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A homeschool Thanksgiving funny....


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So, today, in front of my entire family my 6 yo insisted that "n" was not a letter. She was absolutely adamant about it, even when she could spell words with n in them! Later, she guesses a relatives age at 49 and then said "o, you'll be 51 next year." Well actually,there's a 50 in there first. So then of course I caught a lot of flack "who is this girl's teacher?!?!" Of course everyone laughed at me, but she thought they were laughing at her. So that was fun to deal with. My family is pretty unimpressed by our homeschooling at this point!

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It always figures they're like that. Monday she'll probably skip count forward and backwards by 3's or something random. That's when you want to shake them and say "why can't you do this in front of Grandma?!?"

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FYI, the WTM staff sent out a Thanksgiving email on Wednesday, with this excerpt:


We hope you enjoy the day, and that your children make you proud by loudly correcting the grammar or history of at least one guest.


Loving your examples of the opposite.  Hang in there. :)

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Ahh six year olds! They know everything. Mine will ask questions and if he doesn't agree with your answer he will tell the "correct" answer.

Lately he asks "is infinity a number?" No, I say. He responds with "yes it is". Then why do you ask me if you already "know" the answer! At least we get a laugh out of it.

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