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Oh my goodness....my son is a WRECK

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My Logie had his tonsils out on Wednesday. He was doing SO GOOD, even the nurses said that he was doing better than most kids recovering from tonsil surgery. We came home and things were going great. We had heard that days 3 and 4 are the worst, but figured since he was doing so well, maybe we'd dodge that bullet. HOLY CRAP....aparently we didn't! Something happened to my sweet recovering angel overnight and he is just a MESS! He wants up, then he wants down, then he wants a drink, then he throws it across the room, then he wants to eat, then he doesn't, then he wants Mommy, then he wants Daddy...ARUGH! OH, and today is also the day he decided he doesn't like diapers anymore.....he's been taking them off. Most days I'd be THRILLED about that...but today is not that day!


Please tell me, those of you who have been through this, that things get better!!!!

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I have heard that days 3 and 4 are the worst too. Is he taking his meds-- especially the pain killer. We had friends whose son had to readmit becasue he refused to take his meds. Hang in there dear. I hope you get the desired result from the surgery. :grouphug:


He takes his antibiotics no problem. The pain meds taste AWFUL, so those are a bit more challenging, but he eventually takes them. I am praying we don't have to re-admit! GAK! Thanks for the hugs :001_smile:

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My friend's 8 yo son had a really hard time with days 3 & 4, but was completely back to normal by day 7! We went to visit him on day 4 and he was so pathetic that my 15 ds spent the entire time entertaining him by making odd lego animals to distract him from the pain. It really hurt the 8 yo to talk. I could understand why Logan is acting out if his communication is reduced or painful, especially since his attempts to make himself feel better (i.e. drink, mommy, daddy) aren't working! Can you spend the day cuddled on the couch watching movies?


:grouphug: I will keep you and Logan in my prayers!

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Can you spend the day cuddled on the couch watching movies?


:grouphug: I will keep you and Logan in my prayers!


I would LOVE it if Logan wanted to spend the whole day cuddled in my arms and watching TV! :lol: But alas, he just screams and pushes us away. We pretty much are catering to his every whim today....thankfully the big boys feel bad for him and are willing to coddle his every wish and demand! ;) Let's just hope he doesn't get used to this!

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Poor boy. My ds had a hard time too. He was 5 and it was several days before he was back to himself. We still have a picture of both of us sleeping on the couch one afternoon during this time. We both look horrible. It will get better.

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I had mine out about 11 years ago and let me just say....the 3rd day is HORRIBLE!! I seriously was asking dh to put me out of my misery!!!!


((hugs))to you and your ds! it will get better, I promise! see if they can change his pain meds to something that tastes better and that works better for him.



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Thanks guys So far he's still a mess. This is the first time he's ever had to take meds via mouth....he's had a feeding tube his whole life until recently. So this new by meds medicine taking is new to all of us. DH finally just got him calmed down enough to take his meds and eat by putting him in the bath. I'm praying tomorrow is a better day!

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I had my tonsils out 6 yrs ago and it was pure torture. It was one of the worst pains I've experienced. (Including natural childbirth, and a hysterectomy... the hysterectomy was a walk in the park actually.) Day 3 and 4 were the worst, I totally agree. I wasnt completely pain free for 13 days, and I still felt pulling type pains with swallowing for an entire month. Cold wasnt as soothing for me as warm soup was. I got really dehydrated in the beginning from not eating or drinking... oh it was BAD.

Now my 2 older boys have both had theirs out and the oldest felt some pain. He wasn't eating, had a fever, and felt pretty yucky for a week. The second ds you'd never guess he had surgery besides the awful halitosis it gave him, and the raspy voice from being intubated.

Good luck, it's certainly no fun. I hope your little guy is back to normal soon. 3 yr olds are hard to deal with even when they are feeling well.

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