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Favorite breakfast casserole recipes?


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Our favorite is frittata:


First we cut potatoes into about 1-inch cubes and boil those until cooked.

We then brown a pound of sausage and also sautee some onions and red bell peppers in an iron skillet.  We remove those and then brown the potatoes in the bottom of the pan in the liquid from a small can of mushrooms, turning over once.  Once brown, we add the sausage and vegetables.  We then add the small can of mushrooms. Next we pour 10-12 beaten eggs (with salt and pepper added, as desired) over the mix.  Finally we top the entire frittata with grated cheddar cheese and then bake uncovered in the oven for approximately 30 minutes.  Remove, let stand for about 10 minutes and then serve.

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Not a casserole, but I buy the Jimmy Dean's breakfast scrambles. They're quick. It's a bag of frozen sausage, potatoes, bell peppers, and onions that you fry quickly then add scrambled eggs and cook them through. Sometimes we eat just this and sometimes we add tortillas, salsa, and cheese for breakfast burritos. It's crazy fast.

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