her point.   :)


I'm using my bullet journal for all kinds of things and have bought two sets of Sharpies to use with it. The first set was the Sharpie markers and I soon discovered they bleed through so I went and bought the 4 pen set. These are much better.


I began a new workout regimen today and a mini goal is to try to keep it up through the rest of the month. It will require me to get up early every morning and that will be the challenge. I am not the type of person to be up and out before 6:30am.

Edited by Scoutermom
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Still doing my 30 minutes minus 2 days. I was sick this weekend so Sunday did not happen. I believe stomach flu is a valid excuse 😜 We're in the homestretch here. I'm hoping to continue Jan habit and add Feb to it. We shall see. If you haven't chimed in please do. Even if it didn't go as you planned that is information for you to use....wrong challenge, wrong time, wrong approach? Be all zen and ...stuff.😄

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still here and doing well with my challenges, no sugar or artificial sweeteners (since Jan.1) and no eating between dinner and breakfast (since Feb. 1). I was sick for the first week of February and still don't feel very hungry, so it's been pretty easy not to snack in the evenings. We'll see what happens when my appetite returns...

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I'm doing two.


1. 31 Day Keto and Intermittent Fasting challenge. This is to get myself back on track after the holidays. I lost 60lbs and was down to 122 before Christmas. Then I had almost a week of Carbapalooza. Not sure what I'm at now (maybe 129?) as I'm not weighing in yet. I know what I need to do to get back to my goal weight.


2. 31 Days of Proverbs. As part of my resolution to read the Bible daily, I'm starting with a reading program. The challenge is to stick with it ;)


Is the 31 Day Keto diet the one you lost the 60 pounds on?


I am not losing at all.  I figured this may not be the answer.  I need something more "drastic" to get my body to start losing.  ARGH!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's the end of February. How are your 30 day challenges going? I am having a ball with mine. My routine has been to get up early, go to the Y to work out, and come home for breakfast, chai, and my 30 day challenge. It is comforting to be able to have something positive to look forward to while enjoying my morning. Thanks to the OP for beginning the thread.


January - Inspirational quote a day - I had a set of quotes I purchased for scrapbooking that I had never opened. I put those into a pocket of my bullet journal and selected on each day. It was encouraging to have something positive to read and contemplate while drinking my morning chai.


February - A painting a day - the idea was to find something beautiful to look at and reflect upon. I began with my art history books from college and selected works I enjoyed from those. That progressed to Googling specific genres and that lead me to a couple of modern artists with whom I was unfamiliar. That made the second half of the month easy. There were many pieces of art from which to choose.  If you aren't familiar with these two, I suggest you take a look: Andrew Wyeth & Cynthia Decker.


I've also been keeping up with my bullet journal. This isn't necessarily a 30 day challenge but I really like what I use my journal for. I've also been working out regularly and posting those in my Bullet Journal.


I have to think of a challenge for March.


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Scoutermom-your challenges sound awesome! My February challenge was to pay a compliment daily. I failed. I would forget which says something about my personality. I wish I didn't need a reminder to say nice things. Snarky comes much more easily. I shall perservere. March challenge is to drink 8 glasses of water daily. I tend to drink coffee. A lot! I counted yesterday. I had 8 cups of coffee. If I replace some with water it should be healthier and no 1/2 and 1/2 calories. 😀. Anyone else have March plans?

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I like the compliment a day. I'm going to steal that one from you. Although my first thought was "I wonder if the compliment has to be sincere?" so I think the snark is already sneaking in there.  :glare:  I'm with my students 4 days a week so this should be a good challenge.


I'm also doing a Wall Sit Challenge. I'm trying to get up to 3 mins.


Here's an idea for April, taken from the Boy Scouts: Do a Good Deed Daily.


Good luck to you on your water challenge. You can do it!!!

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