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Parents of 12 year old girls - need gift ideas

Liz CA

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a purse - bright colors, maybe with fringe (which is what my 12yo dd asked for)

nail polish kits

bath accessories - body wash, poufs, lotion, bath salts - WalMart has packaged kits for sale this time of year



arts/crafts kits like knitting, needlepoint, etc. (not juvenile looking)


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If Angel Tree is for disadvantaged kids, she might not have access to a full bath but only a shower - so keep that in mind. (And certainly, she might have problems with scent!)


Nail polish is usually a fairly safe prospect. Makeup less so - even today, some families don't allow it for 12 year olds, where they're more likely to allow nail polish.


I'm inclined to say go with a craft kit and a pretty but not expensive necklace or purse, and probably a book as well (you knew I'd say that last one!).  If you can spend a little over budget, I'd also fold in a nice hat/gloves/scarf set, especially if you're in a colder area. It's surprising how many kids don't have adequate warm clothes.


A simple gift card is also nice for that age range, especially if she wasn't able to give a specific request of something she wants. If you go that route, I'd get a very inexpensive purse and tuck the gift card inside, along with a thing of nail polish or a necklace - something cute, fun, and inexpensive. For maximum utility, I'd just go with a Visa check card - she can use it online or in person on whatever she wants.

Edited by Tanaqui
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Fuzzy (preferably with prints) socks

purse (not old-lady looking, according to DD)

leggings in bright prints

hair chalk/temp hair dye in unnatural colors (blue, pink, purple, etc)

hair care supplies (nice brush, shampoo/conditioner, hair ties, headbands, etc)

lip gloss, mascara


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I have 12yo girls and would not get make up. Mine aren't interested and some may not be allowed to have it.


I'd get:


fuzzy cute socks


nice notebooks with pretty pens- those are always a hit with mine




headphones/ earbuds- chances are she has something to plug it into, but you could get an mp3 player to go with it.


adult coloring books with colored pencils


craft or science kits that are a little nicer with everything needed in them. 


a collection of diverse magazines


a mug w/ hot cocoa mix



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