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Cat Question


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We just got a new cat. We have two cats already that love each other. The new cat and our other cats are not getting along.


I think the cats that we had before would have gotten along with a new cat, but the new cat started hissing immediately, which is totally understandable.

They are all about the same age, 2. Right now we have the new cat in our girls' room set up with food, water, and litter box. She seems fine with the setup. She loves the undivided attention from the girls.

When she's taken out of the room she is terrified. I feel so bad for her.

Is there hope that these cats will ever get along?

Any advice in helping them?


ETA: We've had her since Nov. 9.




Edited by SquirrellyMama
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Don't know if you have ever seen My Cat from Hell.   The cat guy's name is Jackson Galaxy.  I know he's got a website and youtube videos on various topics.  Most of his tricks usually involve a combination of getting the new cat and established cat(s) eating near each other and possibly reconfiguring something to give all the cats a space/place to go (based on their personality/needs). 


I know that probably sounds complicated and not terribly specific.  But basically the gist is you want to have something positive associated when the cats are near each other such as getting treats, being fed, etc.  And you generally want to avoid a situation where one of the cats becomes separated so much from the others that they REALLY get into scuffs if around each other or one is too afraid to ever leave the safe space and then they can get rather weird about it.


Ideally you introduce them in a specific way, but you are beyond that.  You can still essentially introduce them though.  I recommend you watch some of his techniques for ideas (just google him).  I used some of the ideas when I got the second cat.  It did take probably a full year before they were totally tolerant of each other.  At first the established cat would just retreat outside and then things started getting worse and worse.  So I first stopped letting her out (I never liked letting her out anyway).  Things got a little nutty before they got better.  Now they can sit near each other and they are fine. 

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I will say we had 2 old cats and got 2 kittens last January.  One of our old cats tolerated the kittens well from the get go.  Unfortunately, that cat died of kidney issues in August.  The other cat so much did not like the kittens for the LONGEST time.  And over the last few months, the 14 year old cat will now play with and tolerate the kittens so much better.  They eat together and give each other baths.  They aren't the very best of friends but it's been very good for the older cat to have these 2 to keep him active and on his toes.  So if you're committed to all 3 cats, just be patient!  :)

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You're in very early days. It's way too soon to even think about worrying.


We adopted a cat years ago and it took her three months to decide to leave our master bathroom voluntarily (at least during the day--she may have come out at night). And she was an only cat at the time.



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