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Halloween costume for 10 year old boy

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My ds cannot think of any ideas for costumes this year. He feels he is too old for the superheroes kind of costume and doesn't want to repeat anything he was previous years (ghost, skeleton). I really don't have a lot of money in the budget for this and I can't sew and don't have the time to make a costume. Any ideas? I don't want anything over-the-top creepy.

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Well, when my son was that age he dressed up in one of dh's science lab coats and put on a bow tie and we made big dorky black glasses and spiked out his hair. He was a mad scientist.


There is always the mail carrier option. A messenger bag filled with rolled up junk mail and a stuffed animal dog pinned to your leg.


We also liked "cereal killer". Hot glue empty cereal boxes to an old shirt (the small individual serving size cereal boxes) and stick a plastic knife into each one.


Humor was always a hit in our house.

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How about an Identity Thief. That is our last minute costume. Dress in dark clothing and wear a bandana over the mouth. Then we made up a bunch of fake credit cards (or saved a bunch from those ubiquitous credit card applications) and some receipts for some big ticket items. The adults always chuckle when they figure it out.

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I have a friend whose children have been things like ovens, legos (boxes with big circles glued on and painted), spaghetti, etc.


My son, though he's younger than your son is, was a pizza last year. I sewed some red-orange material on to some brown crust in a really big circle, put some off-white on top of that, then sewed them all on to a back crust with a hole for the head, legs, and arms with some stiff material in the layers to make it stay up. I hot glued on some pepperoni, mushrooms and other things cut out of little felt pieces.


He'll be a vampire bat this year. I'm getting a black hooded sweatshirt and sewing some felt wings under the arms and on top for ears. After Halloween I can just take out the stitches and he'll have a sweatshirt.

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He could be a bunch of grapes. Dress in either green, red, or purple and blow up balloons in the same color and use safety pins to attach the stems of the baloons to his clothing. You could complete the outfit with a hat adorned with felt leaves.



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Does he have any team jerseys or uniforms? My 14yo son never liked wearing a costume (he's on the autism spectrum), but he loved to go as sports players!!


One year, he wore a football jersey and sweatpants, and we stuffed everything with old t-shirts to give him that 'padded look', put that black stuff under his eyes, and had him wear cleats. He loved that!


He's worn his baseball uniform a few times, too.


I've seen many kids wearing their Dad's clothes and going for that 'hobo' look.

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My son decided to go as Sponge Bob this year. I bought 2 rectangular pieces of foam from JoAnn Fabric's and he has painted them both yellow. Now, I just need to pencil in the details...and, he will paint them in. I'm going to help him attach the two foam pieces together...and, they will hang over his shoulders...one in the front, one in the back. He's going to wear a yellow shirt with a pair of tan shorts.





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All the guys in my family are going as Indiana Jones. I got hats & whips from buycostumes dot com for under $20. They already have bomber-style jackets, tan pants...They're good to go.

This was second choice to Army Guy, which is also cheap via goodwill or Army/Navy surplus stores, but my sons wore the Army guy stuff so much it lost its appeal for Halloween.

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One year all the boys in the neighborhood were a swat team. They wore jeans, black or blue sweatshirts with "SWAT" written out in yellow electrical tape, carried plastic guns, and I think something on their heads but I can't remember what.


This year my 10 year olds are going to be robbers. Black Ski masks, bag with a dollar sign, and probably a few other details, but nothing fancy.


There is always the "escapee from prison" which requires red and white stripes - again, electrical tape on sweat clothes is good for this one.


Scientist will work or "nerd."

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When my son was not-quite-but-almost too old for a Halloween costume, we found a small cat mask at Party City. This just covers his nose with a rubbery cat nose and whiskers. There may have been a little more too it, but I don't think it included eyes and ears. At any rate, it easily fit in his pocket. So when he felt comfortable wearing it, he could wear it; but if peer pressure demanded he be to costume-free, he could easily take it off and put it in his pocket.


This year will be the third year he takes/wears (either one) that to our church fall festival. :)

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On my dd's first Halloween, we painted a box, then printed out a picture of Donald Rumsfeld with the CNN logo at the bottom. We made her a little beanie out of tinfoil with "antenna" and it was a big hit. With the elections going on you could do something similar on a larger scale.


Most of the boys that age simply wear masks around here. You might be able to pick one up at a thrist store or cheaply on Ebay if you want to avoid retail prices.

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Scarecrow is easy--put a crow on his shoulder, too!


Washing Machine--big box, paint white, cut out place for arms, head, legs. Tape socks and things around it.


My favorite for oldest son was Tourist/Surfer/Hawaiian Guy--loud shirt, shorts, sandals, sunblock, lei if you have one, and an ironing board (we used a mini one).

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