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Seattle Seahawks training camp


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So my kiddos have gotten into football big time this past year.  We don't have a team of our own so we latched onto the Seahawks as "our" team.  I would love to be able to take them to a game next year, but I think it would cost too much for your family.  I read online about a training camp that is open to fans and thought how cool that would be.


But I can't find much about it on the internet.  Only that it's very limited, you have to reserve tickets which sell out insanely fast, and that there is an $8 shuttle fee.


Does anyone know more about this?  What is the cost of the ticket?  Is it worth going?  Has anyone here ever done this or know more about it?


Thanks for any additional information.  :001_smile:

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It's probably a little different for all the teams. We used to have the Cardinals training camp in our town and it was really neat for the locals! A lot more interaction with the players, either on the sidelines after practice as they pass by, or other times that were scheduled for autographs and such. Good memories! I'd say if you can afford that, you may have a good chance at some live interaction.

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I live minutes from the training camp.  I've never done it but I've seen the long lines of fans waiting for the shuttle buses (which seem very well organized, btw).  They have a really good FAQ that outlines the procedure for the camp.  http://trainingcamp.seahawks.com/guidelines.html 

NOT FAIR!!!  My children would turn green with envy.  It would be a very long drive for us, so I am trying to figure out if it is worth it.  I'm thinking it could be a really neat birthday experience for my oldest son.  If it works out.  


You'll need to be online right when this years tickets go on sale.


I think it's free besides the transportation costs.

That's one of the big questions I had.  I guess I couldn't believe that it would be free and thought I must be missing something.  


I've never done it but I have a lot of friends who do it. Here's the link for this year.



Thanks for the link.  I had seen it but didn't see anything about the cost other than the shuttle fee.  I also really wish I could talk to someone who has been there.  If we do go are we just going to be one of tens of thousands way up on some bleachers barely able to see or would we maybe, just maybe be able to interact with the players.  Maybe get an autograph or something like that.  If so, it would be more than worth it.  


I guess what I am saying is that I don't want to make a huge deal, raise a ton of expectations, drive 8 hours and then have a disappointing experience.  


Thanks everyone. 

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I guess what I am saying is that I don't want to make a huge deal, raise a ton of expectations, drive 8 hours and then have a disappointing experience.


Thanks everyone.

When we went we didn't make it a big deal. Just seeing NFL players practicing is worthwhile. Everything else was just a bonus.


We only had a two hour drive. With an eight hour drive I'm assuming that means a night at a hotel? If so that is part of the fun too!

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NOT FAIR!!! My children would turn green with envy. It would be a very long drive for us, so I am trying to figure out if it is worth it. I'm thinking it could be a really neat birthday experience for my oldest son. If it works out.


That's one of the big questions I had. I guess I couldn't believe that it would be free and thought I must be missing something.


Thanks for the link. I had seen it but didn't see anything about the cost other than the shuttle fee. I also really wish I could talk to someone who has been there. If we do go are we just going to be one of tens of thousands way up on some bleachers barely able to see or would we maybe, just maybe be able to interact with the players. Maybe get an autograph or something like that. If so, it would be more than worth it.


I guess what I am saying is that I don't want to make a huge deal, raise a ton of expectations, drive 8 hours and then have a disappointing experience.


Thanks everyone.

I don't know how many people exactly but it's not a super huge event. It's not in a stadium or anything like that. Just a big warehouse type building.

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