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The Prep & Landing Lounge 12-15-2016


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Woohoo! We are half way through December!!! Craziness!!!


While the Lounge is officially open right now, refreshments may be a little late. 

I have a chiropractic appointment this morning, then need to stop by the grocery store 

to pick up a couple of things. If you know how to make coffee, feel free to get the

coffee pot going! B-) If you just need a little something to nibble on, there is a box

of Fiber One streussel bars in the pantry and some fig & nut balls in the refrigerator.

Help yourself!


What appointments do you have today? Here: above-mentioned chiro appointment, 

as well as a coffee date this afternoon.



What are you reading right now for fun? Here: I haven't in several days. Been watching way too 

much Netflix. Reading would be better for my brain.


What's your weather like this week? Here: relatively decent during sunlight hours and a bit cool-chilly during

twilight hours. 


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning! Today is my first time stopping in. I could always use some more fiber so I'm helping myself to that Fiber One streusel bar, yum!


DS has a therapy session today. I'm still laying in bed trying to make myself get up. I was up until 1am putting together my co-op proposals for next fall. I'm happy with the class ideas so it was worth my effort.


I'm currently reading Siblings without rivalry.


Weather is 10-20 during the day dropping to 4-10 at night. We're expecting -22 in a couple of days! In my lifetime, I don't recall temps ever getting that cold here!

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Momof3, welcome! And thank you for correcting my spelling of streusel. I knew I spelled it wrong but could not figure out

how to do it correctly.


Insomnia has made mush of my brain today, which is really not welcome. Our schooling is already massively interrupted, since October!,

and . . . .well, just, ugh.


But glad you are here! Where do you live that it's going to get to -22*F?? That is COLD.

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I'll bring cookies and cocoa. I've got lots of time on my hands. (See below.)


No appointments (weather).


I am reading The Compassionate Life.


Weather: Massive ice storm has shut everything down. The roads are ok but power is out all over and trees are coming down left and right. I think we lost our filbert. :( I am going to do a little at-home work and sit in front of the fire all day.

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P.S. Fig and nut balls sound yummy. Recipe?

Pretty simple really.


1 1/2 c dried figs of your choice, chopped

1 1/2 c of raw nuts of your choice 

2 tbsp coconut oil, melted

shredded coconut

dash cinnamon


Put figs in blender or food processor - blend into a paste. 

Add in nuts, cinnamon, and part of coconut, if desired.

Blend. While blending, slowly add coconut oil.

When done blending, roll into 14 balls. Then roll in left over coconut,

if desired. Store in fridge for up to 3 days.


Note: I did not use any shredded coconut. The original recipe ( from

an eMeals Paleo breakfast plan menu) called

for raw walnuts but the store did not have those, only raw mixed nuts,

so that's what I used. I managed 13 balls, I think. They ARE good! B-)



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I have no appointments today!  Isn't that fantastic? :laugh: The child put off his violin lesson until today so daddy could take him, and I get to stay home and warm/cozy on this dreary day. 


I am currently reading two books: Sweet Ps, from Project Gutenburg - a little child's book that doesn't make me think, and a volume of short stories by Washington Irving that were originally published under a pseudonym - to include the classics Rip Van Winkle and Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  It is a little jarring to read town names of where I'll be living and realize they're actual places, not made up for the book.


Our weather is Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.  :lol:  It is so erratic and the air is filled with the scent of people smoking brisket for the weekend.  Today is cold, drizzly, and grey, with a nice fog rolling through.  Tomorrow is due to be mid-70s and sunny.  Who knows what the weekend will bring!  Today is a cooking day, for sure.  I have chicken in the oven to slow cook for enchiladas.  In an hour I'll take that out and start a slow simmering beef stew for dinner tonight, and fresh bread will be made this afternoon in crusty rolls to go with.  Yum!

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Morning all! Just got home and I'm sitting here with a bowl of warm fried apples :)


Appointments: I had to go pick up some groceries this morning, and in theory I have an offerup sale coming sometime this afternoon. Really hoping they come as I need those funds for bus fare tomorrow to run another errand. 


Reading: Fanfiction {as usual}. Always have at least one HP related fanfiction open to read on my laptop. But I've also been watching a new show on netflix lately - Sherlock. DD's friend got into it and got me hooked. 


Weather: Well it's winter in Texas. That means anywhere from 70 for a high to just above freezing. Had both of those this week, and currently transitioning to the cold end of the spectrum. Today our high is supposed to be 58, but considering it's noon now and just barely hit 50 - I don't think we'll get there. Sunday we are supposed to get a hard freeze, and a high of 43. I'll be baking all day to keep the house warm. If I can find the blowdryer, I need to put plastic on the windows too which will help some. 

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No appointments today (what is this weirdness??) but I have a sick kid home from school and I still haven't beaten my version of this illness. I spent some time dozing on the couch with him this morning. I'm currently trying to decide whether a bit of exercise will help this cold or make it worse.


School went well this morning despite the distraction of little brother at home.


Weather is a brisk 60 degrees and (finally!!) sunny again. I've been using my light box for over an hour a day just to try to keep my energy levels stable with the weeks and weeks of dark days. It was really a bit too cold for sandals today, but I wore them anyway out of sheer habit.


Reading: Driven to Distraction at Work to help me find some methods to counteract the ADHD-like symptoms that my children have given me (not to compare to true ADHD of course, but having kids with mega executive function challenges is really taxing my own executive function). Also listening to Rules of Betrayal and reading one of The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency books. I'm happy to be reading again. I didn't have time to touch a book in November and not reading is very bad for my mental health. :-)


Fig bars sound yummy!

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